
Well Known Member
My new panels will be a 7" Skyview interfacing with Garmin SL30 (which will drive the Skyview HSI and also give me DME) to give me decent IFR capabilities.

Also adding in my currently owned KT76A (versus Dynon's mode S) with analog altimeter [as redundant system].

My question is do I need a separate encoder for the Altimeter/KT76A system (ala Ameri-King, PCI, etc) or can I drive the analog altimeter and KT 76a from Dynon's AHARS module? I may still go with the second encoder just for true redundancy's sake though.

Just curious if anyone's done that.
The KT-76 is a gray code transponder. The Skyview installation manual says to interface a SkyView display to a gray code transponder, the use of a Dynon Encoder Serial‐to‐Gray Code Converter Module (Dynon P/N 100362‐000) is required.

By the way, I'm not sure it's legal to use the GPS-driven synthetic DME on a SL-30 to substitute when DME is required under IFR. Especially if the GPS is non-TSO.

The sl30 alone will not give you DME. You must connect it to a GPS for that to work and there are gotcha's around that.

The KT76a works great with Dynon's converter. I have one using the same.

The analog alt. does not need to connect to anything but the static system.

Yeah that was the general answer I received from a sales person at Dynon. That'll save a few wires.

As far as the DME issue I am aware of the legal requirements. But DME (TSO'd) is only required when required as per approach plate (e.g. VOR/DME arc approach)

My need is not so much for a day to day IFR platform like I needed when I flew commercially, but ability to legally traverse airspace in IMC when traveling point A to B. Single pilot IFR in busy environments is tough. Been there done that professionally. I regularly flew in to Quito (Ecuador) on their ILS to minimums in a Cessna T-206 with just a KX155 and KI209. Interesting to say the least.

Thanks again,

dme on sl30

The SL30 will display DME info but needs a DME or a Garmin (nee Apollo) GX series or DB30 to supply the information. No, it will not use any other GPS info as a substitute. DME is legal required above 24000 feet and on an instrument approach requiring DME unless an IFR GPS can be used. The Skyview almost requires Dynon's GPS so you should have distance information always available. The SL30 will display radial information on two VORs at the same time and the Skyview will display both those bearing pointers (looks like dual RMI). At the same time the Skyview can be navigating by GPS with a CDI on the HSI. Enough acronyms?
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The SL30 can also show distance data from a GX series gps.....Like was said before, it is not true DME but it will show on the SL30.
Thanks again

Good explanations on the SL30. Hadn't gotten into the manuals and the web data is rather cryptic sometimes.

Either way, the SL30 will do the job for me as is for now.



War Eagle! SEC Champs! Next stop Arizona! Any wonder I am considering and orange blue scheme on my 8?