
Well Known Member
I am pretty happy with the traffic feature on Skyview, mostly useful when I fly in the vicinity of Class C airports. I know that ADS-B also provides traffic information in addition to live weather. Regarding traffic, what difference is there between Skyview and ADS-B? I assume that both rely on the transponder's mode S capabilities (or not?).
Mixed terminology: Skyview is a box made by Dynon. It displays weather and traffic sent by the FAA's ADSB system. To get weather and traffic your Dynon has an ADSB receiver, called ADSB-in. The mode S-ES is the other part, ADSB-out. You need the out to get complete traffic info out of the ADSB system.
I also though John-Pierre goofed up terminolgy.
However I believe he is refering to either TIS-B or ADS-B.
I think my transponder gives me TIS-B, my ADS-B gives me weather and ADS-B traffic. (and I think TIS-A traffic)
I don't know the answer but I think the ADS-B gives much better traffic plus weather.
Also allows you to receive traffic from another aircraft when you are not in the radar enviroment.
Ah, that makes sense. The ADSB-in uplink has two parts, TIS (traffic) and FIS (flight information, like weather and TFRs). There are two uplink frequencies, one the transponder frequency, and a new, "UAT" frequency, at 987 MHz (or is it 978?). Weather (FIS) is only sent on UAT frequency; traffic is sent on both.
Now years ago, to lure pilots to adopt mode S transponders, the FAA began sending traffic (TIS) up to mode S transponders. But the system was never fully implemented, so you may get this version of TIS when near some radar sites, but not others.
Still a bit of mixed terminology:

SkyView can get Traffic two ways in the USA:

TIS-A: This is built into the Mode-S transponder we sell (and some non-Dynon transponders). This has nothing to do with ADS-B. This only works if the ground radar that is painting you is also a TIS radar. This is most Class B and C radars, but not all. This can give you up to 8 aircraft threats and prioritizes the ones that are the highest threat to you. This can uplink Mode-A, Mode-C, and Mode-S targets to you.

All RV-12's with SkyView have the Dynon transponder, so they all have TIS-A capibility.

ADS-B: The overall set of ADS-B contains three traffic services. ADS-B is direct air-to air, ADS-R is the ground station repeating ADS-B traffic for you if needed, and TIS-B is the same as TIS-A, but using ADS-B frequencies. TIS-B is where ADS-B uplinks traffic that isn't ADS-B out equipped.

In the end, if you have TIS-A service via your transponder, you aren't going to see more traffic threats with ADS-B. You can see planes farther out, but that's long before they are an issue. The main advantage of ADS-B is you get traffic everywhere, not just in the dense Class B/C areas.
I really like the traffic info but I seem to be getting an occasional "ghost" signal of myself sometimes.
Traffic displayed is at my altitude and direction and my position, any thoughts how I can filter that out? Its a little disconcerting until I confirm I'm not on top or beneath another aircraft :)
Thank you Dynon, your answer clarifies the differences between the traffic I see now on Skyview with TIS-A and what I can expect with ADS-B traffic when/if I install ADS-B. The terminology clarification will help too, we definitely need an "ADS-B for Dummies" manual!
I really like the traffic info but I seem to be getting an occasional "ghost" signal of myself sometimes.
Traffic displayed is at my altitude and direction and my position, any thoughts how I can filter that out? Its a little disconcerting until I confirm I'm not on top or beneath another aircraft :)

Generally speaking, your display (Dynon, AFS, GRT, etc) should know your N number, and not show uplinked traffic with your N number. The problem is, if you do not have ADSB-out (or your -out is not yet linked to a ground station) but a radar site is picking you up, and someone nearby triggers the traffic uplink, it will send "you" but with no N number, since it doesn't know who you are. In that case you'll see yourself. Some of the iPad programs have no filtering, you may just see yourself, not sure if you can filter yourself out or not.
I use a Dual170 ADS-B receiver and get a slight difference between my GPS position icon and my ADS-R symbol on WingX with my IPad. First time I saw it, it got my attention! :D