Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
In the last two days I have seen four times when the TIS, which is served by ADS-B in my Skyview, reported airplanes at "00" difference in altitude and right on top of my own airplane symbol on the screen.

I used to have a TIS in my Bonanza that did that when the transponder antenna was dirty from exhaust. But my RV12s belly is squeaky clean.

Have you seen this and, if so, what have you done about it.

I really hate it (!!!) when the nice little girl's voice yells "TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC" and their ain't nothin' there.

Saw this too

I've seen this similar issue a handfull of times in -12 with the same setup. Happened leaving Oshkosh airspace as soon as I turned the transponder from standby to on. Phantom aircraft stayed with me for several minutes and I chocked it up to the ADSB system being overloaded.

I've had this pop up from time to time here in NJ as well and I think I captured a screen image on one occasion that I've been planning to send to Dynon for comment. Not frequent, but worth understanding better. Might be anacdotal, but it seems to occur more often when I'm doing a steep turn rather than in simple cruise flight.

Curious if others have seen the same thing.
On both times this has happened I have been straight and level but near the airport......lotsa training activity here in Southern Goofafornia. The ADS-B might be "overloaded" but you would think the danged gummint would allow for that kinda stuff in an airspace that has more Class B than anything else.

Sometimes the Freeflight ADS-B in my Cherokee shows a ghost, but it seems to occur around heavy traffic areas shortly after takeoff and usually lasts less than a minute.
In the last two days I have seen four times when the TIS, which is served by ADS-B in my Skyview, reported airplanes at "00" difference in altitude and right on top of my own airplane symbol on the screen.

I used to have a TIS in my Bonanza that did that when the transponder antenna was dirty from exhaust. But my RV12s belly is squeaky clean.

Have you seen this and, if so, what have you done about it.

I really hate it (!!!) when the nice little girl's voice yells "TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC" and their ain't nothin' there.


I suspect you're seeing a ghost of your own aircraft. Double check all your settings.
I have one area NE of Tucson where I do get these ghost airplanes quite frequently. Not sure if it's related to reflections from mountains or something like that but it sure scared the heck out of me the first few times before I saw the pattern (and not seeing the ghost despite extensive weaving ... ;-)
My ghost usually pops up out of thin air without seeing it approach from afar as you'd expect.
In the last two days I have seen four times when the TIS, which is served by ADS-B in my Skyview, reported airplanes at "00" difference in altitude and right on top of my own airplane symbol on the screen.

I used to have a TIS in my Bonanza that did that when the transponder antenna was dirty from exhaust. But my RV12s belly is squeaky clean.

Have you seen this and, if so, what have you done about it.

I really hate it (!!!) when the nice little girl's voice yells "TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC" and their ain't nothin' there.


The answer to your question is it happens all the time. And it is a reflection of your airplane you are seeing. Weather it's a function of the ATC computer or a function of the installed unit is unknown at this time. Maybe a tech rep from Dynon or Garmin will speak to the problem. But I have seen it in 3 different Dynon installed RV12s I have been giving instruction in. In regards to Skyview maybe Dynon can implement a future software update to ignore these reflections.:cool:
I have a SkyRadar unit and it shows this all the time. All the time that I am seeing traffic which, since I am ADS-B IN only, happens when someone else triggers the broadcast.

If you think about it the TIS broadcast is for all traffic seen which includes data generated via ATC Mode C radars. Only way you would NOT see this is if your display device had an algorithm to remove the target right over your position which would be hard to devise that would not also eliminate a true collision threat also over your position so I suspect designers just don't bother to attempt to remove it as a safety feature.

Now if you were ADS-B out that target could have your N Number and an algorithm could remove that.

That is all speculation but seems to fit the facts as I know them.
It's a reflection of your own signal. I get it when I fly close to mountains or clouds. Happens occasionally but not enough to be bothersome.

First time I saw it I tried to check my six to make sure it wasn't a Blackhawk helicopter!:eek:
Just a data point: This ghosting happens occasionally on our GRT Horizon HXr/SkyRadar/Trig TT-22 ADS-B in/out set up, too.

BTW: There's quite a lively discussion of this (and all other aspects of ADS-B) over on Pilots of America.
I think Skyview in the RV12 has ADS-B OUT because that is what triggers the TIS and ADS-B IN...I think. Maybe somebody can clear that up.
I saw this same thing happen twice while coming / going to OSH as we passed KEVA. At first it scares you silly thinking you have traffic right on top of you, until you realize its an ADSB reflection of your acft (at least you hope it is). We were IFR and asked ATC if they were seeing traffic close to us, there wasn't any. The ghost acft stayed with us for about 15 mins then disappeared the farther we flew away from KEVA. What is scarier, what will happen when there really is another acft close to me, how will I know if its real or a ghost? We also had a huge thunderstorm show up while passing Ft. Campbell, KY....but it was CAVU. Passing KCMI, we had a SW B-737 descending, fly right by us within a mile, with ATC coordination. It did not show up on our ADSB. Going past Chicago, I would have thought I would see a bunch or targets from the airliners coming and going, I saw none. I discussed this issue while at OSH, checked our transponder and ADSB antenna, both were clean. Give it time, ADSB will eventually become an excellent system.
On my way to OSH in my Cherokee I watched a regional jet out of Omaha pass about 1000 feet above me within a mile and never saw it on my Freeflight ADS-B system. It sounds like the issues are more to do with the way ADS works than the particular brand. BTW my system is IN and OUT using a mini IPad with WINGX Pro for display via a WiFi module.