
Well Known Member
Hello All
I've just finished installing my Skyview in my RV-4 but so far I have some issues with ADAHRS Compass calibration.

I'm curious to know where you guys flying similar A/C have mounted your ADAHRS?
Mine is mounted on a shelf just behind the cargo area using an aluminum bracket .
I have a new ADAHRS on its way from Dynon so I can troubleshoot the problem but I thought I would ask what you guys did and what kind of issue if any did you get.

Thanks for your feedback

[email protected]
That's the "standard" place for a Dynon ADAHRS in an RV, so you should be fine.

The main thing is to make sure you didn't use anything magnetic / ferrous to mount it, and to remember that some stainless is ferrous. Brass and plastic are best.

This would be uncommon in a RV-4, but do you have your battery back there?
Hi Dynon Support

As far as I know the location as you said should be fine.I will take pictures and a closer look when I opened up the cargo area to see if anything could cause the problem.

I will replace the screws holding the unit with Brass (Plastic if I can find any around here) and see what I get.

Failing that I will try the ''new'' ADAHRS and see what I get...(Should be here by wednesday..

Will report back when completed.

Thanks for the reply..

Mounting issues

So, those who have mounted their ADAHRS on a shelf just behind the cargo area; the seat belt restraint cables run within eight to nine inches
along both sides the unit. Is this going to be an issue?

Mine being an RV-4 is not a factor but it could be in a -6 or -7..


''Did you put the correction factors in when you set up the ADAHARS?
What exeactly do you mean by ''Correction Factors''?? As far as I know, I installed it as per the manual but I may have miss something...?:confused:


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From the above linked page:
"Magnetic Inclination and Intensity

Dynon's EFIS products require you to input your local magnetic inclination and intensity as part of the magnetic compass calibration. To determine these values at the location where you'll be doing the calibration, follow these steps.

Note that this procedure only needs to be done once, prior to magnetic calibration; moving the aircraft to another location does not require repeating this procedure.

IMPORTANT: The two values needed from the following page are INCLINATION and TOTAL FIELD. Horizontal Intensity is NOT used."

The rest of the procedure is on that page. I don't remember seeing anything about this in the Skyview manual, and I am just installing the system and have not gotten to the setup phase yet.
SkyView doesn't require you to enter the numbers, it calculates them itself from your GPS position, and it won't let you calibrate until you have a GPS fix. The page linked above is only used by the D100, D10A, and D180.

Hi Guys
Glad to know the Skyview is doing some of the work itself...

Dynon Support : I received my new ADAHRS today and will check everything again tomorrow.I will also replace the stainless screws with Brass one to see if it helps...

I was considering using a patch of Velcro to hold the ADAHRS in place as I did with my Blue Mountain Magnetometer( never had a problem ) so do you think it will work with a Skyview ADAHRS??Don't see why not but what do I know...:eek:

Thanks for your help everyone.

I really wouldn't suggest velcro to mount an ADAHRS. Remember that this is your primary attitude sensing device and any tilt, roll, or vibration in it will show up on your screen as an attitude error.
SkyView doesn't require you to enter the numbers, it calculates them itself from your GPS position, and it won't let you calibrate until you have a GPS fix. The page linked above is only used by the D100, D10A, and D180.

The page was not specific about that. Thank you for clarifying.

Ok better be safe than sorry...I'll stick to screws ( Brass that is..)

Will report back the results probably this Saturday..

