
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,

With input originally from customers, including here on VAF, Dynon identified an issue with our Heated AOA/Pitot Probe. This year we have been engineering, testing, and tooling a redesigned version of the probe, culminating with a successful final test program at one of the few icing wind tunnels in the country. The redesigned Heated/AOA Pitot Probe is now in production, and we are ready to make replacement probes available to customers with our Heated AOA/Pitot Probe Replacement program.

All of the details of this program are covered in our updated Heated AOA/Pitot Probe Technical Service Bulletin. Note that you’re able to sign-up for a replacement probe via a form linked to in that bulletin. The bulletin also has a set of Frequently Asked Questions that should cover most of your questions.

We will be launching this program more publicly tomorrow on Friday, October 10, with shipments of replacement probes to start right away. But since a lot of the VAF community helped us discover the issue, we wanted to drop the news here directly first. Thanks!

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics
Filled mine out

You guys are doing the right thing. This gives me even more confidence that I made the right choice when I selected Skyview over Garmin. Thanks for all your hard work.
We have one already, a pre production version.

I can say it is a nice product, hard to pick the difference and the only thing we found necessary was to re-calibrate the AoA, although this may not need doing but testing it would be a good idea. It may have been just us. :eek:

Once again?.GREAT WORK Dynon. :)
Thanks for getting this issue solved. I also signed up for a replacement last night. Have you guys thought about posting the results of your wind tunnel testing. I'm sure a lot of people (especially me!) would like to see them.

Thanks again!
I installed my new heated pitot yesterday. Easy swap, but I also replaced my Safeair pitot mast at the same time. The old one had cracked so I welded up a fix but wasn't happy with it.

The new pitot tube in my Rocket is serial number 6000. Suspicious number, sounds like the first one!

EDIT: yup, it's the first production one, I'm honored!

Today I replace the one in my RV-9A so it's up to snuff for a new buyer.

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I installed my new heated pitot today. The hardest part was taking the photo that served as evidence I destroyed the old pitot.

The new pitot tube in my Rocket is serial number 6000. Suspicious number, sounds like the first one!

My SN is 6020 so you may just have the 1st one.

I doubt that 6000 is the first one??mine has no number that I recall. :D

OK I cheated??.

You may or may not need to do this but I found the AoA needed a recalibration. Only subtle.

Mine is a pre-production unit so it may be slightly variable but it is worth doing as a precaution.

I doubt that 6000 is the first one……mine has no number that I recall. :D

OK I cheated…….

You may or may not need to do this but I found the AoA needed a recalibration. Only subtle.

Mine is a pre-production unit so it may be slightly variable but it is worth doing as a precaution.


Mine is 6003. I haven't replaced it yet, but the instructions state that recalibration of the aoa will be necessary.
I purchased my aircraft used. Trying to determine if it has the dynon tube. AC was built in 2004 with a D10. The tube has one small drain hole at the front bottom and two small holes near the back. Does this sound like the effected unit?

Go to the Dynon web site and read the SB.
If you have a Dynon heated pitot purchased before Sept 2014 you are affected.
If you have a Dynon heated pitot with a serial number below 6000 you are affected.
All HEATED Pitot are covered by the service bulletin. The first heated pitot sold was about 2007, so a plane from 2004 either has a different heated pitot brand, it's unheated, or it was retrofit after the build.
All HEATED Pitot are covered by the service bulletin. The first heated pitot sold was about 2007, so a plane from 2004 either has a different heated pitot brand, it's unheated, or it was retrofit after the build.

Thank you for the info. There are no markings at all on the pitot tube as to manufacturer. I believe it is original to the build but will check further.

To clarify, the new ones have s/n 6000 and higher. So for people that read the bulletin in a year or two or aren't the first owner of the aircraft and don't know the vintage of their pitot, the serial number test is authoritative. But as of the release of the bulletin in October 2014, all Dynon Heated AOA/Pitot tubes are affected.
Slow Going

I had filled out the form but had not heard anything yet from Dynon.
I called the other day to see if they had my application.
Nice gentleman looked it up and yep, they had what they needed.
He told me it would be awhile as I was 534th in line. So I will wait,
hope I won't need Depends by then:rolleyes:
I had filled out the form but had not heard anything yet from Dynon.
I called the other day to see if they had my application.
Nice gentleman looked it up and yep, they had what they needed.
He told me it would be awhile as I was 534th in line. So I will wait,
hope I won't need Depends by then:rolleyes:

Same here, except I was directed to phone mail yesterday when I called, and I have not heard back from them yet. Let's go, Dynon. Your customer service is supposed to be what sets you apart from Big G! ;)
Hi Bert and Jerry,

Thanks for your comments. It's always helpful to hear how policies and communication are playing out in the real world.

We want nothing more than to get that waiting list down to 0. We had a goal of announcing the trade-in program only when we had significant quantities on the shelf to meet the initial spike in demand. We met that goal, and have been in a steady state of ramping up materials and production to since then. It is hard to give concrete timeline estimates, given the broad scope of this effort, but I can assure you we will get every replacement out as fast as possible while maintaining the quality level you and we expect.

Also, while the trade-in list is technically "first in, first out," we are encouraging folks who do not have an urgent need (e.g., still building) to let us know so we can prioritize appropriately. We're hoping this will will allow the more urgent customers to see their replacements come sooner.

Best regards,
Paul Dunscomb
VP of Engineering
Dynon Avionics
Some sort of acknowledgement of being in the queue would be nice. I too filled out the online form, but have no indication of whether I am in the system correctly or not. Is it preferable that I call to verify receipt of my request?
Some sort of acknowledgement of being in the queue would be nice. I too filled out the online form, but have no indication of whether I am in the system correctly or not. Is it preferable that I call to verify receipt of my request?

Same here...it's like the request went into a black hole. They should at least send an email back with some sort of request number acknowledging that they received it and have put it in the queue.
If you got to the form submission confirmation page, you're definitely in the queue. Unfortunately, the signup system we used doesn't have a way to let you automatically check your status or send an email confirmation. If you're curious, you can email or call us to double check.

Jerry - when did you leave a message for support? Monday's are very busy here, but just the same, I want to make sure we didn't miss you.

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics