
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

Today after putting the radio back in its tray after an electric trim and stick grip installation ( Had to remove the center console to get access ) I powered the radio and it trasmit ok but I didn't have any reception and no sidetones when trasmitting...

I checked all the pins connections with a friend and we can't find the cause of the no reception...

In the SL-30 Set Up, we also checked in the Nav option, the Sidetone levels and it was ok.

Is there anyone here with an SL-30 who will kind enough to share how you wired it so that I can check if mine is wired properly.

Mine is used with a Flithcom 403MC intercom and the audios go thru an AP-60 Audio mixer so that I can get all the warnings from my Skyview..

That's the only thing holding me back from flying so I can't wait to get it fix.

Thank you

[email protected]
No reception/Sidetones

Hi Bob

So far , I didn't connect the Nav Audio due to the fact that it created noise for some reasons but will connect it today and try it out and see what I get.


Odds are it?s a wiring issue. If you know someone who has a working SL-30, swap radios and see what happens.
Nav audio has no squelch. Noise should go away if you turn down the volume.
Side tones

Hi Bob

I reconnected the Nav and Ground Audio (Pin 20-23) and I still don?t have reception. The Transmit is loud and clear

I will recheck all the wiring and see what I find


Well, here’s what I would do:
Pull the radio and inspect the com audio out pin (as well as audio ground, if there is one) and make sure they’re not bent.
Re-insert the radio in the tray, make sure it’s fully seated. Still no audio?
Disconnect the connector on the back, use a pin puller to remove the com audio out pin. Crimp a new 5’ wire to a new pin, insert it into the connector, re-attach the connector to the radio. Strip a bit off the end of the wire, and use an alligator clip tp attach it to the tip of your headphone plug. Use a pair of alligator clips to run a wire from ground to the barrel of the headphone plug. Does it work now? If yes, the problem is in the wiring downstream. If no, the radio has a problem.
Edit. Audio is pin 14, audio ground is pin 13, smaller connector.
Make certain the rack is flush with, or slightly extending beyond, the front panel. The back of the front panel of the radio should touch the rack when inserted. If it does not, the pins may not engage properly.
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Hi Bob

Well, we finally got it to work after going thru every pin and wires there was...

The radio had been originally wired by an avionics shop and worked until now.Following a few changes in the installation of my new Infinity stick grip (added the flip/flop option on the stick and few other things ) the radio stop working.

It turned out that up to now, I had been using Mic 2 on the radio vs Mic 1 which wasn't wired at all. Pin 14 was going thru the Audio Mixer, Pin 7-8 weren't wired etc...

How it worked I don't know but it did.

So I re-wired everything the way it should be and it worked as advertised

I will finalised the installation of a noise filter tomorrow and I should be good to go after that.

Thank you very much for your inputs Bob, it is very appreciated.

