
Well Known Member
I am still running version 7 while current Skyview version is 12 and I am wondering if I can load directly version 12 or should I upgrade first to version 10, the version that followed version 7? (I also wonder if Dynon is using a base 7 numeric system :)). The funny part of the story is that I was waiting for feed-back from RV-12 folks on version 10 and here I am on my way to waiting feed back on version 12 :rolleyes:... not that I am unhappy about version 7.
Of course I am still using Windows 7 too and happy with it :D
You can go directly to Version 12. I have generally waited a bit when new releases come out; sometimes there is a very quick bug fix update. V12 hasn't seemed to need that.

EDITED: Whoops! Just saw where 12.2 is out!
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