
Well Known Member
Installed Skyview 7.1 this week and downloaded the airport information from pocket FMS.
This is VERY time consuming.
Getting it in the PC using the Easy VFR software took about 6 hours !!!!
Even worse was putting it on the memory stick whick took close to 40 hours !! This is not all effective downloading time, but the dowloading halts when it detects an error and is waiting for a "skip" reply. I realise it is a lot of data (not even including Germany which has to be purchased separately). I suspect it can be reduced to a day when you sit behind the PC all day, but no thanks.
Not the best choice to do it this way and I also don't like it to be on the sticks all the time sitting in the USB slots.
For some reason the USB extender cables are not all that reliable but I also do not like to dismantle the dash every time to stick it in the rear of the terminals. I have 2x SV1000.
But the positive side is that it is great to have these geo referenced approach charts and all information.
I would love the approach maps to pop up when i zoom in to a certain level and not via a number of button pushes.
Next version ?

Well done Dynon. I am amazed by the huge steps forward made from version 3.0 which was available when we purchased Skyview just over a year ago. Thanks
Hi Jack,

I'm Rob, developer at PocketFMS. I came across this post and forgive me dropping in. Those times you are experiencing are absurt, the initial download&install can take a few hours indeed, but that is mainly caused due to downloading and copying of a lot of small files. Monthly updates only effect changed files, so that is much faster anyway.

But those 40 hrs are really weird :-(. Based on your callsign and name I presume you are based in the Netherlands. You mention an error message during copying to the memorystick; normally no error should occur, could it be there is a problem with the memorystick? Any chance you can take your computer up to EHLE (we are based there) so I can investigate this? In return I'll buy you a lunch at Flantua's :)
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It took me a fair few hours to download a number of European countries onto the USB stick, but it was certainly worth it!

We took the 12 for a flight yesterday and played with the charts both on the ground and also when flying noise abatement procedures.

Nothing short of brilliant and a huge thanks to Rob and his colleagues at PocketFMS.

With Dynon SkyView in Europe there is no choice but PocketFMS! :)
Hi Rob


My RV12 co-owner Peter wil be at EHLE with PH-SEP tomorrow by chance.
It was his PC and I just texted him your proposal.

The download to the stick experienced various error halts and only skip that airport made it continue.
We have ordered new 32 Gb mini sticks so we are able to tell if it was the stick later.
Your issue may well be the download speed (a function of your internet connection speed), not the stick. Internet speed (data getting TO your computer) is usually slower than the speed of the computer writing to the stick - which should not be a bottleneck. To test that, download the data fullyto your C drive, then copy that to the stick. Are the times different?

The USB socket that comes from the 37 pin connector (and sticks out of the bottom of the panel) has been unreliable for several people. A male-to-female short USB extender cable (cheap, from Amazon) has been 100% reliable for me and no others have reported problems. Plug the male end into a USB port on the back of the D1000 and run the female end to wherever you like. I made a small hole into the side of the map box and poked it through there. I open the map box door to insert the usb stick.
Hi Pierre, thx for the welcome! Happy to walk arround here, many of my aviation best-friends fly RV's :)

Jack, we are located at Wings over Holland. If your friend Peter wants to hop in that would be great. Let him ask for taxi instructions to WOH, should be no problem.
Any chance to update/upgrade the subscription Rob? I only have the Dynon dataset subscription (I chose that subscription because I don't have a windows computer, any mac os pocketfms in the future?). I'm based at the Wings hangar.

Hi Jouri,

Your RV is a real beauty! For the remaining period of a subscription Dynon has already arranged an upgrade for existing Dynon Dataset users to FFM, so that should be already the case for you too then.

I had a French user reporting that he got EasyVFR for Windows running on a Mac with VMFusion hosting Windows 7. Don't ask me how that works ;-).

We've got some computers over here at Wings too; so feel free to hop in with your memory stick and you can use one of our computers, no problem. We have the coffee, if you bring "gevulde koeken" then everybody is happy :)
The internet speed is 40 -50 Mb /second wireless here which is pretty fast.
According to calculation a 10 GB file (yes its a lot of data) will take 5 - 6 hours to get it in the PC.
A nit too fast USB stick will load 10 MB/sec and will theorethically require an hour to receive the ame data.
It took longer and the biggest problem is that it sees quit a few corrupted files and halts. The manual skip file command is not always instant as I will not sit behind the PC all day.
We are talking to FMS to get clues and we were told updates will take a complete re-write.

We find the USB extender cable in one terminal is stable and reliable and the same cable in our second SV is poor. It dies not detect the stick most of the time, whilst sticking the stick in the rear of the terminal alwats works
Be aware we're talking thousands (maybe even tens of thousands in case a few large countries are selected) small files , so the theoretical throughput of both internet and the USB copy will never be reached.

Normally during copying to a USB stick no file corruption should occur. The fact that EasyVFR detects it (and so shows a pop-up to inform the user) is a bit worrying. Of course I can add a [Ignore all] option to the popup, but that's a bit fooling ourselves since the actual cause is not known ;-).

Monthly updates are a lot faster (or at least should be ;-)) then the initial population of memory stick since the internet download and internal conversions only have to be done for changed documents (EasyVFR already handles updates to the EFB very smart by keeping track of changed files). I'm trying to develop a way to detect if a file on a memorystick is to be replaced by a cached version on disk. The problem is that filesizes don't always change in case of a new version of a plate, so simply comparing filesizes isn't a 100% proof solution.
Who looks after the development of PocketFMS data for Australia? Just curious as Dynon recommends that we use PocketFMS in this part of the world.
Hi Joeri,

We have the coffee, if you bring "gevulde koeken" then everybody is happy :)

So Jack gets the free lunch and I have to bring gevulde koeken, great deal ;-)

Ik probeer wel volgende week een keer langs te komen. Data set is al super.
Mooi product!

Sorry but we were not able to see you at EHLE today as the program was too intense and we had to return before sunset which is very early now.

Anyway Skyview 7.1 with the airport maps is awesome as shown again during todays flight.
Wiil keep you informed.

Unfortunately the cookies are again up to Joeri.
@Jack : I'm glad you like the plates feature. Whenever you're at EHLE feel free to walk in, we're there most of the time. I'll offer the Flantua's lunch to Joeri then :D

@rgmwa : For Australian information feel free to email Ron, our Australian representative on [Australia at pocketfms dot com] .
Thanks for the back-up Jerry :D

@Rob: do you only need a subscription for Germany? Rest of Europe is included?
It would still be a good idea to test the download directly to the C drive (hard disk) THEN copy to the stick. Those errors mentioned may not happen in that case, for reasons having to do with opening/closing "thousands" of files in the background.