
Well Known Member
So below is what I have projected for my panel but I figured I would run it by some other people before I commit to it.

Dual 10'' Skyview
Skyview Transponder
Ipad with Garmin Pilot
Vertical power Sport
Dual P Mags


Pictures seen here

The aircraft is being set up to be strictly VFR but can be made IFR if wanted to later on down the road. (Adding backup ADAHRS, Possibly larger VPX, and certified GPS)

With this current setup Everything except for the Radio will have a battery back up. So if the VPX craps out on me, I will be able to pull a Handheld from the baggage as a backup, the skyviews will both have an hour of battery backup, Ipad will run for hours for navigation weather etc.. and the P mags will be able to sustain power as long as the engine is above 800 RPM this should be plenty to get me back on the ground.

When reading the VPX manual it states that with a setup such as this there is no need for any additional Busses, in my mind this makes sense because all the bus is going to do is distribute power from a different source but if I have battery backups this is unnessacary does this sound correct?

Also With what I have running to it, would the VPX Sport or Pro be best utilized. From what I read the VPX Pro is there if you either A have alot of systems and components running to it requiring more ports, or B you have a dual power source, IE 2 Alternators, or 2 Batteries.

So after this brief run down does it sound like I have my stuff together or do I have alot to learn, I have been reading all the manuals while I can which has been a help, I'm just wanting to go into it with enough knowledge that I have a good basis and dont screw up too much.

Thanks in Advance

From Dynon, I would add:

1. Pitch and roll servo mounts. (You can add them later, if you want but they don't weigh much and are easier to install now.)
2. Wires for said future auto pilot servos.
3. Battery backup
4. EMS module
5. Two wiring hubs (one for up front and one in the tail)

What about a radio?
I would recommend the iCom A210 for one simple reason, it has three mono inputs so you can wire your audio warnings from the SkyView through it.
Depending on when Dynon releases their radio, you might be able to plug one into your SkyView.

As for your audio panel, if you are going to be strictly VFR, you can save yourself a lot of $$$ buy just putting in a two place stereo intercom.

As for the iPad, while that looks really cool and they are good devices, Apple products only seem to last about a year, two at the most. When it is time to replace the iPad you will find yourself either buying one on eBay or rebuilding your panel. I would not recommend making a permanent mount in your panel for one.
Bill Thanks for the response, I should have added those few things as well, I will also be installing :

Full A/P
GPS Module
Battery Backups on both skyview system
SV Hub in the front

As far as the radio goes the PAR 100EX has both a radio and a intercom in one.

The Ipad is something I have gone back and forth on, 696, 796 or Ipad, from what i have read on the Garmin Pilot App it can do just about everything the 96's can do except talk to the Skyview. Also you then have the ability to load All other aviation apps and have them all within your fingertips.

Thanks again
I am using the Skyview with the PSE 100 par and the combination works great. I think the PSE is a better option than the Dynon proposed radio due to it having the integrated audio panel.

I have to disagree with Bill R. on his comment on Apple reliability. I have owned and serviced most every Apple product ever sold ( i was an Apple dealer for 25 years ) and their reliability is unmatched in the industry. As with all portable devices the battery life will decrease over time but batteries can be replaced ( not always easy ). I use the iPad in my aircraft for charts, ADSB weather and backup navigation.
Tommy have you upgraded to the newest Skyview Software with the audio output? If so how does it integrate with the 100EX? Any issues?
Looks only advice is to consider the fact that 90% of the time you won't be able to see that Ipad screen.

How adimant are you at putting the iPad in the panel?

I carry my iPad with my in the aircraft with the intentions of using it during flight but find that the information on the instrument panel is more than enough. The iPad is mainly used for preflight planning. I have used the space between the panels for radios, GPS, and audio panel. Your needs may be different.
You have exactly the same plan I do regarding your panel, If I mount the iPad it will be either on a RAM mount or in front of the co-pilot, though there really is no radio stack to speak of in this approach so center of console might be an option. The question is whether to use a second screen with the Skyview or simply rely on the iPad as a second screen for ForeFlight if necessary. Or to use WingX with an additional ADAHRS for backup. iPad screen washout is always an issue so it really can't be for mission critical activities.

As you noted, this provides enough flexibility to go IFR in the future by adding the certified GPS.

I am using the latest SV software with the audio warnings and it works fine with the PSE PAR100ex. I have the ipad on a RAM mount. I use Wingx software. For your stated VFR mission the ipad is very adequate as a backup to the SV. I have a single 10" SV display and plan on adding a second display. With two displays there is not enough room for the ipad between the displays in my RV-6. Hopefully Apple will come out with a 7" ipad.
Seems like a pretty even verdict between yes and no with the ipad on the panel, the ones who have it love and the ones who dont say dont do it. With the PS 100EX the Ipad can also stream music through the bluetooth and can double as in flight entertainment while enroute on cross countries.

I have one and say don't. The iPad screen stinks in a cockpit and panel mounting it makes it almost unusable because you can't align it for best angle to minimize washout and reflections.
Will the iPad stay powered on?

I agree with the notion of not in the panel, but on a mount. Bought one at sun n fun. Still learning about my Ipad2 and see it sleep often. Can you make it stay on and bright without touching it all the time?

I agree with the notion of not in the panel, but on a mount. Bought one at sun n fun. Still learning about my Ipad2 and see it sleep often. Can you make it stay on and bright without touching it all the time?

My iPad never goes to sleep using SkychartsPro....the app won't allow it.

It's fine in my -10 because I have a 'roof' overhead.:)

I have a lot of gps's

Primary is GTN 750 and dual independent Skyviews, and then there's the RTG APRS and then the IPAD2 and I know I'm forgetting another one at the moment. I am planning an IFR mission aircraft.