Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
Why does my new Skyview fuel gage in my RV12 SLSA read 15 gallons when it's full and not 19.8 gallons and what can I do about that?

The design of the tank and float arm. The float arm is near the front of the tank and the "ceiling" of the tank slopes up to the rear. The float will only go so high, thus reading in some cases 15+ or 16+ (On the skyview), depending on how accurate it was calibrated. Ours reads 15+ When above 15 gallons. If topped off, after an hour of flight time the guage will then begin dropping gallons and is very accurate. It's just a matter of location of the digital float gauge in relation to the top of the tank. No way to fix it.
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My float reached the mechanical stop at 17 gal on my D-180. It takes about an hour for it to start reading actual level at 16 gal. On the upside it is accurate to within about half a gallon, and the totalizer (derived from fuel flow) is even more accurate.
My float reached the mechanical stop at 17 gal on my D-180. It takes about an hour for it to start reading actual level at 16 gal. On the upside it is accurate to within about half a gallon, and the totalizer (derived from fuel flow) is even more accurate.

Newbie question?.(waiting for my plane)?.in the meantime, do you input your starting fuel into the Skyview (how do you do this?) and the resulting fuel indication is this amount less fuel flow OR do you fill up, see full on the Moeller gauge and simply wait till about 5 gals has burned off before the float, accurately, starts going down from it's max position of 15 gals?

Personally, I don't really care if the gauge reads accurately above 15 gallons. But I sure as heck care when it gets below 10.

Both my Skyview and Garmin G3X Touch gauges are spot on. The Moeller gauge I use as confirmation.
Do you SLSA guys have the Fuel Totalizer shown on you Skyview to the right of your Fuel Quantity indicator as shown in this picture below? If not you can remove the Wing Pin indicator and replace it also as seen in this picture to. That way you can see your fuel start to decrease from full if you want.;)
I can't speak for the Skyview, but my D-180 starts over on the totalizer each engine start. I don't manually enter anything.