
Well Known Member
According to Van's RV-12 wiring diagram, the Dynon SkyView display is powered by two wires, one wire to pin 1 and one wire to pin 20. The wire connected to pin 1 is switched by the Avionics Switch. The wire connected to pin 20 is not switched and is hot whenever the master is on. Does anyone know why it is wired that way? The Skyview display in the RV-12 is not wired in accordance with the SkyView System Installation Guide which says,
There are two unterminated solid red primary power input wires (to reduce current loading in each wire?these are not for redundancy and both must be connected to the same power source)
Obviously the Skyview works fine the way that it is wired in all of the RV-12s currently flying. I am just curious about the reasoning behind switching one power wire and not the other. Since pins 1 and 20 are adjacent to each other, most likely they are connected together inside of the Skyview display. If so, the wire going to pin 1 will be hot whenever the master switch is on, regardless of whether the avionics switch is on or off (if the wiring diagram is correct).
In the RV12, Skyview is supposed to come on with the master, not "wait for" the avionics switch.

The Skyview comes on and it powers the GPS, EMS and the ADAHRS without the avionics switch on.

Tha Avionics switch powers up the transponder and radio and ADSB box if you have that.
The avionics switch also allows power to the AP servos if you throw that switch as well.

BTW, all those need to be ON with you do a Dynon System Software update (not just the monthly FAA databases) because software is or may be actually loaded into the ADAHRS, EMS, ADSB, GPS, Transponder, and AP servo modules.
Speaking of powering up, occasionally I find that Skyview will not switch on the first time I turn the master on, but it always (at least so far) comes on at the second attempt. This happens maybe 5%-10% of the time. The fans come on every time, so I assume the master itself is OK. Just wondering if it could be caused by a marginally charged battery, although I haven't noticed any particular pattern.