
Well Known Member
It started with the EGT #1 display starting up with a red X showing. Somewhere between startup and takeoff EGT#1 would finally come alive , and indicate temps consistent with the other EGTs. I replaced EGT#1 sensor with no change in the red X behavior.

This week my ammeter display started up a red X. Talked to Dynon again, same answer, corroded connection. I replaced both the shunt connections up to the harness junction with no change in the red X.

Batt voltage and Alt voltage are reading normally.

The Skyview has preformed flawlessly for the last two years, or so, since first flight. Till now......

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I am at KMMV near McMinnville, OR if anyone is near.
It could also be a bad crimp or a broken wire, not just corrosion. Check all your crimps, connections and wires.

My ammeter would show either a red-X or +99amps once in a while. This started happening after 300hrs of flawless operation. I found bad crimps where the wires connected to the shunt causing the problem. Once I re-did the crimp the problem went away.

I also had a similar, intermittent issue with my #2 EGT signal. But this one worked fine whenever I tried to trouble shoot the problem. The problem with that one was a bad connection inside the EGT probe connector. Additionally, when the cowl was on, the #2 EGT wire was being bent enough that it would make a bad contact. When the cowl was off, the plug made a good enough connection and it worked. I re-did the connection and moved the wire so the cowl would not interfere with it. Problem solved.

Good luck on the troubleshooting. These kinds of problems are a b**ch to find.


Thanks for the reply. Judging by the number of views vs the number of replies, I (We) have once again found a set of weird problems needing resolution.

Your post closely mirrors my problems. My EGT#1 started with the Red X at startup. I replaced the EGT #1 sensor probe. No change, both sensors would come alive sometime before takeoff and then function normally throughout the flight. I am still living with this problem. I did check the EGT#1 leads and they do not touch the cowl. Since both sensors behave the same I assume they are not the problem. I guess I still have a grounding issue in the EGT#1 circuit.

Then my ammeter started reading ~55 amps current flow, then would drift down to a normal reading, a few minutes later it would repeat?. Then finally, the Red X settled over the ammeter. I replaced the first ~8 inches of the #24 and #25 amp sensor leads. Still the Red X.

I called Dynon yesterday and received the suggestion to remove and clean the firewall to engine grounds wires. I did that today and the ammeter Red X disappeared.

I am not sure I understand all I know about this grounding. I guess I need to go through my ?forest of spades? and remove, clean and replace all the grounds. UGG

Also have the same issue 3 year old 10" Skyview red x out on number 1 EGT. engine start comes on perfect, no x out. after 3 flights no issue all EGT's working. Update Dynon 15.3.3 software, red x out on number 1 EGT comes on again. Inspect all grounds, all good. Dynon told me the same things about checking connections. Visiting their booth at Oshkosh for further discussion.

Mark C. 119RV.
Your post closely mirrors my problems. My EGT#1 started with the Red X at startup. I replaced the EGT #1 sensor probe. No change, both sensors would come alive sometime before takeoff and then function normally throughout the flight. I am still living with this problem. I did check the EGT#1 leads and they do not touch the cowl. Since both sensors behave the same I assume they are not the problem. I guess I still have a grounding issue in the EGT#1 circuit.

Another thing to check is where the EGT wires "connect" to the EMS wires. That is a very common place to have a bad connection. The other place to check is where the EGT/EMS wire connects inside the SkyView DB plug. If there is a bad crimp, broken wire, or the pin has worked its way out, you will get the same error indication.

Then my ammeter started reading ~55 amps current flow, then would drift down to a normal reading, a few minutes later it would repeat…. Then finally, the Red X settled over the ammeter. I replaced the first ~8 inches of the #24 and #25 amp sensor leads. Still the Red X.

I called Dynon yesterday and received the suggestion to remove and clean the firewall to engine grounds wires. I did that today and the ammeter Red X disappeared.

It looks like you are on the right track on finally fixing the problem(s). Like I said before, troubleshooting wire connections are a b**ch to do. That is why I recommend you don't "nickel and dime" the wiring part of the installation. It will eventually come back to haunt you and troubleshooting these problems take time, lots of time.
