Bob Ross

Now that Skyview Version 5.1 allows flight data to be recorded, can anyone suggest some PC software to graph and analyze this data? I can do it in Excel but I suspect there is something better.


Savvy Analysis Software

The Savvy software looks great for analyzing engine data. I'm looking for something that can also import and display flight data such as altitude, heading, airspeed etc....vs flight time. Know of anything like this?

you get most of that... and a bit more ;)

Check it out... with the SavvyAnalysis (free) you don't get every field that SkyView records but you do get a nice presentation of the flight path, gps altitude, pressure alt, map, rpm, fuel flow EGT, CHT, vertical speed, TAS, IAS, oil temp and press, and a few others.

Here is a track shot from a recent formation training session.

I just discovered Cloudahoy which is an Apple App which allows you to log your position etc and view it in Google earth, this off course does not use the Skyview data but I wanted make people aware of it