RV7A Flyer

Well Known Member
The Dynon forum is down, and no response from them via their support request form (yet).

My Dynon Skyview with the latest software is not displaying any IFR LO en route charts, even though they're all on the memory stick. It will show sectionals and HI charts, but not LO. Anyone else seeing this?

I suspect my old nemesis, Seattle Avionics, is the culprit here, but don't know that for a fact.
Hmm, I just uploaded the latest Dynon Skyview version into my dual "Classic" skyviews. Also use Seattle Avionics and have figured out pretty well how to use their product. Have FlyQ on my Ipad and it works pretty well most of the time.

I'm not seeing any problem showing the Lo Enroute charts. But I have had a system shut-down when I accessed an Airport Info page yesterday. It restarted by itself and all worked out fine after that. As requested, I did a data dump and sent it to Dynon. It is only Monday so I'm not expecting an answer yet.
Well, surprise, surprise. Another SA problem. Naturally, the fix, from SA (utilizing no diagnostic information of any kind, or further information than "LO charts not being displayed"), is to delete all the data and start over, after rebooting the computer. Of course, after rebooting, the stupid SA appication failed and had to be uninstalled and reinstalled. Now in the middle of deleting all the data, and then we get to start the painful process of downloading all over again.

God, how I hate this application. And what a weak customer service response...at the first sign of an issue, just delete everything and start all over. Way to go out of your way to help, guys!

Data base updates

I have updated my Dynon Skyview every 28 days for the last four years with both the Dynon Aviation/ Obstacle and the Seattle Avionics navigation charts databases. I have not had any issues with the computer applications from either company or the databases.

I have a Windows X operating system on an HP computer. I did initially buy two new thumb drives that are dedicated just to use on the Dynon system.
I have updated my Dynon Skyview every 28 days for the last four years with both the Dynon Aviation/ Obstacle and the Seattle Avionics navigation charts databases. I have not had any issues with the computer applications from either company or the databases.

I have a Windows X operating system on an HP computer. I did initially buy two new thumb drives that are dedicated just to use on the Dynon system.

It's not the upload to the Dynon Skyview, nor is it the Dynon aviation and obstacle databases that are at issue. It's not even the Seattle Aviation datasets, which are frankly awesome to have on board.

It's the Seattle Avionics application software. And lest you think I'm the only one who has had issues with it, a quick search here (and on the Dynon forums, if they ever come back and if they port over the old threads) will demonstrate that I am far from alone in my hatred of it.