Rob Erdos

Well Known Member

I'm thinking about a cheap way of configuring my RV-6 for IFR. Canadian regs require two independent Nav systems (...and, no, the 430/530 won't cut it). The Master Plan is for one GPS/Comm and one Nav/Comm.

I love the SL-30, but wow it's expensive! There are older Nav/Comms for half the price. To wit, my question...

Is there any way to integrate a legacy Nav/Comm, such as a KX-155 or MK-12D/E as a Nav input to Skyview?

Creative solutions welcome,

Rob Erdos

I'm thinking about a cheap way of configuring my RV-6 for IFR. Canadian regs require two independent Nav systems (...and, no, the 430/530 won't cut it). The Master Plan is for one GPS/Comm and one Nav/Comm.

I love the SL-30, but wow it's expensive! There are older Nav/Comms for half the price. To wit, my question...

Is there any way to integrate a legacy Nav/Comm, such as a KX-155 or MK-12D/E as a Nav input to Skyview?

Creative solutions welcome,

Rob Erdos

What about one of these?

VAL NAV 2000:

Will Val Nav 2000 interface with the GRT Sport SX like the Garmin SL 30 that is tune-able by the Sport SX and supplies data for a HSI solution on the SX?
Yes the NAV 2000 will interface just like the Garmin SL 30 giving Nav date to the EFIS.

Looking at the install manuals, communications protocols appear to work the same way.
Rob - the VAL radios are definitely an option at far less $$ than an SL30. One device worth looking at is their "all in one" INS429 - this gives you both a full stand-alone receiver and a stand-alone indicator. The real benefit is it can also serve as a backup indicator for your GPS in the event your EFIS goes Tango Uniform.

You can install any of the older nav/com units as long as you don't mind installing their stand-alone indicators. With the exception of the SL30, none of the legacy nav/coms "speak SL30" serial data protocol, so your EFIS can't "hear" them. As pointed out previously in this thread, the VAL Nav2000 is the only reasonably priced nav radio that "speaks SL30" which has become the default communications protocol for experimental EFIS gear. I keep hoping MGL will get their act together on their Nav radio because that would give us all some more options to consider, likely at great cost savings over "brand G".

If you wish to discuss further, pop me an e-mail. Have recently gone through the decision process to upgrade my panel to IFR capability so have some of these tradeoffs still fresh in mind and likewise have been able to provide some guidance to other Ottawa builders.
Do you truly need two NAV radios, or can you have an independent GPS and NAV?

(j) sufficient radio navigation equipment to permit the pilot, in the event of the failure at any stage of the flight of any item of that equipment, including any associated flight instrument display,

(i) to proceed to the destination aerodrome or proceed to another aerodrome that is suitable for landing, and

(ii) where the aircraft is operated in IMC, to complete an instrument approach and, if necessary, conduct a missed approach procedure.

As I read that, if you had a Garmin 400W (GPS only) and an SL-30, no one equipment failure would keep you from getting to your destination and performing an instrument approach. Do they literally mean only ILS approaches, or are GPS approaches OK?

A 400W+SL-30 is more than just a 430W, but may be acceptable and cheaper than doubling up on NAV radios.

From talking to VAL, we do expect that the NAV 2000 will work just fine as well once it's shipping.

I'm thinking about a cheap way of configuring my RV-6 for IFR. Canadian regs require two independent Nav systems (...and, no, the 430/530 won't cut it). The Master Plan is for one GPS/Comm and one Nav/Comm.

Cheapest way I've come up with is a KLN-89B GPS (non-precision approaches) and either a KX-155 NAV/COM, or the new VAL NAV 2000 (emulates an SL-30 NAV). This would be two independent navigation sources and should be obtainable for a total under $2k with careful shopping.

Don't forget the cost of database updates! You are looking at several hundred dollars per year just to keep the GPS database current.

Dynon Guys,

Thanks for looking into the Canadian regs. You're right, and I should have been clearer in my message. The GNS 400W +SL30 solution would be nearly ideal. I don't need to VOR/ILS receivers, but rather need two independent sources for navigation.

Thanks for the encouragement about the VAL Nav radio. It looks promising, although I have some reluctance to buy the "alpha" version of anything.

Skyview vs radios

Hi Rob

I just finished this summer to update my RV-4 to IFR with a Skyview and an SL-30 + a KLN 90B King Gps and both are working flawlessly , both are speaking Skyview language.

You will require an ARINC 429 to make it ( KLN-90B ) work though.

A KLN-90B with an annunciator can be had for around $1500.00 on E-Bay.

Good Luck

[email protected]

Skyview and an SL-30 + a KLN 90B King Gps and both are working flawlessly

I am very glad to see this post. It seems all the EFIS manufactures are now only supporting Garmin, and while Garmin has a very nice product (I flew with a GNS 430W in my Cherokee for years) it's VERY expensive, and as an experimental owner I only need a certified GPS, not certified VOR, moving map, and com system.

None of the EFIS manufactures say they support the KLN90B, which I already own. Since they also don't have the analog voltage inputs typically used by a CDI, I wasn't sure if they would display the deviation information from the ARINC interface or not.

Can you confirm the CDI is displayed? Is it possible to set the OBS heading from Skyview? What about displaying/editing the flight plan in the KLN90B? Can you arm/activate the approaches or do you have to use the annunciator panel to do so?

KLN-90B displaying on SkyView

I am very glad to see this post. It seems all the EFIS manufactures are now only supporting Garmin, and while Garmin has a very nice product (I flew with a GNS 430W in my Cherokee for years) it's VERY expensive, and as an experimental owner I only need a certified GPS, not certified VOR, moving map, and com system.

None of the EFIS manufactures say they support the KLN90B, which I already own. Since they also don't have the analog voltage inputs typically used by a CDI, I wasn't sure if they would display the deviation information from the ARINC interface or not.

Can you confirm the CDI is displayed? Is it possible to set the OBS heading from Skyview? What about displaying/editing the flight plan in the KLN90B? Can you arm/activate the approaches or do you have to use the annunciator panel to do so?


The KLN-90B in fact works great with the SkyView for IFR navigation. You will defiantly need the Dynon ARNIC 429 box to get it to work. And yes, per TSO 129 you will need the annunciation panel. It is a really easy install and setup. I did one in my Harmon Rocket and also gave the wiring diagram to Bruno for his. If you need one, I can send you one also. I would just need to know which annunciation panel you are using. I gave Bruno the one for mine and he had a different one, so had to redo it for his, and he got his working.

I have not updated my database yet as I have been doing other things first, but from what I can tell, you will need to load the IFR flight plan in the KLN-90B, then it will display in on the HSI on the SkyView. You can also load it in the SkyView to give you the magenta line, but follow the HSI data from the KLN-90B. They should be the same. Makes for good situation awareness.

If you need help, just email me at [email protected] and I can help you out.
