From Dynon's Skyview installation manual:

Cleaning a SkyView / SkyView SE Display

Do not clean SkyView displays or panel units with solvents such as alcohol. If solvents are used, the silk screen lettering on the bezel can be removed, and the display?s anti-glare coating can be damaged. Damage from the use of solvents is not covered by warranty.

Dynon Avionics recommends the use of iCloth Avionics wipes for cleaning SkyView / SkyView SE displays and panel units. In our testing, this product was found to clean SkyView / SkyView SE displays and panel units satisfactorily, without damage. Several sample iCloth Avionics wipes are included with every new SkyView display. Additional iCloth Avionics are available for purchase at
You beat me to it! I discovered the same pricing on Amazon, and just ordered a box of 24. :D
A bit more from Dynon's blog:

".....we're now shipping iCloth Avionics wipes with new and repaired SkyView displays, but you can use any cleaning cloth that is appropriate for use with other touch displays such as an iPad, etc. Mostly you don't want to use anything with "harsh" chemicals such as ammonia, etc. Also, don't use a spray - with the vertical display, it can flow into the button board and cause corrosion before you catch a dribble... so just use a wipe, not a spray."
Thanks for the tip on iCloth.
I ordered a box after reading the post.
It arrived today. Looking forward to getting all those screens cleaned up properly.
Best Cleaners Ever

I cleaned my Skyview screens and practically every other screen in my possession today. These are some really great cleaners. They are soft, lint free, and leave zero residue or streaking, even on a high-gloss display like the one on my MacBook Pro. Highly recommended!
I seem to be the only one not thrilled with these wipes. Maybe I got a bad batch but they're just barely damp ( when opened just a slightly damp feel) and when I use one it dries out before I can finish wiping the screen down.

I think I'll stick with a lightly moisten micro fiber cloth.

So what's wrong with there packaged eyeglass cleaning cloths, which I have a ton of. Mine say alcohol free formula. I also have a spray bottle of eyeglass cleaner solution that could be sprayed lightly on a fine microfiber eyeglass cloth, then use the slightly damp cloth to clean the screen. I think they do a fine job. So, am I missing something here and should be buying these special icloth items??
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This is a follow up to my last post on the icloth wipes. As I mentioned, I found them quite dry and had a hard time cleaning a screen before they were completely dry.

The company sent me a new box today (which I hadn't requested or expected) and I have to say they worked very well. Maybe the ones I got from Amazon were old.

I don't like to knock a product unfairly and based on the wipes I received and the unexpectedly great customer service I want to retract my somewhat negative review of the icloth wipes.

I just got some iCloths and the package says they contain isopropyl alcohol. So, how is this different from just using isopropyl alcohol from a bottle from the drugstore on a microfiber towel other than being way more expensive?
I just got some iCloths and the package says they contain isopropyl alcohol. So, how is this different from just using isopropyl alcohol from a bottle from the drugstore on a microfiber towel other than being way more expensive?

Probably no different, but I sure would cut it and use 90% water, and only about 10% isopropyl alcohol.
Probably no different, but I sure would cut it and use 90% water, and only about 10% isopropyl alcohol.

I think the biggest difference is the the application cloth. From the the company's website - "Each wipe is made of Dupont? Sontara? super soft aerospace-grade fabric, not paper. The cloth?s fibers can effectively and safely lift away the nastiness without scratching the surface."

Another advantage is the single application packaging.

If you decide to roll your own and use a spray bottle, make sure you DO NOT spray the display. Spray the cloth. Getting liquids between the screen and the bezel is bad.

Personally, I don't think they are all that expensive and I really like the product. It does what is says. Cleans the display without scratching and leaves a perfect, smudge, streak and link free surface.