
I'm New Here
I went to Van's office at Aurora yesterday and asked for Demo ride with RV-12. They told me that, they are changing the avionics to Skyview in the Demo RV-12. So they asked me to come after Arlington fly-in and before Oshkosh (They are not sure if they are taking the RV-12 though). Thought of updating here, since lot of people interested in it.
Is it the S-LSA (red plane) you are talking about? This is the plane used for transition training by Mike Seager with whom I plan to take lessons soon.
Frog, I am scheduled in August to fly with Mike. I am somewhat disappointed that they are changing it. I was hoping to get up to speed on the first generation panel, which I have. I might have to re-think this after hearing this.
Frog, I am scheduled in August to fly with Mike. I am somewhat disappointed that they are changing it. I was hoping to get up to speed on the first generation panel, which I have. I might have to re-think this after hearing this.

I would not worry about the version of the glass cockpit. The main point of the transition training is getting used to the flying characteristics of the RV-12 (low drag, light controls, etc). I have been trained in a high drag, steam gauges plane and I appreciate the opportunity to train on the Skyview in addition but I would not mind the old version which is also a glass cockpit after all.
I agree that the Skyview really won't make much difference. I did the transition training with Mike. Most of the time he had me looking outside the cockpit and working on learning to basic flight maneuvers.
We are flying up to Arlington on the 5th (RV-10), talked to the factory and they said to stop buy on the way up (from KFFZ) they may have the panel upgrade done by then , they are aiming to have it at Arlington of course "the best laid plans..."
I went to Van's office at Aurora yesterday and asked for Demo ride with RV-12. They told me that, they are changing the avionics to Skyview in the Demo RV-12.

I saw a red RV-12 at EAA 105's breakfast this morning at Stark's Twin Oaks. Before he left, Ken Kruger gave RV-12 builder/RV-7 flyer, Jim Ashford, an impromptu Skyview demo. Dual 10-inch Skyviews even!


Looking good! And no separate GPS. I cannot quite understand why it is said you need a separate GPS with the skyview. And can anyone identify that radio?
SkyView GPS

Don the GPS is built into the Skyview.........just plug the SV GPS Aerial into it..!! GPS / Auto Pilot all build in..!
Why seperate GPS


Actually, there is no need for a seperate GPS with Skyview. For the time being, Skyview does not display XM weather. This is just a suggestion for those of us who are upgrading from the D180 configuration and have become reliant on the in-cockpit weather.
Don't get to excited they tell me its still 2 months out. That will make close to 6 months of waiting for me with the warrenty running on engine and 60k sitting there.:(
Makes sense...

Don't get to excited they tell me its still 2 months out. That will make close to 6 months of waiting for me with the warrenty running on engine and 60k sitting there.:(

... I mean the 2 months (not the 6 months!). After a functional prototype is developped there is still lots of work to do: installation instructions, retrofit procedures, new parts production set-up... and of course recertification. You may even argue that it's a short 2 months to get all this accomplished (I suspect they have already started on some of these tasks)