
Well Known Member
I've read several threads here and of course the Skyview manual and I'm still undecided on placement of the ADAHRS OAT probe. I currently have a probe under the wing root fairing and it seems fairly accurate. I'm considering using that probe or at least the location for the probe.

Another common location seems to be under the horizontal near the access plate. But that location seems subject to at least some potential heat from the exhaust.

Anyone have the problems with either location sufficient enough to motivate you to move it?

inside of the empennage fairing...

i mounted mine inside of the empennage fairing, aft facing, in the bulkhead above the deck which has proven to be a very good location for accurate readings in motion...
Mine is under the H.S. Seems to be very accurate.

Stephan's location seems like a good one. I considered that, but was concerned that cabin heat would make its way to the back and affect the probe. Sounds like that concern is not an issue.
I had mine in the naca inlet and it read several degrees high. Moved it to below the wing root fairing and it has been accurate there.