
Well Known Member
I believe the GMA240 has the same wiring also.

I'm struggling with the wording used for the Skyview com and the audio panel. Does anyone have the pinouts for hooking the two together. I'll be hooking the com425 to audio 2 and I'm lost on the last couple connections.

So far I'm thinking it's
gma pin 13 com2 audio in hi to com425 pin 10 phones out
gma pin 14 com2 audio low to com425 pin 9 phones ground
gma pin 15 com2 mic audio out hi to com425 pin 1 microphone in
I believe the GMA240 has the same wiring also.

I'm struggling with the wording used for the Skyview com and the audio panel. Does anyone have the pinouts for hooking the two together. I'll be hooking the com425 to audio 2 and I'm lost on the last couple connections.

So far I'm thinking it's
gma pin 13 com2 audio in hi to com425 pin 10 phones out
gma pin 14 com2 audio low to com425 pin 9 phones ground
gma pin 15 com2 mic audio out hi to com425 pin 1 microphone in

Looking at the diagram you have it correct, should work fine. Don't forget the PTT wire;)
One other thing, run a ground wire between the case on the 425 tranceiver to the ground stud on the back of the intercom. We have had a few that had a squeal that this fixed. I suspect something else was wrong with their install, but adding this ground stopped it.
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Thanks Don, but that's all I've been able to figure out for the pin outs. There's two more wires that are supposed to get hooked up.
I'm guessing
Gma pin 30 com 2 mic key out would go to com425 pin 5 PTT in?
Gma pin 14 com 2 audio lo is tied to both com425 pins 9&2? Phones ground & Mic PTT ground