
Well Known Member
We are having a fun day here today at Dynon... shipping our first SkyViews! This is a photo of some happy Dynonites gathered on the loading dock, waiting for the UPS and FedEx trucks to show up.

Congrats Dynon!

Weird that I just received my brand new D100 when you guys are starting to ship this technological marvel.

Thanks for getting it out so quickly and with the latest firmware....
Congratulations to you all at Dynon

It looks like you all have a real winner - I sure want one for my RV-12. As the SkyView is equipped at this time, it is awesome and I anticipate that you will expand its capabilities even more.

I am really glad that my RV-12 isn't built yet - it'll give you time to make the SkyView even more awesome before I purchase mine.

I would like to purchase mine from Van's as a part of the avionics optioal upgrade package for the RV-12.

Van's, are you listening?????

Or maybe Stein?????

I have the Dynon 180 in my 7 and have 50 hours on it so far. Are the dimensions the same for the skyview as the 180? I would not want to rebuild my panel for the skyview at this time. The 180 works great, just wondering
Very nice Dynon

As a D10A owner, I can attest that Dynon has super product support and will obviously be around for a long time. Two VERY important considerations when contemplating buying aircraft avionics.

Now, if I can just figure out how to fit one of these in my panel, get word to Santa, etc.....
The 7" Skyview is a bit larger than the D180, so the cutout needs to be expanded to make it work.
Dynon, I was reading throught the documentation and I have a question regarding the still to be available moving map. Does the map shown in the video (dynon`s site) is available and included or that's what the moving map is about, or is it something else?
Another one, will or does it have the go to function with airports database? Can waypoints be added? Will the users be able to load waypoint with trackmaker?

The moving map you see on the video is what is shipping today. North American terrain data is installed by default, and all other world terrain is available for download on our Website.

What is not shipping yet is the the navigation data or logic. That is, airport and airspace data, and the ability to fly to waypoints, enter flight plans, pull up airport data, find distance and heading to a waypoint, etc. You might see photos of those capabilities around, because we have demonstrated them at tradeshows and such. But we have not yet finished and tested those features.

You can find a complete list of what is, and is not, included in the SkyView feature set on our Website.

Dynon Marketing
Hi Robert

First thanks for the response. Do you have any idea regarding the time frame to delivery the moving map? How about the AP?

The Navigation Mapping and the Autopilot are obviously our two highest priorities, and we've already been working on them. But I do not have a firm date for either yet. In January we will post a schedule for these items.

We aren't trying to unnecessarily equivocate, but we are trying to be conservative in announcing dates. We would rather have customers pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed.

Dynon Marketing
The Navigation Mapping and the Autopilot are obviously our two highest priorities, and we've already been working on them. But I do not have a firm date for either yet. In January we will post a schedule for these items.

We aren't trying to unnecessarily equivocate, but we are trying to be conservative in announcing dates. We would rather have customers pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed.

Dynon Marketing


Thank you for the answers. A couple more. Will it show traFFIC WHEN COUPLED TO A GTX 330 OR ZAON XRX? Would the display communicate with a stormscope such as wx500?


Thank you for the answers. A couple more. Will it show traFFIC WHEN COUPLED TO A GTX 330 OR ZAON XRX? Would the display communicate with a stormscope such as wx500?



Here's a link to the Dynon summary of current and planned features for the SkyView. It looks like traffic is a possibility in the future, although the supported sources are not noted. No info about the stormscope, but "weather" is noted as a possibility, too. I would assume XM or ADS-B based weather, but that's just an assumption. Hopefully Dynon will weigh in.

Also, Dynon has a support forum on their website, which may have additional information for you.
Me too

I like the idea of getting a couple bucks for my Blue Mountain but I would like to hear how the SkyView is working in the field.
Very disappointing. I was looking to install the Skyview. But looking at the features that are not working right now I can not help but be reminded of Blue Mountain. At least they had many more promised features working when it was released. What would the reason be for shipping this before it was at least 75% functional? AutoPilot, Waypoints, Airport data..... Cash flow?
Right now it look like a big fancy moving map.
I have seen this before...
Right now it look like a big fancy moving map.

There is a big difference between a moving map & 3D terrain. It was once said here or elsewhere------ If a 10 year old is flying Micorosft's Flight Simulator, and see's a mountain ahead................he'll pull up. That's what you'll do with SkyView too...

L.Adamson ----- RV6A
Very disappointining.<snip> But looking at the features that are not working right now I can not help but be reminded of Blue Mountain. At least they had many more promised features working when it was released. What would the reason be for shipping this before it was at least 75% functional?<snip>
I have seen this before...

My thoughts exactly, reminds me of the movie "A bridge too far"

The biggest reason I have been looking at skyview is it will do all the things my BMA did but this product launch looks like an exact repeat of all of the BMA launches. My hangar mate purchased a skyview from Stein so I wanted to see his unit before I decide on what to replace my BMA with. He is allegedly #4 on the delivery list so I assumed Stein would have recieved and shipped his by now. Still no EFIS and we are over 2 weeks out from "skyview is shipping"

The big difference being that Dynon goes into this product launch with an excellent reputation relative to quality, product, delivery and customer service. I am also assuming they are in better financial shape than BMA was. Let us hope it remains this way.
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I have my tandem skyview installed in my RV8 (not flying yet) and love what it does NOW and will do in the future. Who cares about what isn't working if what is working, works well and meets your mission needs - and this system does that right now. I have redundancy with two panels, two B/U batteries, a Dynon GPS, a 300XL GPS, the ADHARS and the EMS. All talking to each other easily. The resolution on the MAP page is simply stunning. The controls on the display are crisp and intuitive. Wiring and set-up were easy. I also have a D10A on the Pilot panel as a dedicated HSI and B/U EFIS.
He is allegedly #4 on the delivery list so I assumed Stein would have received and shipped his by now. Still no EFIS and we are over 2 weeks out from "skyview is shipping"

[edited update by Dynon Marketing: Stein just got his units a few days ago. They were supposed to go express, but by accident went ground instead, and the normal 3-4 UPS delivery took 6 work days to reach him. So the delay was caused by us and UPS. - Robert]

I see this is your first post ever, so maybe you don't know Dynon's history, but I can promise you that all comparisons to Blue Mountain are far from reality. We posted the list of what we expect SkyView to be able to do over the next year because some people are comfortable buying from us based on our proven track record of delivering upgrades, while others may not. We also posted it so people know exactly what they are buying. I don't think any other EFIS manufacturer out there is so open about their development path and feature set. If SkyView doesn't fit your needs right now, then there may be other more expensive EFIS systems that do, and we always suggest you buy for the mission you actually need at the time of purchase.

I don't know of a single EFIS system out there that shipped with every feature. Everyone in the market grows over time. Knowing what is coming can be important information when making your purchase, and we want our customers to be as informed as possible.
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I don't think any other EFIS manufacturer out there is so open about their development path and feature set.

That is mostly true. I bought your EFIS, EMS, and autopilot partially because of the promise the AP76 would soon be released. Now it seems it's on indefinite hold. That does not leave me warm and fuzzy about the Skyview features becoming reality, although if you're dedicating your resources to Skyview this opinion may be unfounded. But in the meantime your legacy users are left holding the bag for a promised but undelivered feature set. Here's a quote from your advertising:

"Stepping up to the AP76 Advanced Autopilot Module ($1500 - coming late 2008) adds the modes you?ll want when flying IFR."
Yes, that is true, we did make a mistake promising a date for the AP76. I know how mad I was at Garmin when they promised a WAAS Upgrade to my G530 in 2003, and it didn't arrive for another 5 years. We now avoid making promises on dates. We do continue to encourage folks to buy based on what they need when they need it, which is one of the reasons we have never taken a customer's money until we ship.

Dynon Marketing
That is mostly true. I bought your EFIS, EMS, and autopilot partially because of the promise the AP76 would soon be released. Now it seems it's on indefinite hold. "

I am no new comer to the EFIS world. I bought into the Blue Mountain with the G4. Exact same thing.. They were very reputable at the time and had cutting edge products. They promised future features if we only would buy from them now. Things change in the course of well place plans. Look at your AP76. Sure you guys at Dynon had a justifiable reason to scrap that product but not after affecting customers and suppliers. Promises are worthless.
I do not want to see additional pilots get burned by buying into Vaporware.
When the honeymoon is over after the release of your Skyview I can guarantee that you will have about 3 to 6 months before your customers begin to expect delivery of the major features like the AP and SL30/430 integration.
The guys at Blue Mountain had all the confidence in the world when they launched the G4 line just like you guys but found out very soon that the promised features were harder to implement. Not enough horse power, buggy code, unreal expectations, what ever.. Customers got impatient, cash flow slowed, the lies got bigger and bigger,

I really hope your EFIS is a real success. I really do! Just be careful..
I just do not understand why it was released so soon.
I'm reluctant to buy into this discussion but here goes anyway.
Surely Dynon are "damned if they do damned if they don't" indicate future intentions.
Perhaps the only answer is to say future upgrades are planned not promised.
Then an informed customer will assess the plans in the light of past company performance.
I am no new comer to the EFIS world. I bought into the Blue Mountain with the G4. Exact same thing.. They were very reputable at the time and had cutting edge products. They promised future features if we only would buy from them now. Things change in the course of well place plans. Look at your AP76. Sure you guys at Dynon had a justifiable reason to scrap that product but not after affecting customers and suppliers. Promises are worthless.
I do not want to see additional pilots get burned by buying into Vaporware.
When the honeymoon is over after the release of your Skyview I can guarantee that you will have about 3 to 6 months before your customers begin to expect delivery of the major features like the AP and SL30/430 integration.
The guys at Blue Mountain had all the confidence in the world when they launched the G4 line just like you guys but found out very soon that the promised features were harder to implement. Not enough horse power, buggy code, unreal expectations, what ever.. Customers got impatient, cash flow slowed, the lies got bigger and bigger,

I really hope your EFIS is a real success. I really do! Just be careful..
I just do not understand why it was released so soon.

My first exposure on a face-to-face basis to Blue Mountain Avionics was December 2001. It only took me a few weeks to decide I wanted no part of the BMA experience.

I know BMA. I know Dynon.

Dynon is no BMA.
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Yes, that is true, we did make a mistake promising a date for the AP76..... We do continue to encourage folks to buy based on what they need when they need it, which is one of the reasons we have never taken a customer's money until we ship.

Well, I guess the good news (for me) from this is that I learned a lesson. The Skyview system looks really nice. However I won't upgrade until the features that I desire are working and debugged. From what I've been reading that's a good 2 years out.
Same for me. After all, I have a brand new legacy system to wear out first.

That is after I get it back from repair/checkout/replacement or whatever the techs at Dynon are going to do for it.....

Well, I guess the good news (for me) from this is that I learned a lesson. The Skyview system looks really nice. However I won't upgrade until the features that I desire are working and debugged. From what I've been reading that's a good 2 years out.
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Well, I guess the good news (for me) from this is that I learned a lesson. The Skyview system looks really nice. However I won't upgrade until the features that I desire are working and debugged. From what I've been reading that's a good 2 years out.

And happily for me...........

I have both TruTrack and Trio autopilots, as well as a Garmin 696 to cover a few features that Skyview doesn't yet have. So I'm looking forward to replacing my "six pac" panel with the newest Skyview instead of the older Dynon offerings.

L.Adamson -- RV6A
Another alternative is that when I have the moolah for an upgraded panel is to ditch the Dynon stuff and go with Advanced and Tru-trak. They currently have what I want, albeit at higher cost. But at least the features I want are working today.....
And happily for me...........

I have both TruTrack and Trio autopilots, as well as a Garmin 696 to cover a few features that Skyview doesn't yet have. So I'm looking forward to replacing my "six pac" panel with the newest Skyview instead of the older Dynon offerings.

L.Adamson -- RV6A

Dual autopilots in one home built airplane?

Is that like "building in" a back seat driver?
