Ron B.

Well Known Member
Anyone have success mounting a, 10" Skyview and four remote modules (Com, Intercom, A/P and KNOB modules) on the pilot side with toggle switches mounted below this package on the panel? I wanted the vertical mount modules, two on each side of the D-1000T as shown in many of Dynon's adds.
XPanel configured it perfectly but when I used Van's CAD drawing for the panel along with Dynon's file drawings I was short vertically by about one inch. I probably have something configured incorrectly with the XPanel so I'm not shooting XPanel down. I'm just disappointed that it appears I cannot configure my panel as I wanted.
I made a paper print out of the CAD drawings and punched out the mounting hole locations and was able to screw the paper panel perfectly to my panel mount in the plane, so I'm fairly sure the CAD drawing is correct but I'm hoping someone proves me wrong so I can go back to plan A.
No CAD, but mine is similar

Anyone have success mounting a, 10" Skyview and four remote modules (Com, Intercom, A/P and KNOB modules) on the pilot side with toggle switches mounted below this package on the panel? I wanted the vertical mount modules, two on each side of the D-1000T as shown in many of Dynon's adds.

RV-6A with a 'blank' VANS panel, so it's patterned on the RV-7A top curve, and extends low enough to incorporate the switches (back mounted sub) and Throttle/Mixture (another back mounted sub), and the SteinAir vents.

(entry for for 1/22/16)

My Knob Control is horizontal with the Level Button under it, to keep it convenient to the Throttle/Mixture cluster. By back-mounting the switches and cable subpanels the panel is more easily removable. Most system connections can be reached by dropping the SkyView out slightly.

Don't have a CAD drawing, all hand cut.