
Well Known Member
I am going to install a Dynon Skyview System with two 7" displays in my RV-7. The screens are switched on with the avionics master switch as there is no on-off switch as far as I know. But during engine start I want the avionics off - just one screen on with engine display. Could I use the backup battery for this somehow?
How did you Skyview guys wire the screens?
There is definitly a switch on the Skyviews. I have two and I have one come on with the engine monitor. It comes on with the master switch. After engine starts up the second screen comes on via the avionics master. I rarely switch the units on or off with their switch and I believe it's the first button on the bottom. The manual will show which button will function as the on/off switch. You can also use the Skyview back up battery for this also.
PS also a Supercub driver here, along with an RV-10. I've got Dynon in both AC and love them.
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So I missed something when reading the manual. Found it now it?s button 1 for on-off.
So before engine start I would press button 1 on the screen with the backup battery and the screen should light up - right?
SV Pwr switch

Yes the left most menu button is the power switch on the SV panel. Press and hold a few seconds and it'll boot on the B/U battery (if installed). You can also turn a display off with this button or just power off your master or avionics master and it will power down itself after about 30 seconds.

I have a 2 screen Skyview. My start-up procedure is to boot the pilot EFIS from the back-up battery prior to engine start. (I don't have a back-up battery for the second EFIS). After engine is running I turn on avionics/EFIS power and the pilot EFIS changes to aircraft power and #2 EFIS boots up.
I set it up this way for 2 reasons.
1. I understand that it is OK to have Skyview on at engine start, but have heard of Skyview EFIS's rebooting on start-up due to a voltage change. This procedure eliminates this.
2. This is a good way to check the back-up battery prior to engine start.
Might consider installing an oil pressure light. I did and am very content starting the engine before the EFIS boots up. I now have a low oil pressure, an alternator charge light and just added a boost pump on light. Us old guys need all the help we can get. :)
Just as a note, it is fine to have the SkyView system running on the aircraft power during engine crank, so if other people have it wired that way, it's fine. Many people have SkyView on the master switch, so it comes on with that, and only other avionics on the avionics switch. We designed SkyView to be able to survive any voltage spikes or dips.

If the system does reboot during engine crank, this is because it doesn't have a backup battery and the voltage got below 5V. In normal operation without a battery, the screen dims during engine crank and then comes right back when you let go of the starter.
Very good inputs on this. I like the way HT1 does it, I will have a backup battery too on the left Skyview screen and have it wired to the avionics master otherwise. Also an oil pressure warning light makes sense to me - and not only for startup. There is however the possibility to have the Skyview system warn you of low oil pressure, although this only makes sense to me when the engine and Skyview is running already.
I suggest you speak with TCW about your set up. They are extremely knowledgeable and have several possible solutions to allow your system to be on while cranking.
I have a G900X in my -10 and had to buy several pieces of EXPENSIVE and heavy electronics for the 900 but now TCW has items that weigh and cost 1/20th of the Garmin stuff and work as good or better.
I used them for my G3X panel on the new 8A. Good stuff.
Better to plan now than add later.
