
Well Known Member
I may be the only club footed RV-12 guy here, but I was successful in scuffing off the little knob on the bottom left corner of my Skyview, while exiting the other day. I decided that I needed a little guard to prevent a re-occurrence. It's not the prettiest guard, but it is functional. Hope my picture works........Tom

Can't get PhotoBucket to work. I'll try again later. Made it!!
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I did not break a knob but installed a guard to protect them. I will eventually extend it to also protect the COM button. The guard also helps in bumpy weather.

Yup, I too have bent that knob a few times. Also, my foot has ripped off the little rubber cover atop the pilot-side P-T-T switch. I guess I need to work on my grace and agility a bit. :p
Yes, I've bent mine too. In fact, I have my Skyview unit back at Dynon to get repaired since buttons 5 and 6 quit working.

I have a picture of me standing next to my airplane at Kitty Hawk and unbeknownst to me, you can see the little knob from the Skyview on the ground at my feet. I walked around Kitty Hawk for several hours and when I got back, I noticed the knob missing. I went back to where the picture was taken and voila, the knob was still laying there. I was very lucky to find it.

I may rig up something similar to protect it too. Thanks for posting your solution.
RV-4 also a tight squeeze

Same problem in an RV-4. My SV-COM is currently at Dynon getting the volume potentiometer replaced because I managed to bump it getting in or out and break it off. Same problem with the Skyview knobs. Fabricating a similar guard.