
Well Known Member
Does the SkyView have an SD card slot like some other panels to record flight data? All I see in the literature are USB ports. Will a thumb drive record data for analysis on a PC?
SkyView uses USB "thumb drives" instead of SD cards. We find them to be more flexible than SD, since you can always use a USB-SD adapter if you wish, and they are directly compatible with any computer, Windows, Mac, or Linux even without a card reader. I've even updated SkyView right off a cell phone that emulates a USB drive. It's a very flexible setup.

Also, we never "run" off the SD card or USB drive, it's purely for getting data on or off the device. We have industrial, high quality storage inside for anything that is flight critical.

We have 3 USB ports, two on the back and one on the harness that comes with SkyView, which you can put other places in the plane that you can get to easily. SkyView comes with a 4GB USB drive.

SkyView doesn't have user datalogging currently, only datalogging that Dynon can use for troubleshooting. User datalogging is on our short list of features to develop. When we have datalogging, the data will be stored internally, without any USB drive needed. You'll only need to plug in a USB drive when you want to download the data from the internal storage.

We do stream EMS data out the serial port, and we'll have ADAHRS and system data (AP, transponder, etc) very shortly.
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Data logging is important

I'm glad to hear it's on your short list. I currently record data from an EIS 4000 onto a laptop to help me troubleshoot some engine issues, and used it a lot when improving bafflesnlast summer. It also helps record peak EGT and fuel flow to adjust injectors to improve lean of peak ops.

Is it possible to record the data stream coming off the EMS through the serial port the same way I am doing it on the EIS now? If so, how hard is it to put the data stream into a spreadsheet for analysis?

I am very excited about getting flying with the SkyView. It will be a big step up from the 6 pack I have flown behind for years.

One other thing - some of the competitor's products can show a graph EGT vs time. That would seem to be a great way to see changes quickly as well as monitoring EGT during peaking operations. Is there a widget that will do that?
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You can log the output out of SkyView onto a laptop just like you do the GRT EIS 4000. The data is fixed width, so it's easy to import into excel.

We don't currently do a temperature graph vs. time, and it's not something we get asked about very often so it's not high on our list. We're always open to hearing otherwise from our customers!
That works for me. I actually have been working on a little device that interfaces from the EIS serial data out to an SD card - uses a TTL RS232 converter and a small 5v regulator. Perhaps that will eliminate the need for the laptop and cable. The EIS data output needs a lot of decoding though and it sounds like your data will import to a spreadsheet fine.