
Well Known Member
Skyview Alerts FIXED

I have been struggling with poor alert volume, and at the suggestion from Vans Support, I have verified all of the preset setting, then adjusted the trim pots on the AV50000A. I now have the EFFIS R & L trim pots near max. The results are a slight increase in volume, still inaudible with the engine running, and the voice is very garbled, as though it is an overdriven signal. The garbled sound was even there when the trim pots were at the factory settings. I am curious about how many Flying RV 12s are getting good alert reports. Please add if you are Skyview, and if so, whether or not you have the conversion harnesses. And finally, if anyone else has gone through this and fixed it, please advise..........Tom

My system is: Skyview Touch, SL40, 403 Com, conversion harness, with Mode S Xponder, ADS-B and AOA. I also unplugged the music jack at the intercom to eliminate noise on the intercom.

Will greatly appreciate any feedback. I really want to fix this!!....
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I have been struggling with poor alert volume, and at the suggestion from Vans Support, I have verified all of the preset setting, then adjusted the trim pots on the AV50000A. I now have the EFFIS R & L trim pots near max. The results are a slight increase in volume, still inaudible with the engine running, and the voice is very garbled, as though it is an overdriven signal. The garbled sound was even there when the trim pots were at the factory settings. I am curious about how many Flying RV 12s are getting good alert reports. Please add if you are Skyview, and if so, whether or not you have the conversion harnesses. And finally, if anyone else has gone through this and fixed it, please advise..........Tom

My system is: Skyview Touch, SL40, 403 Com, conversion harness, with Mode S Xponder, ADS-B and AOA. I also unplugged the music jack at the intercom to eliminate noise on the intercom.

Will greatly appreciate any feedback. I really want to fix this!!....
Same setup, although my music jack has not been disconnected. My alerts were bad until 1) I checked the correct grounding on the headset jacks, and 2) started using stereo headsets. I now get good Skyview warnings on both pilot and pax side, albeit in only one ear. The ISO switch on the intercom still blanks the wrong seat.
Same setup, although my music jack has not been disconnected. My alerts were bad until 1) I checked the correct grounding on the headset jacks, and 2) started using stereo headsets. I now get good Skyview warnings on both pilot and pax side, albeit in only one ear. The ISO switch on the intercom still blanks the wrong seat.

Did you change something on the installation of your headset jacks, or just tighten to improve the ground?? Also, did you crank on the AV50000A trim pots? I have David Clark stereo headsets, and still can't hear, or understand the alerts, however the intercom, com radio receive, side tone, and stall warning all come through great, and in stereo, There was some talk about drilling out the holes for the headset jacks, and using an insulator. Did you do that mod?

By correct grounding, I think that Dave means the jacks are grounded by a wire that is grounded at the instrument panel end. The jacks (especially the mic) should NOT be grounded to the seat floor.
I had an isolator in the wrong place, and the washer that was supposed to provide the ground was sitting on top of a mostly painted surface. I can't definitively state that the changes I made there had any effect as I was moving to stereo headsets at the same time.

While my Skyview alerts now work, I still have to fiddle with the plugs now and then to clear up static, and my DC ANR headsets don't work well at all - I often get a piercing screech when keying the mic. The stereo DC 13.4s don't exhibit that behavior.
By correct grounding, I think that Dave means the jacks are grounded by a wire that is grounded at the instrument panel end. The jacks (especially the mic) should NOT be grounded to the seat floor.
Mine still are. Since I still have problems, I'll look into this as the next step.
I had this failure on serial no 510 at 160 hrs. Word of caution when replacing the bracket, the ignition modual pickup can be set too close and rub the flywheel. This can result in damage to the pickup modual ($800) makes the $12 bracket a bit spendy. :)
Does anyone know if the Garmin alternative to the Skyview has these same problems? Considering the cost of the Skyview (although less than the Garmin), this is a bit disconcerting.
SkyView's audio output works great on thousands of aircraft and is tested on every unit before it ships.

This isn't an issue with SkyView as a system, it's either the intercom or how SkyView is wired to the intercom.
SkyView's audio output works great on thousands of aircraft and is tested on every unit before it ships.

This isn't an issue with SkyView as a system, it's either the intercom or how SkyView is wired to the intercom.

We all are quite sure that this is an installation issue, and not a Skyview problem. Us builders have not been successful in resolving it ourselves, and there are a bunch of us with the same problem. Also, we haven't had much success with Vans support with this either. I just spent 2 days tracing every single wire from each headset jacks, and the Skyview, through the AV50000A to the intercom, and everything is exact to the Drawing, but it still doesn't work. I think that the problem is in the mixer circuit in the AV50000A. Several builders are looking at the alternative of bypassing the AV50000A with the alerts. I'm not sure how easy that will be to do, but we want, and need the safety that these alerts provide. This problem has been lurking around this forum for over a year now, and no one has come up with a fix.

Still looking for a solution..............Tom
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I have great audio and clear warning messages. One thing that I did that was different than the plans was I installed isolating washers on all four audio/headset jacks in the airplane. In fact, my wiring kit didn't come with these and I had to order two sets. From my experience in wiring other aircraft, I knew this was critical to getting good audio in the airplane. I did make a few adjustments to the audio pots and to the GTR200 audio levels per Van's guide to get the levels where I wanted them.

I also re-wired the music IN jack between the seats per Garmin's recommendation in another thread. This also improved the quality of the AUX music played from my iPhone.

I can't say for sure that this will correct your problem, but I still highly recommend these changes.
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All headset wiring had been verified as correct with the drawings and isolate works as designed.

I used the instruction in the latest prints 42D-30, and set all of the pots as listed, and I have the Volume control / test setting in the Skyview setup menu and 100%. I then began increasing the L & R EFIS trim pots to get some alert volume. This provided minimal gains in volume, and continued to degrade the clarity. Basically resetting the other trim pots had no effect. I did note one additional piece of information that is interesting. If I turn off the SL40, the headset background noise is reduced, but also, the alert volume level drops, as well. Man, I wish I could get a handle on this. I do have a plea for help via email to Van's support. Be assured, if I get anything good, I will post it..........Tom
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I have great audio and clear warning messages. One thing that I did that was different than the plans was I installed isolating washers on all four audio/headset jacks in the airplane. In fact, my wiring kit didn't come with these and I had to order two sets. From my experience in wiring other aircraft, I knew this was critical to getting good audio in the airplane. I did make a few adjustments to the audio pots and to the GTR200 audio levels per Van's guide to get the levels where I wanted them.

I also re-wired the music IN jack between the seats per Garmin's recommendation in another thread. This also improved the quality of the AUX music played from my iPhone.

I can't say for sure that this will correct your problem, but I still highly recommend these changes.

Randy, I am really not unhappy with my headset performance, and I have the headset jacks installed as per the plans. Everything except the Alerts come through just fine. The intercom, SL40 reception, and side tone, even the stall warning is great. It is just the Alerts from the Skyview that are unacceptable, and that includes the AOA beeps. Although I did disconnect the music jack wiring that I don't use anyway. That did eliminate some extra background noise...........Tom
In an effort to effect some change in my Skyview alert volume, and clarity, I starting with the AV50000A setting to factory specs. I then reduced the stall volume, thinking that just perhaps the mixer was being overdriven. With the volume setting on the stall trim pot at 100%. the horn is very loud. Reducing the stall volume to a low level had no effect on the alert volume, nor the clarity of it. Willing to try anything............Tom
Have you looked at the volume setting of the alerts within Skyview? I thought there was a setting in the set-up area that allowed you to control the volume? Maybe I dreamed that.
Have you looked at the volume setting of the alerts within Skyview? I thought there was a setting in the set-up area that allowed you to control the volume? Maybe I dreamed that.

There is an overall Skyview volume control in set up. It comes preset at 100%, which is where mine is set. Then there are the 2 trim pots that control the EFIS R, and L volume settings on the AV50000A. In fact there are quite a few trim pots on the AV50000A, and mine are all set to the specifications in the latest section 42D of the prints. That is all I know of, but thanks for your thoughts...............Tom
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Skyview Alerts FIXED

After much wire tracing, gaining a better understanding of the wiring drawing, and a little help from Gus at Van's, my Skyview Alert Volume problem was identified, and fixed.
After completing the avionics installation, I noticed quite a bit of noise coming into the headsets. I posted a query on the forum, and it was suggested that the noise was probably coming from the music jack wiring in the cockpit, and that by removing the music input leads at the intercom, the antenna effect from these music leads would be eliminated. I then disconnected pins 18 and 19 from the intercom end of the cable, and sure enough, my headsets were no longer noisy. The problem was that these are the same wires that the Skyview uses to broadcast the alerts. So, I have now reconnected the music leads to the intercom, and balanced the inputs from the skyview, through the AV5000A, and everything works as planned. So, if anyone else has removed, or planned to remove the music wires from the intercom, you had best rethink that idea, or you will surly lose your alerts.

I know that I have read of others going down this same path, and I hope this post helps......the end.......Tom.
Is this correct:
So the music wire starts between the seats, heads forward, and goes INTO (!!!) the AV5000. The Skyview alerts also go INTO the magic box.
Inside the magic box, the music and the alerts get added together into a wire that goes FROM the AV5000 INTO the intercom and that combo signal I s adjusted by a pot.


So what about disconnecting the music wire where it goes INTO the AV5000? Wouldn't that remove the interference without deleting the alerts?
Is this correct:
So the music wire starts between the seats, heads forward, and goes INTO (!!!) the AV5000. The Skyview alerts also go INTO the magic box.
Inside the magic box, the music and the alerts get added together into a wire that goes FROM the AV5000 INTO the intercom and that combo signal I s adjusted by a pot.


So what about disconnecting the music wire where it goes INTO the AV5000? Wouldn't that remove the interference without deleting the alerts?

Yes Bill, the music, and the alerts are mixed in the AV50000A, then exit the AV50000A, and go to the intercom music in pins. You can balance these inputs with the individual pots; EFIS L & R, and Audio L & R. You can also set an overall EFIS volume level, and some others, in the Skyview > Setup > Volume screen.
I sure learned all of this the hard way, but I now have a very well balanced alert, and music system. You can get some terrific help in doing the balance by following the steps in the latest section 43D, and in particular, page 30. Hope that helps..............Tom
Hi Tom, - Thanks for your investigations into this matter - I am one of those who took the music input pins out of the intercom to get rid of the hash & noise which I believed was coming from the music input system. I thought I had solved everything until I read your posts about the Dynon audio warnings, and I am about to put those wires back.After that do you think I should turn the music input pots right down or off, ( I don't think I will ever need music!)? It seems you have had success balancing the EFIS R & L pots with the main EFIS volume. I don't have the same drawing as you, mine are on pages 45A-10 & 11. I guess the instructions are the same. Thanks, DEAN...
Hi Dean. Your print 45A will give you everything that you need. I can only notice a slight amount more background noise now, than what I had with the music wires removed, and that is only noticeable when the engine is not running. Balancing the inputs to the mixer is key. I cut the trim pot tool in half. Now, I only have about a 2 inch tool to work with, and it makes adjusting the pots so much easier. With the avionics deck cover panel off, you can snake your hand down into the area of the trim pots. It still takes a light touch to feel the engagement of the blade of the tool going into the trim pot screw slot. Another aid is to place a sharpie pen ring around the tool, in a position that you can see to determine that you are engaged in the trim pot screw slot. I probably spent an hour balancing these pots with a charger hooked up, the master on, the avionics up, and the Skyview in setup, to get what I wanted. I even have a very functional music jack now. Hope it works for you..............Tom
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Hi Tom, Yesterday I put the pins back into the intercom plug & proceeded to balance the Efis l & r with the Efis main Volume as instructed. A perfect result, - Efis, alerts, intercom & radio all at the same satisfactory level. I think the main problem was that I had turned the Efis volume right down many months ago, & I had NOT read the procedure in the plans properly. All fine now, - thanks again for your help, DEAN.