Bruce Russell

Well Known Member
I am planning on installing the Skyview remote magnetometer in the tail where the ADAHARS currently resides and move the ADAHARS to a suitable mounting location behind the instrument panel. The reason for this mod is to have easy access to the pitot/static system, so I can experiment with some open source avionics software on single board computers like the Raspberry.

Has anyone else done this modification?

What are the potential pitfalls to modification?

Any and all feedback will be appreciated.
I can think of no pitfalls to your plan except that failure of the magnetometer will not allow for using of the ADAHRS for backup compass operation.

If you plan for dual ADAHRS, maybe put one in the tail with the magnetometer and use the primary under the panel for testing.
Consider this solution instead. Install it in the tail as designed. Make a tee in the pitot line in the panel area and use that for your experimenting. Make a tee in the static line in the tail and similarly run a line forward to the panel area. (Same with the AOA line if you add that.) Cap them until you need them.

Much simpler! With your solution you have to still run the static line forward, as well as the OAT wires (which also feed into the ADAHARS) and also do a bunch of wiring changes.

I don't know about the magnetometer, but if you have dual ADAHARS you can mount one right on top (or underneath) the other.
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As a point of reference. When installing a G3X system in an RV-12, the magnetometer goes where the Skyview ADAHRS use to go.

The G3X ADAHRS goes under the split baggage floor - mounted upside down. This works for the G3X because the during system setup, you tell the system the orientation of the ADAHRS.
As a point of reference. When installing a G3X system in an RV-12, the magnetometer goes where the Skyview ADAHRS use to go.

The G3X ADAHRS goes under the split baggage floor - mounted upside down. This works for the G3X because the during system setup, you tell the system the orientation of the ADAHRS.

That's really interesting. I wonder why Van's decided to locate the ADAHRS there instead of behind the instrument panel. Rick, do you have a picture of the mounting location that you could post?
As a general rule, you get more error the farther the AHRS is from the aircraft's rotational center.
That's really interesting. I wonder why Van's decided to locate the ADAHRS there instead of behind the instrument panel. Rick, do you have a picture of the mounting location that you could post?

Sorry, I don't have a picture of the Garmin ADHARS installed. The location is in the right-rear of the baggage compartment - to the right of the center tunnel. Van's did the split baggage floor. A bracket is added to the underside of the split floor.

The reason the ADAHRS is in this location is because it is relatively easy to change from a plane wired and plumbed for the Skyview to change to the G3X.
1. The pitot line is cut just aft of the baggage wall and looped forward a few inched to connect to the G3X ADAHRS.
2. The static line run forward to the baggage wall to connect to the ADAHRS.
3. The magnetometer wires stay in place and connect to the G3X magnetometer.
4. The remaining Skyview ADAHRS wires loop back on themselves to run forward to G3X ADAHRS.

I had my plane completely wired for the Skyview and converting it to use the G3X was relatively painless.