E. D. Eliot

Well Known Member
Take this for what it's worth = secondhand to you all and speculative info XXXXX.

Attended the big AOPA Convention today and talked to the people at Dynon. Asked "are you familiar with the Dynons in the RV-12". Answer - yes. I specifically asked whether they (Dynon) were talking to Van's about placing the SkyView into the panel some time in the future - answer "yes we are talking to Van's about the SkyView option for sometime in the future". I gather that this MAY happen next year but they did not have any more specifics.

It's really up to Van's as it would obviously be costly to do the testing and certification in order to include the SkyView.

Me - I'd like a SkyView or two and a 696. Detractors need not try to tell me what I need - I said want. Flame on if you choose it's really:cool::cool::cool:
I asked at the Dynon booth at Copperstate and they said first of the year. I am skeptical on that as the switch panel would have to be redesigned for fit.

I asked at the Van's booth and one of the gentlemen there said "Why the **** would you want that, the 12 isn't an avionics platform".
Now that the RV12 is officially on the EAB list I don't see why you couldn't put anything you want in the panel.

If someone wants to turn their EAB-built RV12 into an "avionics platform" that's up to them isn't it?
SteinAir's non-committal comments

I talked briefly with one of the SteinAir guys in Oshkosh last summer, asking him if any RV-12/SkyView development work was going, and, as should be expected, he could neither confirm nor deny. Next question was. "If I'm concerned about it, should I maybe not order my avionics until sometime in 2011?", to which the reply was a very subtle up-and-down head motion, FWIW.
Well that works, I am working on the Empennage at the moment, I won't get through to the avionics until at least next fall (balancing family/build/work), and I really will not order the Avionics period until they replace the 496, I do not want to start half way obsolete even though the 496 is a great unit.
Skyview in the -12

Gents...the 496 is no longer being manufactured...end of life. Plan IS to get the Skyview certified in the -12 ....which WILL include the GPS as well as the EFIS and all it entails.....and that is what "flipped the switch" for me after months of studying the options.....to order mine last week....and yesterday it arrived....now the fun starts....
Hope so

I can wait for the SkyView option as my 12 hasn't been started yet.

Guess that I want two in my panel. So maybe, I won't need a 696? Not surprised by what Van's representative said - they stick to simple and light weight. Glad that they will still sell me a kit! The 12 is so :cool::cool::cool:
Guess that I want two in my panel. So maybe, I won't need a 696? Not surprised by what Van's representative said - they stick to simple and light weight. Glad that they will still sell me a kit! The 12 is so :cool::cool::cool:

Personally, I get tired of this "simple and light weight" logic (****)....
If it's for any type of cross country, instead of just making circles around the neighborhood airport, then go for the idea of the Skyviews plus the 696. I have a 696 in my 6A, and two Skyviews are exactly what I'd like to add. It's basic six pack at the moment.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Dream On!

You guys are such Dreamers. Like the man said, do it EAB and you can put in anything you want. Oh yeah does anybody think the Garmin Aera 560 might work in place of the 496?:D

RV12 N1212K
Dreaming, here!

Yep - just dreaming (hoping) that Van's will certify (if that is the correct work) the SkyView (or two) plus the 696. Now that you've brought it up, the G-Aera 560 would be pretty sweet! Good idea.

My 12 will be flown from home base on a lot of cross country and night flights and a flying 'avionics platform' sounds darn pretty good. Our 12 will be an ELSA flown with the holder of a PPC - me.

And Mr. Adamson, I couldn't agree with you more. That is the way that Van's is but thankfully we can add or delete what we want. I'm happy.:cool:
Hmm Just do it EAB... The skyview won't fit with the prebuilt switch panel, someone want to start trying to figure out how to rewire it all since there is no schematic.
I have not even got my first kit parts, but I want a SKYVIEW! I hope that others continue to explore and share, mostly I want to know what I might need to do to insure an easy installation later if desired.
I intend to build ELSA would it not be acceptable to put in a Skyview after certification? How does that work exactly? Am I correct in assuming that many of the same sensors would be used with the Skyview?
You may make any modifications you like on an E-LSA after certification as long as the mod does not take the aircraft beyond light-sport parameters; i.e. max speed, stall speed, gross weight, etc.

Changing to Skyview after certifications would probably not be an easy change.
My understanding is that Van's are working towards putting the SkyView into the RV-12 - timescale sliping a bit as things often do. Perhaps next Spring. No idea if it would be one or two 7" or 10" screens. Apparently SV won't work with the standard integrated RV-12 panel.

There is someone in Oz with two 10" SV displays in a 12 that is close to flying.

In the UK we aren't tied by the LSA rules - our RV-12s come under the equivalent of the US 'Experimental' category so can do what we want with the avionics.

My intention is two 10" screens, Mode S transponder, SL30 nav/com and Dynon autopilot. One peculiarity we have is the requirement of analogue stand by ASI, altimeter and compass.

I don't think there is any need for a standaloan GPS - everything should be in the SkyView in the next update. Power consupmtion wise it should all work okay with the standard Rotax integral alternator.
rv12 skyview

Nice work, Crashley. I'm hoping VAN's will have upgraded the avionics before I need to place my order.
Lovely work Ashley - looking very complete since I saw your bird a few months ago. Launch date???

Dennis Mitchell
RV-12 VS, Rudder, AST complete, wings on the water.