Top Cat

Well Known Member
Skyview Touch failure

Wondering if anyone can add some thoughts on an odd thing that happened when I was flying my RV-12 SLSA yesterday and today.

At run-up I was checking the rpm drop from the ignition modules. I switched one off at a steady 4000 rpm to watch the drop. As I did so my fat finger also caught the other module and for a split-second both were off and the engine faltered until I quickly switched both back on. The engine never stopped.
After cussing myself I checked everything and all seemed normal except that Skyview rebooted. I repeated the engine run-up and checked the ignition modules again and the parameters were all normal. On the second repeated run-up Skyview froze and rebooted normally.
I was about to return to the hangar but on the way pulled over to a side area and spent about 15 minutes checking things over, as I would have done at the hangar anyway. Everything seemed normal and I couldn't see anything out of order.

On a 5000' runway I applied full power and all parameters were normal so I continued the takeoff and climb out was normal. Throughout the flight everything was normal except after about 15 minutes the Skyview suddenly went blank. It rebooted and stayed on for several minutes. I decided to return to the field which I'd kept close by.
The Skyview went blank and then rebooted. This time it stuck at the opening page. Normally as the RV-12 logo comes up you hear it say "Dynon Skyview", this time it stuck on that so it was "Duh-duhduhduh etc" instead of Dynon. When it blanked I also lost the radio.

As I approached the field I cycled the avionics switch and got the radio back. I checked all c/bs and all were fine. Skyview came back and stopped at the RV-12 screen. I checked for traffic, announced joining the pattern and flew it all the way to landing with no instruments at all. No EMS, altitude or airspeed. I haven't decided on a 'back-up' to the Skyview yet. The engine was fine and so I used my experience with the plane to reduce power and slow to familiar looking speeds/sounds, and attitude. I lowered the flaps which are a johnson bar. I kept the speed to what I felt was a bit higher than normal and it squeaked on slightly farther from the threshold than normal.

After shutdown I felt the screen and it did feel a bit warmer than usual but I did hear the cooling fan switch off with the master switch.
I waited about 15 mins to see if it needed to cool down and it didn't seem like it was ever really much warmer than usual.
I restarted Skyview using it's own internal power (master off) and it booted up normally. I shut down and repeated a couple of times and all seemed normal.

I'm wondering if the Skyview got overloaded trying to restart itself in the air? It had more problems each time until it finally hung up on the start-up screen. After total shut-down do you think that it cleared itself and was able to start normally?

When I inadvertently switched off the adjoining ignition module on run-up what might that have done to the Skyview , if anything, as far as telling it to reboot, if anyone knows?

I did have Foreflight on my iPhone as back-up to navigate and I'm currently trying to decide how to best back-up Skyview, other than having a second screen, which might also have had the same issue as the other screen? I'm thinking iPad or iFly GPS but haven't got there yet. Any thoughts?

It was my clumsy finger which caused the problem but I'm interested in any thoughts as to what Skyview did to itself from anyone with any experience with it.

I e-mailed Dynon Support last night with this summary. Today at the hangar I downloaded the diagnostic file from Skyview which has the last hour's flight recorded.
I started up and everything was normal. After 10 minutes in the air I got a large red X across the screen, with EMS frozen on the right (no map) and then "ADHRS FAIL". Skyview rebooted and I continued the flight with no other problems?except..just as I flared and the stall warning started to squeal, Skyview shutdown. It rebooted as I taxied in and I shut everything down as per normal.
My mechanic thinks my inadvertent split-second ignition module shutdown and the Skyview issue might be co-incidental.

The return flight was absolutely normal.

I thought about recording the last hour's diagnostic again but it asked if I wanted to overwrite the last and I decided to wait until I emailed yesterday's flight.

When I got home I called Dynon Support. They had said in an e-mail it might be an issue with a circuit board that 2010-2013 units had. They'll my serial# on the file I sent them but I bought my SLSA July 2014 so I think it should have the fix.
Next time at the hangar I'll download the diagnostic file for today's flight with the ADHRS Fail warning.

Dynon mentioned maybe sending the unit back to them but we agreed to wait and see what the diagnostic files indicate.

I'm a bit anxious as I really like the Skyview Touch:(
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If you don't have a backup battery, install one as that will run Skyview during momentsry fluctuations in power to help stabilize the system.
I think it was just a coincidence that the Skyview failed as you were checking the mags. Since the engine kept running without using the starter, the aircraft electrical system voltage never dropped below 12 volts. And even if it did, the Skyview should have kept operating on its own internal battery.
There is either an intermittent electrical connection or else an internal problem with the Skyview or one of its components (like the ADHRS). A mag check, even if not done correctly, should not cause the Skyview to malfunction. The first thing to do is to check all of the Skyview wiring connections looking for wires broken at the ends or for pins not seated correctly.
My Skyview has the back-up battery.

Because my RV-12 is an SLSA and I'm not a mechanic, I'm limited in what I can do to work on the plane.

I was wondering at a connection problem as on one leg I had the ADHRS FAIL warning and the next flight, nothing at all.:confused:
What software version are you running and was there a recent change?
I have not seen anything like this in 170hrs on mine but it is disconcerting!
Please keep us updated on the outcome.
Let us know how this turns out. My Skyview has gone dark three times in the past year during cross country flying. No reason, just one minute it's there, and the next it's not. I've sent my failures to Dynon so they have a record of it. HOWEVER, my one complaint about Dynon is that with every single problem, they always blame the wiring. There NEVER is anything wrong with their units. At least that's what the phone guy implies.

Well, I've had my engine module replaced and my fuel pressure sensor replaced as well by Dynon, so good on them. At least once you prove it's not the wiring, they stand behind their products. I do worry about it once they go out of warranty though.

I hope you get your problem resolved quickly. Maybe since your are SLSA, and have the weight of Van's behind you, you will get a quick resolution.
What software version are you running and was there a recent change?
I have not seen anything like this in 170hrs on mine but it is disconcerting!
Please keep us updated on the outcome.

I did recently update to SV 12.0 but I waited to download it from Vans' site.

One thing that didn't work was the auto-trim feature for the autopilot. They said you had to have the a/p panel which I do. After some discussions between Vans, Dynon and myself we got it sorted out. I had to calibrate the servos using a procedure in the diagnostics area and it now works.
I also had issues with ADS-B in/out. After the update the ADS-B presentation on the screen was new. I kept getting traffic alerts on myself and the system would drop out and on. I downloaded a diagnostic and some screen shots but it seemed to resolve itself. I'm wondering if a local tower was offline.
I do worry about it once they go out of warranty though.

My D6 (backup) went dark on the way to Sun n Fun this year. Been flying 13 months. Dynon was good about sending a replacement, but I too worry about the longevity of their equipment.
I think it was just a coincidence that the Skyview failed as you were checking the mags. Since the engine kept running without using the starter, the aircraft electrical system voltage never dropped below 12 volts. And even if it did, the Skyview should have kept operating on its own internal battery.
There is either an intermittent electrical connection or else an internal problem with the Skyview or one of its components (like the ADHRS). A mag check, even if not done correctly, should not cause the Skyview to malfunction. The first thing to do is to check all of the Skyview wiring connections looking for wires broken at the ends or for pins not seated correctly.


Good points. My mechanic said he had a CTLS in with the older Dynon type of units and had issues which mechanic resolved by just checking the connections.
Since the CTLS and I have recently moved from open hangars I'm thinking it might be the same issue, we were hangar neighbors.

Since the issues started at engine run-up I wonder if the vibration was enough to start the problems.
On the other hand, before the last flight, the plane sat at my mechanics in the sun for 2 hours, in 75F temps, and then the following flight had no issues at all, so perhaps if there was some moisture this might have help dissipate it.

I'll see if Dynon contact me Monday having looked at my diagnostics file. The guy I spoke to was all set to have me take the unit out of the airplane and ship it to them.
I'm going to the plane Monday and download the diagnostic from the last 2 legs to my mechanics, which was about an hour. First legs had the ADHRS FAIL and Skyview shutdown in the flare (almost like the stall warning going off triggered it to shut down.

Next week I'm scheduled to have some routine maintenance down so after hearing from Dynon we may have a solution, or we can pull the unit and check the connections. Dynon guy said there are 2 connections, one I presume is from the ADHRS so maybe this the one with the problem?

I'll let you know what we find out.

Dynon have looked at the first diagnostic file I sent them and they say my 'memory module is failing' and needs to be replaced.

The other day I flew the plane for 1.3 hours with nothing wrong at all.

Dynon want me to remove and ship the unit to them with a possible 10 business day turnaround. They also say there's some confusion over whether I have a second unit?!
This 'could' be because e-mailed them and said I was sending a second diagnostic file (which records the last hour) because with everything normal I took off for another local flight and after 10-15 mins I had an ADHRS FAIL waring with a big red X on the screen.. It rebooted and all was well until in the flare as the stall warning went off a couple of feet off the runway the Skyview blanked, and rebooted on the taxi in.

It's Friday and I've been trying to get a hold of Dynon Tech Support for nearly four hours to no avail, all busy. Before I ship it I'd like to find out what they think of the second file I submitted.

I've contacted Vans and their view is that I should deal directly with Dynon and it's under warranty with Dynon. They said, as an SLSA, I can remove and ship the unit to Dynon but should have my A&P/LSRM sign off that the unit was removed, repaired (if that's what they do), and reinstalled in a safe condition for flight. He's not an avionics guy but there is a shop on my field.

I can see this dragging out for several weeks which, to be honest, is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

For my first experience with Dynon Support it's getting increasingly frustrating and time consuming with no real idea as to what the actual problem is yet.

Some of you asked me to keep you advised so here you go.:(
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Your reports of having your 1 and only means of flight data going dark are Kind of scary, but congratulations on having the skills to feel what the airplane is telling you and bringing her in by the seat of your pants, literally! Great job!

A turn around time of 10 business days on your unit might be acceptable for most business practices, but that kind of time would bug me.

Just as a data point for those reading, and not that you are in any position or have any desire to change, but I recently had a problem with my 4500 from Advanced Flight Systems with a much different result. I sent it out second day air, Sean turned it around the SAME DAY they received it, and I had it back 5 days after I pulled it from the airplane. And this was while most of their staff was away at Sun N Fun!

Seems they could do better when you're grounded without it.
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Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

I've been looking at the best back-up option for the Skyview and have narrowed it down (for now) to an iPad running Foreflight, with synthetic vision, which gives me all that I'd need flight-wise except pitch and bank. My iPhone would be back-up to the iPad using same method.

Yes, contemplating a 10 biz day turnaround is extremely frustrating especially considering we haven't fully established the problem yet and it's been a week just to get to this point. It's a Friday so IF I do have to ship I've got to go and remove it and package it yet so we're into next week and that's 2 weeks already.

I've been trying to contact Dynon Support for over 5 hours and no-joy.:mad:

BTW..I believe (not totally sure) Advanced Flight Systems was taken over a while back…by Dynon!
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5 hours just to talk to someone? Cray.

Yes, Advanced was purchased by Dynon, but they remain a seperate entity with the same good folks running it, with their own service guys. Guarantee if you called right now you would get someone.

Were I you, I'd pull that puppy right away and get it sent out. It has shut down several times now so something is definitely wrong with it and it has no place in an airplane until it's repaired/gone over and deemed airworthy again. :(
Apologies that we're hard to get to get in touch with today - we're at 1/3 of our normal technical support capacity due to some unexpected people outages that are all happening at the exact wrong time. For some reason it's also an unexpectedly busy Friday.

From talking to our support team, I think we've at least gotten you set up with a return authorization to get your SV-D1000T back here. We do also have the option, if you're interested, so send you a different re-manufactured unit. There are a few reasons we don't do this routinely: We want to make sure that we get to the root cause of your issue instead of throwing parts at something. In this case the diagnostic log seems to point pretty strongly to a component failure (essentially, the solid state drive in your display). We also like being able to send your display back exactly the way you sent it from a configuration perspective - if we send a different unit out in advanced it will ship like new and you'd need to re-configure it (you can export most of your settings from your existing display, but there's some work to do here). Finally, we find that most customers like to have their exact products back in their aircraft. In any case, I'm going to have our support team follow up and talk through the other options we have here.

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics
5 hours just to talk to someone? Cray.

Yes, Advanced was purchased by Dynon, but they remain a seperate entity with the same good folks running it, with their own service guys. Guarantee if you called right now you would get someone.

Were I you, I'd pull that puppy right away and get it sent out. It has shut down several times now so something is definitely wrong with it and it has no place in an airplane until it's repaired/gone over and deemed airworthy again. :(


I will be pulling the Skyview out of the RV-12 tomorrow and will try and get it shipped ASAP.

I have had a couple of calls from Dynon today. The first was one of the tech guys. We talked about the diagnostic files I uploaded to Dynon and the've determined the memory module (essentially the hard drive) is failing and needs to be replaced. My Skyview has 118 hours on it.

Up until this point I wasn't exactly sure what the problem is but apparently this type of failure can manifest itself in various odd warnings and indications. This did go a long way to clearing up the nature of the problem for me although it's somewhat disconcerting being fairly new.

Michael Schofield called me also and spent about an hour explaining what was going on and provided some more details about what was going on as well as some options in how to handle it. In the end I opted to keep the unit I bought and will ship it to Dynon as soon as I can, probably tomorrow.

Apparently Dynon Support have had a 'frantic Friday' and so were fairly well swamped trying to deal with customers. Now that Michael has explained I understand and I REALLY appreciate the call.

I really like the Skyview product and it's capabilities. Like many things it's a learning process and is frustrating.
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I have had the exact same failure with my SV D-1000T as Top Cat. We have the same airplanes: RV12 SLSA bought from Van's in June, 2014. We both have about the same TT on the airplane and the SV unit: 90 hours TT.

I will send the unit back to Dynon today. They responded quickly when they were told of told of the problem which I understand is a faulty memory module.

The RV12 SLSA is not an Experimental has a special airworthiness certificate issued to Vans and to me (us).

The failure was as follows: On climb out after about two minutes of flight the SV screen froze up and then went PFD, Engine or nav info.

Obviously this makes the airplane un airworthy. Obviously this is a serious matter.

I think that everyone needs to be alert to this happening....if this happened on a long trip or in IFR in a bird certified to that there would be serious consequences.

I would add that it would be good for owners to periodically do an EXPORT SETTINGS to their USB.

As a new SLSA owner too, I was unaware of this. By the time I was told by Dynon that it would be helpful after they replaced the memory module it was too late. My unit just froze and blanked.

All I had to land was radio, engine sound and manual flaps….and my rear end.

The unit has been returned up to date as far as Dynon updates etc and the EMS has been set to Vans RV-12 settings. However some things will need to be done to recalibrate the unit…a/p, fuel level, Hobbs (which I can't find in the installation manual!), compass.
I did find a note where it said after Version 6.0 calibration settings wouldn't be exported so some items still need to be done as if the unit was new.

What was strange was that after a couple of hours of off and on problems it appeared to clear up. I flew a half hour and then another flight of 1.3 hours with no issues at all. The next time out at the hangar the unit wouldn't do anything.
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If it's a fairly standard SSD, that behavior would not be entirely strange for certain failure modes ... this could likely be an off-die interconnect failure ... so a particular flash module (your SSD would have many) looses connectivity ... it can come back later, depending on the cause (thermal, for instance).

There are industrial/military/avionics grade SSDs ... those can be quite expensive however, above 10$/GB.

In certified avionics at least, you're supposed to duplicate all memory to avoid these situations. One bit of RAM goes bad, you have a good copy. Less relevant for non-volatile memory, but if they're using that kind of memory for active work, the SSD going bad could have catastrophic consequences, since there's no copy. You'd have to RAID 1 2 SSD's :)
FYI?I learned today that whenever you upload a new version of firmware (from 10,0 onwards) it records an EXPORT SETTINGS in the background and stores it in the settings archive on the Dynon supplied USB.

Many of you may already know this but I didn't so I pass it on as an FYI.
Hey EBB,

You don't suppose your carb floats sunk and gasoline came out the overflow tubes and invaded the electronics bay, do you?

Just kidding of course.


If that happened I would buy a ticket to Austria and hold good ole Navy revile at the Rotax factory where they have been sleeping for 11 months and assuming all is OK here.

It seems the flight gremlins are out and both the Dynon and the Rotax stuff is getting tweeted by them.

Despite all the nice words about Rotax here I gotta report that my RV12 is our 8th airplane in the last fifty years; they had six Continentals and two Lycomings in them. None of them took 11 months to correct a tech problem and none of them failed to communicate with their customers. I think Rotax will be sorry that they have screwed this up so badly.....when they wake up that is.

Yep...I knew that but last night I guess I was tired and didn't respond as lightly as I should. We need a lot more levity around this BLOG.


I guess I should not have made a joke out of your Dynon failure. I got paid back for it this morning. I was flying along, minding my own business, when the Skyview froze up and crashed. It rebooted on its own and behaved itself for the rest of the flight. I guess it will be my turn to call Dynon on Monday morning.


I guess I should not have made a joke out of your Dynon failure. I got paid back for it this morning. I was flying along, minding my own business, when the Skyview froze up and crashed. It rebooted on its own and behaved itself for the rest of the flight. I guess it will be my turn to call Dynon on Monday morning.


Yikes...this is happening far to much IMO for it to be sole source instrumentation. T'was what caused me to convert to G3X system (dual); with complete redundancy... My wife would freak out if screens went blank!
Very sorry to hear that. But you are not the second one; I know of three of us now who have had that exact failure. The other guy is TopCat.

My unit went back to Dynon on Thursday. He got his back the same day after 14 days of work by them. They promise 10 business days but I think his took longer than that.

The problem to be avoided is any hint of having to reprogram the thing with RV12 stuff....autopilot, XPNDR etc. Top Cat talked with Gus at Van's and got some of the software he needed to come back up to speed....I think so anyhow.

Dyson gave me an email the day after they got my box to tell me they had it. So far, so good.

Please keep me in the loop and I'll do the same for you. I think that it's a pretty serous matter to lose you PFD and engine instruments in flight...that is what used be call un airworthy before we started making excuses for this kind of stuff. If this happened in the dark, IFR or in my old Bonanza it would have been a big deal; Seat of the pants in the RV12 is a lot easier.

I will keep you in the loop. Like you, the seat of the pants stuff don't bother me that much. It's the lack of insight into what the engine is doing is what worries me.
I had 12.0 on mine when screen froze and died.

It would freeze, reboot, freeze etc Next day it was fine, but it finally went so I contacted Dynon.

Long story but I think the memory module was part of a bad batch. Either way I think Dynon maybe switched to a more reliable vendor. Maybe they can answer?

I guess I should not have made a joke out of your Dynon failure. I got paid back for it this morning. I was flying along, minding my own business, when the Skyview froze up and crashed. It rebooted on its own and behaved itself for the rest of the flight. I guess it will be my turn to call Dynon on Monday morning.


What's time period when you acquired your Skyview?

EBB got his with his SLSA June 2014 and I got mine in my SLSA the following month.

Just wondering if it was a problem with a certain batch of units.

Since getting mine back, with a replaced memory module I've flown it 2.5 hours and so far all is well.

If you can get an EXPORT SETTINGS to your USB because it helps Dynon reconfigure settings if they have to replace the unit. By the time they told me it was too late. However?on my USB is a file called settings archive. Dynon Tech told me that every time you update a firmware ( from SV 10.0 onwards) the settings are automatically saved in the background.

Either way when I got my unit back it meant a lot less steps to get the unit up to speed again.
Hope it all works out.
Alexe and Top Cat:

I put 12.2 into the box on 4/30/15 when it was newly posted on the Dynon download pages. If you were running 12.0 I guess that would imply that the software isn't the problem.

Dynons great

I recently had a problem with my Dynon EMS, nothing serious, the amp reading was incorrect, always reading -84amps. Dynon requested I return the unit for repairs. I was in the final stages of Phase 1 with a rapidly approaching paint reservation, a ten day interruption would be a real problem. I expressed my concerns to Dynon and they immediately sent me a replacement loaner EMS unit, thus avoiding any down time. Great service Dynon, really appreciated. EMS now working, Phase 1 completed, plane is in the paint shop, all is right with the world.
EBB and TopCat,

I took delivery of my Skyview Touch in late August of last year. I am currently running the Van's version of 12.2, which I loaded a few weeks ago. Since I have so few hours on the airplane, it's hard to say if 12.0 or 12.2 has anything to do with the issue. I have no history to go on.

On a related subject, how did you guys send the diagnostic files to Dynon? The folder has about 112 megs of data, far too large to email. Do they have an FTP site to post it to?

Thanks, Alex

This is the link that Dynon want you to use to send the diagnostic log:-

If you've been in contact with them and they've given you a case# (and/or RMA# for returning unit) put this info in the remarks section so they can identify you.

They advised me also to get an EXPORT SETTINGS from your Skyview and send that to them. You can also use that to reset your unit when you get it back. I tried but it was too late BUT?.they told me that every time you upload a firmware update (after 10.0) the update takes an EXPORT SETTINGS in the background and stores it on your USB. Look for a file "settings archive'.

If you have the same problem as EBB and myself it's the memory module. They replaced mine under warranty. Not sure what EBB's status is.
I had the problem with the unit and never flew it again so I couldn't get the diagnostic file and send it to have to do that within one hour of the problem.

I just sent them the box.

I find it hard to believer that there aren't quite a few others who have had the same problems as we have had.


Mine didn't seem to 'fail' but was 'failing'. One day it went crazy then I was able to fly it as normal for over an hour, even so I stayed close to the airport.

It just appears to be a faulty module.

Take a look at what's on your USB. If you uploaded 12.0 onto it and then into SkyView you may have the most recent settings that you can send to Dynon.
I am getting close to purchasing my Skyview system. I have read through this thread and the problems are solely linked to the panel hardware. I am planning to install dual displays. If this failure happens to one of the displays the other should operate all of the systems, correct?
Thanks for the info folks. I called Dynon this morning, got an RMA number, uploaded my diag files and sent the unit off via UPS. I'm already getting up tight about not being able to fly for a bit :)

EBB, when are you going to fly up to F70 so we can meet and have a cup of coffe?

Not sure how this is handled between two dispays but only a single ADAHRS unit. I suspect one display is primary and the ADAHRS and GPS info are networked to the other display. If so, the remaining functionality would depend on which display you lose. Perhaps someone with dual displays (or a Dynon rep) could chip in on this thread with solid info.
Thanks for the info folks. I called Dynon this morning, got an RMA number, uploaded my diag files and sent the unit off via UPS. I'm already getting up tight about not being able to fly for a bit :)

EBB, when are you going to fly up to F70 so we can meet and have a cup of coffe?


if you have the USB that came with the Skyview and have been using it for firmware updates check for a file on there called settings archive (unless you were able to EXPORT SETTINGS before your unit froze?).
If your unit had the same problem as I did (failed memory module) then after they replace you'll need to reconfigure it just like when it was brand new and either you or Vans did it (if it was an SLSA). It's a LOT better if you have a recent settings file which you can upload when you get the unit back.

I had a short list, in sequence, of things I had to do to get it up and running. Loading the settings file was number 2 after powering up.
Top Cat,
I had recently exported my settings to a USB stick, so I'm covered. Thanks.

I would love to do that. I hope to get my bird back in the air by about the end on next week. Then there are some commitments in KSAC and a major Bucker Jungmann and Jungmeister fly in here at KSEE with about 80 Bucker types coming from all over the world and then we'll have a chance to get to F70 or HMT for the formerly $200 (now $25)hamburger.

BTW: I am VERY unhappy with the Dynon response to these failures. I think that, were I CEO or General Manager of that company, I would require my tech people to get the latest settings from Van and install them and verify that they work before I would return the unit to my customer. I intend to make some trouble about this after it's all over.....the response we have had from Dynon is simply unacceptable; this product of theirs failed in the air making our airplanes not airworthy and potentially dangerous. That can not be simply ignored with a repaired box that is still not airworthy in my airplane returned to me.

Lookng forward to seeing you in a fully functional bird again.

EBB, the settings file contains a lot of stuff that is specific to your plane. Like the fuel tank calibration values. (We builders had to add 2 gallons at a time and tell the Skyview each time. Admittedly all the RV12s will have inconsequential differences in that, but the ELSA settings file supplied by Vans does not include the calibration coefficients. Presumably every SLSA has its own calibration coefficients in the settings as delivered to the SLSA buyers, but do you expect Vans to keep all of those individual files stored by N-Number?

Other things are on it as well, like your 20% EMS Layout, if you made any adjustments to it. Or if you have changed any of the alarm settings. How would Vans get a copy of that?

So without your personal settings file, Dynon can't "restore" it to exactly how it left your plane. Creating a settings file is no big deal. I do one before every time I upgrade the software. (I understand that recent Software revisions have made that automatic.) Copy it to your computer so you can email it to Dynon if needed.

I keep a USB stick in my plane key ring, just for the periodic uploads. I keep another plugged in all the time in case I want an inflight screenshot and also to download the flight logs after the end of each flight.

I have found Dynon support to be absolutely superb. Plenty of testimonials here bear that out.
BillH et al:
Thanks for your input.

This morning Dynon told me that they will now included all the Vans RV12 settings in my unit before they return it. I will have to calibrate the fuel level, compass and angle of attack calibration.

This demonstrates Dynon's fine customer focus as you mentioned. I learned a long time ago in B school and then again and again leading a major business that a satisfied customer tells three others and a dissatisfied one tells 16. So please add yourself to the "3" above.


Dynon can return the unit with the RV-12 settings. If you have your settings file then you don't need to recalibrate the items you mentioned.

This is what they sent me:-

"The correct file to load is attached to this email. (The file from my settings archive which I had sent to them for verification).

The sequence I suggest is:
1. Reinstall SkyView display - reinstall plugs, etc.
2. Power up SkyView system (including AP powered on, etc.)
3. Load the attached file.
4. Network configuration
SETUP MENU > NETWORK SETUP > CONFIGURE > (right click) > DETECT (button)
Since you previously updated to v12.2, all the modules should already be at v12.2 so all modules listed should show READY.
Push FINISH (button), then EXIT (button)

At this point your system should be back to as normal as can be.

To change the HOBBS and TACH time:

This all worked very well and in short order.

I still had to re-enable the auto-trim ( I have the A/P Panel) and I've also calibrated the ADHRS compass in the air (as per SV 12.2)

I think Dynon will return the unit up to date with all databases, firmware etc

Note: in step 4 I got only one item that was 'ready'. I hit 'update' and then all items were 'ready'. This is in the Installation Manual.

Also I have been recording my Hobbs readings but not the tach. After asking around I figured it would be about 80% of the Hobbs, roughly. I had recently gone through some settings and found Tach and remember it being around this ratio.

I believe this is all accurate and I express my thanks to those who pointed me in the right directions.
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Just a data point. Skyview 10" EFIS in my RV-9A. Today flying up to Cable airport somewhere over Lake Elsinore the screen just goes black and it rebooted. Everything came back fine, except for my flight plan (autopilot was engaged). Never has happened before and it didn't do it again. I'm running 12.2. Curious what the heck happened. No memory stick in the unit, and I'll eventually get the data logs downloaded and analyzed over on Savvyanalysis.
For Alexe:
No but it's in the mail. Should arrive here Monday. They were very nice and shipped it UPS "overnight air" but I learned if a box is sent on a Friday "overnight" means Monday....engenders reversion to the Navy language we learned before PCness:)

Dynon said they had found some things wrong....don't know what they are but they said they would include all that with the box in the mail. Dyson has been very responsive and good about this whole thing. It seems that the failures the three of us have had are isolated. Dynon will return my unit with all the Van's set up stuff already loaded but I'll have to re set the stuff I changed....I think that will include fuel and compass calibration.

Let me know how your repair turns out.

Not good to hear about poor support

Perhaps they are getting too big now, I am about to pull the pin on a 13K Skyview installation. Wonder if those Dynon Servos will work on a Garmin, Garmin is without question the better unit, just so pricey. But they do work!
While we're working hard to determine what has happened to these few units, and while we wish nobody ever had any issues, I don't think anyone is accusing us of poor support! We're actively involved in support on the internet, via phone, or whatever method you want. Most of the posts in this thread have mentioned how reactive we have been when someone contacts us.

--Ian Jordan
Dynon Avionics
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