
Well Known Member
Hi all

I am at the stage in my RV6 build where I am getting ready to order instruments. I have already made the decision to go for glass and am leaning heavily toward the Dynon Skyview having been impressed with the info and video I have seen to date. I am now looking for some down to earth customer reviews from those who have had some flight time behind these and comparable types of units.

Does it perform as you expected?
Any issues with software that were not easily resolved?
Any promises re delivery, back-up, etc made by Dynon that weren't kept?
If you were starting over, would you select Dynon again or has it been one of those 'never again' experiences?
Any thoughts on other brands out there that you consider may be better value than Dynon?

It's a big chunk of change to spend in one go, especially with exchange rate and shipping to this part of the world so I want to be as sure as I can that I am making the right decision. All thoughts and advice would be gratefully received.

Clive Whittfield
New Zealand
RV6 (very) slow build
I love my SkyView. There's no question that I would go with SkyView if I started over. Yes, they are a little slow with the upgrades. Many of us are axiously awaiting the comm functions. But, I really think it's the best "bang for the buck" on the market.
I've been following the Skyview ever since its announcement, and I agree it seems like a great system. My only concern is that they have started charging for software feature additions, such as the Vertical Power software, whereas every other EFIS vendor offers these features at no additional charge. My concern is that they've started down the road of nickel-and-diming for every additional software feature which can be a little annoying and the costs can add up quickly. If they've done it with this one, they are likely to do it with other software feature additions as well.

I'm on the fence between the Skyview and the GRT EFIS, but am now leaning towards the GRT because of this.

This is not true. Other EFIS makers also charge extra for certain features.

The reason they do this is to keep the overall cost for the masses lower. If I want a plain Jane system, why should I have to pay for all the specialized features?

I would rather have a base price with 15 addons that I can pick and choose from rather than having a larger starting price and have 10 features I will never use.

Why would someone that does not have a VP unit in their plane want/need to pay for the specialized VP interface and the cost associated with developing it?

I think you will find that Dynon will make features that are usable by the masses free and included in the base price but stuff like the VP integration they will charge for since it is more of a specialized feature that not everyone will need or want.
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I've been following the Skyview ever since its announcement, and I agree it seems like a great system. My only concern is that they have started charging for software feature additions, such as the Vertical Power software, whereas every other EFIS vendor offers these features at no additional charge. My concern is that they've started down the road of nickel-and-diming for every additional software feature which can be a little annoying and the costs can add up quickly. If they've done it with this one, they are likely to do it with other software feature additions as well.

They may charge extra for those features, but if you were to look at prices compared to other manufactures with the same features, they are very comparable, and if you just want the basic setup without the add-ons then you can get that for cheaper.
Why would someone that does not have a VP unit in their plane want/need to pay for the specialized VP interface and the cost associated with developing it?

We aren't talking about any additional hardware. The VP simply uses one of the existing connections to the EFIS. And yes, I understand that it takes time and money to develop software.

My point was that none of the other EFIS manufacturers charge for this feature. As an example, GRT is adding features on a regular basis, some of which I'm sure you or I might not use, but they aren't charging anything for it either. They do it so they can stay competitive in the market.

Like I said, I think the Skyview is a great system, I'm just concerned that Dynon is starting down that path to where they are going to start charging for every separate feature they add to it, and that is a major negative in my opinion. Your mileage may differ, but I think it is important that anyone considering a Dynon system is at least made aware of the situation so they can make an informed decision.

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I only have 7 hours on it, but it is amazing. The amount of info is mind boggling going from old cessna. G meter, synthetic vision, winds, angle of attack..fuel flow, lop, pk, rop, alarms...love it. Just takes time to figure it all out.

For the money its excellent. Just need the voice alerts added and I would be extra happy.
This is not true. Other EFIS makers also charge extra for certain features.

I have never been charged a penny for any extra function, new regular updated nav data base or software upgarade from GRT.

FWIW and without any intent to say any thing negative about Dynon, I have flown behind Dynon and GRT and if I was going to build again, I would certainly go with GRT, specially if the intend is to build it as IFR.