
Well Known Member
I'm trying to make sense of this offer, and determine if it applies to RV-12 installations. I searched the Dynon site, and found the following statement in their "D100 Series to Skyview Conversion Guide": Because of the standardized wiring system in a Van?s Aircraft RV-12, this guide will be of limited use in an RV-12 SkyView conversion. To convert an RV-12 to SkyView, Van?s Aircraft offers conversion kits, instructions, and support.

Then I searched the Van's site, and couldn't find anything about the "conversion kit". (Quite possibly it is there and I just couldn't find it.)

Can someone help me understand what it takes to convert an original D180 system to a Skyview, and if it qualifies for the rebate?
Convert, no .... modernize, yes

John, I have been planning to modernize for about a year now, meaning pulling out all the old harnesses and installing the latest fuselage and options harnesses. Then installing the latest avionics kit including all of the ADSB and the new radio. I have identified all the misc. parts needed and there are quite a few. It adds up to about $800 plus the cost of the avionics kits.

This was a maybe until the Dynon rebate came up. I contacted them and was advised Van's avionics kit would qualify as long as it includes the items specified in the rebate offer. Because of the limited time and number of rebates it became a do or not do, there is no maybe.

If you think you might want to go this way I can furnish my parts list with plans references. There were a lot of problems published in the forum with converting the D180 harnesses so I won't go that way. PM me for more info.
Thanks MMiller and Tony. I am wondering if there are folks out there that used the conversion harnesses successfully. Maybe the problems we heard about were just early converter issues that have all been resolved by now? He said hopefully. I cringe at the thought of yanking out all the original harnesses.

I still cant find any pricing or order forms on the mothership for the individual items one would need to do the upgrade. Am I missing something?
There are successful conversions, quite a few. Joeri, in the Netherlands for one. Bill H. is another although Bill might urge you to switch harnesses.

Some people have unsolved problems with the headsets and intercom after the conversion, I think, from past posts.

Vans' says the Dynon knob modules are not compatible with the conversion harness, but I know one builder who unraveled that mystery and got them to work. But he is a ham radio guy and can read schematics pretty good. Those modules are a must for me. I helped him do his SV conversion 3 years ago and he advises me to buy the new harnesses.

There are many, many items that are not listed on in the online store "list", but when you call in she always has them. There are parts numbers for the conversion harnesses in sec. 42D.

As far as yanking out the old harnesses, sounds like fun. But you gotta love to tinker.

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I was caught in the transition between the D180 and the Skyview. I had some of the D180 wiring installed and decided to carry on and install the transition harnesses. In hindsight it would have been much easier to pull it all out and start again. While Vans did an excellent job of documenting the changes, it takes some very careful reading of the instructions to work your way through it. You also end up with quite a bit of excess wiring in the forward tunnel due to the additional length of the transition harnesses. Still amazingly enough, everything works. If I had a fully wired D180 setup, I might still be tempted to go the transition route but it's a tough one. On second thoughts I'd probably take a deep breath and pull everything out. One thing to remember is that when most of the wiring is first installed you have the fuselage lying conveniently on its side which makes access easy for pulling wires. In a finished aircraft, you might want to pre-book a few chiropractic sessions, because I suspect you will need them.
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?..".........One thing to remember is that when most of the wiring is first installed you have the fuselage lying conveniently on it's side which make access easy for pulling wires. In a finished aircraft, you might want to pre-book a few chiropractic sessions, because I suspect you will need them.

This is exactly my point. Pulling all those wires was pretty easy with the fuse on its side, and me 6 years younger. Different story now. Easier for Tony, he is younger and skinnier!😀
MY 2 cents worth - -

I ordered my 12 on day one. I of course have the D-180. I was asked to help another guy get his RV-12 flying. I flew about the first 10 hours on it. It has Skyview.

NOTE : I have total respect for the Dynon products.

I now have a 10" IPad Pro on the right side with ADS-B Navworx using IFly app.

After flying the Skyview for several hours - MY OPINION - With the D-180 and the 10" IPad, I would not trade my D-180 even up for the Skyview. The 10" Skyview is just too 'busy' for me. The ADS-B only on 1/3 of the screen left me wanting.

I would suggest you getting to fly with a system like mine, and the Skyview.

Just my opinion - but I would not hurry into a costly conversion.

I fully understand it is what you get use to - so this again is just my opinion.
Thanks John, good advice. Does the ADS-B Navworx give you 2020 conformity? I'm not familiar with it. Also, what do youmean by ADS-B on 1/3 of the screen?
BigJohn - -

If you have the usual things on the Skyview, you can only have about 1/3 of the screen for ADS-B. I would imagine that you could make it half the screen or more and drop off another portion, but then you give up something else. I am using the Navworx EXP box. I have gotten back clean reports. Far as I understand, it is compliant.
My 12 has a D-180. I don?t have the lighting package or autopilot so I can mount my mini iPad running ForeFlight directly in front of me. The only active switch I?m covering up is the avionics master which I leave ?on? all the time anyway. The mount I made for the iPad is held onto the bottom of the instrument bay with Velcro so it can be removed in hurry if necessary. I like the simplicity of the D-180 and the redundancy of the iPad with the in-panel Garmin GPS.

NOTE : I have total respect for the Dynon products.

I now have a 10" IPad Pro on the right side with ADS-B Navworx using IFly app.

After flying the Skyview for several hours - MY OPINION - With the D-180 and the 10" IPad, I would not trade my D-180 even up for the Skyview. The 10" Skyview is just too 'busy' for me. The ADS-B only on 1/3 of the screen left me wanting.

I would suggest you getting to fly with a system like mine, and the Skyview.

Just my opinion - but I would not hurry into a costly conversion.

I fully understand it is what you get use to - so this again is just my opinion.

John, thanks for the post. I too have the D-180 on my purchased -8 and wrt "busy" with the Skyview I was thinking the same when I view the screen shots on the Dynon site. I really like the D-180 presentation and not sure what I would gain with a conversion. I have an iFly 740 and am leaning more towards the Navworx ADS-B.
JB, I just did some research on the Navworx website. Their solution looks very attractive as a low cost alternative to upgrading the avionics suite in the 12. So I am interested in your pioneering efforts. I understand that I am way behind the power curve on this topic, as I have not invested any effort into how I will comply with the 2020 mandate up until now.

There are a couple of questions that I wasn't able to answer from perusing the Navworx website. If I was to install their system would weather and traffic be able to be displayed on the installed Garmin 496? And more importantly, on my trusty iPad with ForeFlight that I cannot live without?

What is your experince regarding these questions?
I have been watching this thread for RV-12 NavWorx install with D-180. Marty Santic did a clean installation and I'm going to pattern my install based on his work. Look here

As a side note... ForeFlight now has Aeronautical View Map which is really slick. Labels are now always "up" for readability especially when flying in track up mode. Should be easier to see traffic on the map when its declutter to this extent.

Also, I wish it would stop raining already...
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BigJohn - -

My entire reasoning is the 496 screen is so small, it is near impossible to see much meaningful on it. I did not even wire the input to the GPS from Navworx. The 10" IPad Pro with non-glare screen is so much better as the screenshot proves, I only look at the 496 GPS for a basic track and some basic info. The moving map from IFly works very well and I like the translucent 'buttons' on the bottom. I like it better than some of the other apps for that reason. If you touch one of them, they darken a little more, then go very light after that again. You get to see a bigger picture. If you look at the ADS-B 1/3 screen on the Skyview, and had an IPad beside it, you would drop the ADS-B off the Skyview if you had the option.

I am in no way knocking the SV. If you are use to it, not a problem. Again, you need to ride in a plane set up like mine, then decide.
RV-12 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM w/D180 conversion cables to support Skyview and AP Knobs

RV-12 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (Finish Kit Shipped prior to 08-25-11) 03-22-12 w 8-31-14 AP-KNOB MOD

Be sure to download the diagram and open in Adobe Reader to be able to zoom in with detail.
Here is the PDF

Hope this helps with deciding to rewire or not if you upgrade to Skyview