
Hi all

I would really appreciate a little help. I have recently received my Engine and Avionics kit. My fuselage kit is a 2009 one so has the wiring for the old D180 system. I have read and re-read the original instructions and the new section 42 and am getting in a right muddle.

If you have recently gone through the same conversion to the Skyview system, I would really appreciate a talkthrough, either in written form, or I can call you. I think that once I have the basics in my head, I will be able to work out the rest.

Any help and advice much appreciated.

Birmingham, England.
I went through "a right muddle" myself with the conversion - months of muddling.

If I had it to do all over, and this is what I recommend - rip out the old wiring - should only take a few hours; buy the wiring from Vans for the all new SV installation; then install it all as if a new-build with SV.

The extra money you will spend is modest and will save you many hours of hair pulling.

Bob Bogash
We were the 2nd or 3rd to go thru the conversion process for skyview. The plans are really straightforward, there were a couple places that were seemed a bit confusing bit I think the newer revisions are better. BILL H had put together a nice write up on the process. Maybe he can put the link up for that.

My advice, follow the plans, have the plane opened up to actually look at what is there rather than just reading the plans. Don't overthink it too much. I do recall pulling out some wires used by the D-180 and not skyview. That freed up some room in the tunnel for skyview stuff.

I may have some pictures if you want to PM me your email
I'm with NASA515 on this one. If you haven't started the old wiring, or even if you have, pull it out and order the normal Skyview wiring. It will cost some money but save you a lot of aggravation and uncertainty. The conversion instructions were written for someone who had already installed the full D180 wiring. Vans did a very good job on the instructions, but they are not easy to follow if you haven't already completed the old wiring. You will finish up with a quicker, neater and more reliable installation if you go with latest Skyview wiring.
And here is yet another "been there done that" recommendation to rip out the D180 stuff and go with a new harness. I am STILL trying to solve some of the conversion instruction problems. You will also eliminate many yards of wiring and a handful of connectors as well. In my opinion, the Skyview RV12 has plenty of wires as it is, you don't need more from the conversion harness!
Hi all

I would really appreciate a little help. I have recently received my Engine and Avionics kit. My fuselage kit is a 2009 one so has the wiring for the old D180 system. I have read and re-read the original instructions and the new section 42 and am getting in a right muddle.

If you have recently gone through the same conversion to the Skyview system, I would really appreciate a talkthrough, either in written form, or I can call you. I think that once I have the basics in my head, I will be able to work out the rest.

Any help and advice much appreciated.

Birmingham, England.

Anthony here is the link for Bills Thread that details all his problems with the install of the Skyview with the conversion Harness. It is 15 pages long. Sart at the begining and read from there. Good Luck:rolleyes:
sky view convesion

I'm with NASA515! I asked about it and was talked out of it by Van's. I'm a year or so later and it is still giving me fits. If it ever works I will be totally surprised.
Don't expect a lot of help from Van's, their just guessing, as well.
Hi all

Thanks so much all for your help and advice with this. I have looked at the threads written by both Bill_H and Bill_R and have reviewed all of the other replies. I did email Vans and asked for a price to upgrade the whole loom to the new speck. This will be over $800! I'm therefore not taking this option and will have a good bash at the wiring this weekend and will see how I get on. If I can get 80% done! then maybe I can pick your collective brains if I get stuck with the final 20%.

Here's to a productive weekend!

Well, a weekend should be enough to make a small start. Don't say you weren't warned. :D
Vans have a wiring diagram on their website that you should download. You will find it useful to refer to when trying to figure out some of the wiring. If you PM me your email address I can send you a pdf version. Basically what you need to do is start installing the D180 wiring while at the same time reading ahead in the conversion wiring plans and the D1000 plans to see what you have to do and change along the way. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? However, you will spend a lot of time turning pages and reading back and forth to make sure you understand what has to be done and that you have followed all the steps correctly and haven't missed anything. If you're not installing ADSB, it might be an idea to follow Bill's advice and pull out those 4 un-used wires as the tunnel gets busy, although Vans have now increased the size of the system blocks so it may be less of a problem than when I did mine. It's also helpful to have a set of the current Skyview installation drawings handy for reference - Section 31B. Contact Vans and they should be able to email you a copy. Also note this thread for a couple of intercom wires you will want to check:
It IS possible. Good luck! ;)
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I had the D180 wiring and received with Skyview the conversion harness. I was less than pleased with having the extra harness with the associated extra DSUBs. I chose to eliminate the conversion harness by repining the wiring to match the later schematic. I was relieved to get that conversion harness mess out of the bay leaving much more room to integrate the EAB systems into Skyview/Vans wiring. I suggest if you do not have the latest radio rear supports that you install those. They allow for much more convenient wiring. I used the wires in tunnel for ADSB which is mounted behind the rear bulkhead which also eliminates the need to route another coax through the tunnel. Build on! You can do it!