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Well Known Member
The tool requires the installation of Python 2.7, which is available free for most any platform. I use it with Windows 7. The tool allows you to see what your engine is doing and any developing trends. I use it as an adjunct to I will provide the script file free to anyone who is interested. Be advised, the code is not pretty. I retired before the advent of OOP, so it's straight-line function calls, etc. There are no "Users Guide" or tech support, but it's pretty intuitive and is relatively bug free, and you can modify it any way you like. If you're willing to put up with the hassle of getting Python up and running, I'll upload the file to Google Drive and post a link.

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That's pretty nice. (I use Excel, as I'm fairly proficient with it.)

What would be pretty cool is to be able to run the data trough a simulated SkyView screen with a scroll bar at the bottom. As you slide the scroll bar the artificial horizon changes, airspeed & altitude is displayed, along with the engine parameters. If you wanted to get real fancy, you could overlay the track on Google Earth or one of the Web based sectionals.
Good Point

That's pretty nice. (I use Excel, as I'm fairly proficient with it.)

What would be pretty cool is to be able to run the data trough a simulated SkyView screen with a scroll bar at the bottom. As you slide the scroll bar the artificial horizon changes, airspeed & altitude is displayed, along with the engine parameters. If you wanted to get real fancy, you could overlay the track on Google Earth or one of the Web based sectionals.


Excel might be a better way to do this. If you already have a template with formulas, etc., is that something you could provide to the community?

The replay would be an awesome capability. I would go a step further and say what would be really, really cool is a full-blown SkyView simulator. If we could find enough volunteer programmers or ex-programmers on this forum, we might be able to parcel out the development and get something going, but we would need a project manager (hint, hint).
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Excel might be a better way to do this. If you already have a template with formulas, etc., is that something you could provide to the community?
There really isn't anything special with my spreadsheet. I simply freeze the top line and sometimes the left lines so I can scroll around and see the headers. Some times I will add MAX() and MIN() formula or an IF statement to header. It all depends on what I'm looking for.

The replay would be an awesome capability. I would go a step further and say what would be really, really cool is a full-blown SkyView simulator. If we could find enough volunteer programmers or ex-programmers on this forum, we might be able to parcel out the development and get something going, but we would need a project manager (hint, hint).
What you described is exactly what I was thinking. I want to be able to do this on my PC, not on the SkyView itself. (Back in the early days of my professional life, I was a graphics programmer. More recently I and started putting one together in C++ but didn't get far as life / building got in the way. That code is long gone, along with my programming skills.)
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