
Well Known Member
I have a little confusion issue with the latest SV11.1 update. About 2 week ago, I downloaded, and installed the Skyview 11.1 US Package dated Oct 22, from Dynon. Everything seems to work just fine. Now, I get an email from Van's that says to download and install the file 12-SV11.1-pre-sets, dated 10-31. So, is that a Van's product, or is that a Dynon product, and do I need to install it as well?? Did anyone else install the update from Dynon, as I did. Also, should I not be installing Dynon software updates, but wait for notifications, and updates from Van's?? Very confusing to say the least.

I have a little confusion issue with the latest SV11.1 update. About 2 week ago, I downloaded, and installed the Skyview 11.1 US Package dated Oct 22, from Dynon. Everything seems to work just fine. Now, I get an email from Van's that says to download and install the file 12-SV11.1-pre-sets, dated 10-31. So, is that a Van's product, or is that a Dynon product, and do I need to install it as well?? Did anyone else install the update from Dynon, as I did. Also, should I not be installing Dynon software updates, but wait for notifications, and updates from Van's?? Very confusing to say the least.


Because Vans certified the SlSA and ElSA with a certain Skyview setup they have to post and certify the update to satisfy the FAA, hence the words Pre-Sets. (Maybe Scott could tell us what they are?) It would probably be best from here on out for all owners who have SLSA and ELSA RV12s to wait a little longer after each Dynon update until Vans post it on their web site.;) This way if there was an error that applied to the Pre-Sets then Vans would catch it before you installed it and caused a problem to your system.:mad: My crystal ball tells me that Vans is very busy these days and there will always be some lag time for testing after each Dynon release before they are able to post them as each update comes out. Since yours is working fine I wouldn't worry about it this time. Fly and have fun before winter socks you in.:)
I installed two weeks ago the Dynon only version and, although it worked I found the following issues while test flying (this may be not all issues as I made just a brief flight and have not flown since)
- I did not get the usual color segments on the RPM dial and I missed the green that limits rpm until the oil temp is 122 at which time the green extend to normal limits
- I got warning messages about the canopy lock detection which is not yet installed
I have since downloaded the VANs file which hopefully will solve this once installed. I also understand that VANs file will reset some set-up values that deviate from the standard set-up, particularly for the Autopilot, VANs warns about it on their download page.
I guess, since I have built as EAB, it is not a big issue. I missed the fact that some instrument color marking are missing, but I did not get the canopy warning. I really didn't intend to install the canopy safety switch anyway. I did call and talk with Ken about it, but he wasn't sure of any of the differences between the Dynon release, and the Van's release. All of that said, I can't see a problem with overlaying Van's release. That should eliminate any issues that the Dynon install may have caused.

Thanks for your thoughts............Tom
John and Jean-Pierre's posts explain exactly why Van's recommends that all RV-12 owners wait to do software updates, until the file with presets is posted on the Van's website.
The version that gets posted will have been tested and should provide a continuity of the EFIS and EMS configurations specific to the RV-12.
Unfortunately, Dynon doesn't usually do an advanced release to OEM's (Van's Aircraft at least) of more than a couple days before they do a public release, so there will always be a couple week delay.
The 12 SV11.1-pre-sets etc etc file IS now available on the Vans site.

I would concur that Vans has told me to wait till they have checked for bugs which might apply to the RV-12 before downloading. Better to download from them once they've done this.

There are some other 12-SV pre-set files etc etc on the Vans download section but I'm assuming with dates from this past April that they're already installed on my SLSA which was delivered in July.

Gus at Vans told me that once they've made settings to the software for the 12 it's better to install their version so as not to undo any settings you might have made. This may be the case for some posters here who are reporting anomalies?
I have an ELSA. I have tweaked my engine pages layout. I have tuned my autopilot. My gauges work fine. Why would I ever load the VANs file again with default settings that do not correspond to my mods? Seems like I would overwrite them.

New software releases from Dynon do not override those kinds of settings. It is the Dynon "I have a Rotax engine" setting, for example, that governs the behavior of the RPM gauge as ranges coupled with oil temp, not some special Code from Vans. Obviously you want to start out with the default Vans settings. My Skyview as shipped from Vans had been loaded with them.
I am confused! I built my RV-12 ELSA incorporating Van's factory-supplied Dynon SV/RV-12 programing package. Over the 90 hours I have flown the aircraft since it's first-flight in March '14, I have tweaked the autopilot settings to my preference and religiously incorporated all of Dynon's programming upgrades via Dynon's main download site. Is there any reason why I should now be using Van's factory download site for all of my Dynon updates??? What advantage is there in doing this for me?

Sounds like I agree with Bill H.
I think the answer may be that you can download from Dynon and tweak your software to suit your own particular RV-12 or you can download from Vans and they've already done it…as far as the RV-12 anyway.
Another idea - you should always be backing up your Skyview configuration before a software update or after you make a modification. Do that, then do the Skyview software update, then reload your pre-update config backup.
Is there any reason why I should now be using Van's factory download site for all of my Dynon updates??? What advantage is there in doing this for me?

There are RV-12 specific functions in the file available on the Van's web site (canopy latch status indicator as an example).
None of these RV-12 specific functions will ever be present in the files available via download direct from Dynon.
Yes, but if you have not installed the canopy latch, and the new Vans file configures that particular switch input on the EMS, you will get an erroneous warning.

You might think - if I add the canopy latch and/or the ADSB module do I have to load the Vans file and maybe mess other things up? No, it is simple to tell the Skyview it has ADSB attached and to duplicate that canopy latch alarm functionality without loading the Vans file.

I recently updated to 11.0, then today updated from 11.0 to 11.1.

I have never loaded the Vans configuration file that recently began to be made available, only having the original Vans file that came pre-loaded in my Skyview and proceeding from there (through MANY Dynon updates and some customization, all with no issues.)

None of my Dynon-supplied updates have changed my engine type from 912 to "other", including today. So if that is happening it is either a change that was inadvertently done manually by the user, or is an error in the Van's configuration file.

The update to 11.0 took much longer than this update to 11.1.
The update to 11.0 also included separately updating a hi-res North America file (2.5 gigabytes). That step took about 45 minutes.

The update to 11.1 also includes a separate update to that same hi-res file, one made available AFTER the 11.0 one. (Now a 2.4 gig file). But that update only takes about 10 minutes now!

The procedure for 11.0 to 11.1 (or actually from anything to 11.1):

Fuel Pump fuse - remove.
I have a battery maintainer connected when I do updates, especially if I think they will be lengthy ones like the original 11.0 was.

1. Master ON
2. Avionics master ON (to turn on the transponder and ADSB box. They may get an update in a System Software update.)
3. AP Switch on (AP servos must be powered as they get updates with system software updates.)
4. BACKUP (Export) your settings configuration!
4. Load the 11.1 update file. That will go through about 5 automatic reboots and will take about 10 minutes.
File is: SkyView_11.1_US_Package_Oct22.duc

5. After this was done, I checked and my engine type (912) had NOT been changed nor had any of my EMS screen layouts.

At this point you can turn off the AP switch and the avionics master.

6. Load the very low res worldwide file. (a minute or two)
Note that on the Dynon page it says :Very Low-Res Terrain Database
released 3/21/201 (a typo, I guess)
updated 9/3/2014
But the file name you get is: terrain-worldwide-very-low-res-2014-08-26.dup

7. Load the low res worldwide file. (a minute or two)
Note that on the Dynon page is says :Low-Res Terrain Database
released 12/4/2009
updated 9/3/2014
but the file name you get is

8. Load the high res North America file. (for me this took less than 10 minutes)
If you click on North America you get this file
Even though the notes say it was update on 9-3-2014

9. You are done. Check the screens - mine were OK, no issues. I powered everything off and replaced the fuel pump fuse.

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No, it is simple to tell the Skyview it has ADSB attached and to duplicate that canopy latch alarm functionality without loading the Vans file.

Bill, simple for you maybe, but not everyone.
I am glad to hear you have gotten proficient at operating and configuring the Skyview system, but there is strong evidence that probably 80% of the RV-12 owners have not.

BTW this latest release of 11.1 was a very minute change. People that have been around for a while with Skyview can tell you about past updates that wiped out stored perimeters (hobbs time, etc), and required a lot of messing around (by people that didn't know how to do it) to get the configuration back to where it was before they did the update.

It is true that E-AB or E-LSA builders can do what they want regarding software updates, but for the people that don't have the skills to modify the configuration settings, using the file from the Van's web site will likely be the best choice.
I have no immediate plans to install the Canopy Secured switch -- maybe at a later date. If I use Van's latest version of SV 11.1, will it impose an unwanted Canopy Secured symbol (RED dot and label?) on my RV-12's screen? If so, can I readily remove the unwanted Canopy Secured symbol until needed as part of a future switch install?

ps - Thanks Bill H for the data loading procedure. That is exactly what I have been doing since my first start-up. My SV 11.1 install went well.
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I have no immediate plans to install the Canopy Secured switch -- maybe at a later date. If I use Van's latest version of SV 11.1, will it impose an unwanted Canopy Secured symbol (RED dot and label?) on my RV-12's screen? If so, can I readily remove the unwanted Canopy Secured symbol until needed as part of a future switch install?

I have the same questions although I might already have part of the answer: after uploading the VANs 11.1 file update, I saw no change with the Dynon 11.1 update I had performed earlier: wrong rpm dial color segments and canopy warning are still there.
I plan to call VANs on Monday on this.
You can easily edit (remove) that element from your 20%, 50%, and 100% engine screens.
But that might not remove it from annunciating audibly. To do that you'll have to edit that input item and turn off the annunciation. The Dynon manuals cover the screen editor function and it is simple. Check to see if your engine is "other" or 912. If "other" changing it to Rotax should restore the RPM ranges that depend on oil temp.
You can easily edit (remove) that element from your 20%, 50%, and 100% engine screens.
But that might not remove it from annunciating audibly. To do that you'll have to edit that input item and turn off the annunciation. The Dynon manuals cover the screen editor function and it is simple. Check to see if your engine is "other" or 912. If "other" changing it to Rotax should restore the RPM ranges that depend on oil temp.

Thanks Bill, very helpful (as usual :D)
You can easily edit (remove) that element from your 20%, 50%, and 100% engine screens.
But that might not remove it from annunciating audibly. To do that you'll have to edit that input item and turn off the annunciation. The Dynon manuals cover the screen editor function and it is simple. Check to see if your engine is "other" or 912. If "other" changing it to Rotax should restore the RPM ranges that depend on oil temp.

I agree - after the 11.1 Vans update mine somehow went to "other" for the engine setup...I had to set it back to ROTAX 912 S/ULS (I note that they also have a 912 IS in there so perhaps that's why it defaulted to "other"....or I am losing my mind....)
I have the same questions although I might already have part of the answer: after uploading the VANs 11.1 file update, I saw no change with the Dynon 11.1 update I had performed earlier: wrong rpm dial color segments and canopy warning are still there.
I plan to call VANs on Monday on this.

Problems solved:
- Per Bill's instruction, switching engine from "Others" to 912 ULS brought back the correct RPM dial
- In sensor input mapping, P12 controls the Canopy lock contact. Turning the function field from "Canopy" to "Unused" gets rid of the alarm while the icon stays in the display with a red cross over it.
Surprisingly (may be because I did the 11.0 update with Dynon's file before doing the 11.1 update with VANs file) I found my A/P parameters unchanged but I had to reenter the fuel pressure values that I had copied from the set-up of VANs red S-LSA. This was needed because the new Rotax mechanical fuel pump provides higher fuel pressure that made the old set-up inappropriate in the lower range.
At the Dynon or Vans website, you download the file by right-clicking on the link and choosing Save As. Or you can click on the file and it might open that dialog, depends on your browser. Your objective is to get the file onto the top level of a USB memory stick. You can save it straight to such a stick or to your C drive and copy it.

You never "open" the file on your computer. You connect the stick to the Skyview and use the Skyview system menu system to LOAD the file into the Skyview.

Read the Skyview manual for details.