
Well Known Member
I've been thinking of moving from the Skyview to the HDX. There were some negative comments regarding glare off of the HDX glossy screen. I looked at it in person at Oshkosh this year, and I think I am okay with that, and ready to make the change. My other option would be to add a second screen for easier viewing from both seats, but a new Tough is 4000 dollars I know that some have gone that route. I understand that you can't mix Skyview Touch and HDX. Any thoughts? Anyway, my Skyview Touch is still under warranty until May 2018. If anyone would be interested in adding a second screen, I will sell mine for 3200 delivered. Jut send a private message or email: tomscub at gmail dot com.

What is the value in upgrading other than the little ledge for the controls? I played with one at Oshkosh and asked the technicians and other than the ledge and an slightly upgraded processor and screen you have the same functionality.

Adding a second screen is not necessary but once you have it you would never go back. Instruments for copilot, redundancy and my favorite is to maintain situation awareness for navigation, weather and traffic when you are searching airports and weather in text mode on your primary screen. I normally display map view with weather zoomed out on secondary and no weather zoomed in on a portion of primary.
What is the value in upgrading other than the little ledge for the controls? I played with one at Oshkosh and asked the technicians and other than the ledge and an slightly upgraded processor and screen you have the same functionality.


One major difference with the HDX seems to be the alternative multi-display option with the engine stuff along the bottom of the screen instead of a vertical 20% split.

It does look easier to read when in the EFIS/EMS/MAP display mode.
What is the value in upgrading other than the little ledge for the controls? I played with one at Oshkosh and asked the technicians and other than the ledge and an slightly upgraded processor and screen you have the same functionality.

Adding a second screen is not necessary but once you have it you would never go back. Instruments for copilot, redundancy and my favorite is to maintain situation awareness for navigation, weather and traffic when you are searching airports and weather in text mode on your primary screen. I normally display map view with weather zoomed out on secondary and no weather zoomed in on a portion of primary.

Yeah Scott, thanks for your thoughts, and you may well be right. Probably given the choice, and all things being equal, I would think that dual D1000T screens would beat a single HDX any day. Of course the cost goes up significantly as well. The HDX does come with a few more bells and whistles, but nothing earth shattering. Then why?? I guess the big things for me is the slightly brighter screen, slightly better character definition, and sharpness, and less washout from the sun. Reflection can be an issue with light colored apparel, but the canopy shade should help. The final deciding factor is the fact that the D1000T is probably at the end of it's software development life cycle, whereas the HDX is probably nearer the beginning. Time will tell, because I have gone ahead and done it. My D1000T has already sold, and I will place my HDX order today.


Why do you think Skyview is at the end of the software cycle and HDX near the start?


Why do you think Skyview is at the end of the software cycle and HDX near the start?


My guess is that with the release of the HDX, and the price structure, new buyers are more likely to select the HDX over the D1000T, particularly since they have eliminated the $500 fee for lifetime updates on the HDX. That being the case, I would think that Dynon would put more development effort into the HDX. I'm sure that some future features may well be compatible between the two, but I'm not sure where that will end. I certainly could be wrong about all of this, especially if HDX sales fall flat, which I think is unlikely. Just my opinion here, and I may well be way off in my thinking.......Tom
Pepsi vs Coca Cola

I borrowed a 10″ HDX screen to try in our two airplanes. The reflections from the HDX are quite apparent inside the RV-12's bubble canopy even with the overhead sunscreen. Brightness seems similar with both specified at 1350 nits although the colors and sharpness of the HDX are a bit better. When looked at from the right seat, where I fly when my wife and I are alternating legs, I felt that the side view of the HDX was not as good.

In my RV-10 panel, which is cut and wired, the HDX bottom shelf interferes with the row of toggle switches underneath, offsetting the "drop in" claim.

Functionally the HDX does not differ from the 10″ SkyView touch, but the user interface does. Some will like the large icons. They cover the map when inputting and thus you lose traffic targets, which is a negative for me. The engine band at the bottom appeals to some. These facets are personal taste issues (see subtitle).

Dynon has an excellent history of supporting older products. In fact the 13 year-old D10A is now being sold for certified airplanes!

We decided to stay with our SV touch displays.
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I've flown in two RV-12's prior to HDX offering, then waited for HDX when I finished my plane last spring.

I personally prefer the sharpness of the HDX, the engine layout at the bottom, and the large buttons. The tilted bezel is quite helpful also.

I'm happy with my HDX!
I've flown in two RV-12's prior to HDX offering, then waited for HDX when I finished my plane last spring.

I personally prefer the sharpness of the HDX, the engine layout at the bottom, and the large buttons. The tilted bezel is quite helpful also.

I'm happy with my HDX!

Thanks for the encouraging words. It was a hard decision, but I decided to make the move based primarily on how much these old eye will appreciate the reduced sun washout that I have with my D1000T. So I guess it's just a matter of different strokes for different folks...........Tom