
Well Known Member
SkyView 3.0 is Released. The Dynon website has the details, but here are a few highlights:

New features include:
* SV-MAP-270 GPS Navigation.
* Worldwide Jeppsen NavData and Obstacles.
* Large HSI display.
* A G-Meter!
* New Ethernet connection for synchronizing data uploads.An aircraft grade Ethernet cable can be purchased from Dynon.

For our non-US customers:
* Jeppesen NavData and Obstacle data is now available worldwide.
* Jeppesen is offering a Half-Price Deal on an annual subscription, only until May 15, 2011. Be sure to mention promotion code DY50N011.

A image of the G-Meter is copied below.

Dynon Marketing
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You guys keep cranking out the coolest stuff.

How soon before you exceed the capabilities of the current hardware and need to upgrade?
We're definitely sensitive to the fact that upgrades are painful for both you and us. After going through some upgrade scenarios with our first generation of products (superbright screens, EFIS-D10 to EFIS-D10A upgrades), we made sure SkyView had the horsepower to grow for years. So we won't exceed SkyView's hardware capabilities anytime soon, and don't expect to have a SkyView 4GS that only some features work with :). In fact, it's hard to think of a capability that SkyView can't handle for the foreseeable future (queue the posts :p.....).
Perfect reference. iOS 4.0 on my iPhone 3G crushed it, finally broke down for the new one.

Good info to know. Still have some bigger life events (and building) to pay for before the panel. Can't wait to see whats out when I'm actually ready to buy.
For our non-US customers:
* Jeppesen NavData and Obstacle data is now available worldwide.
* Jeppesen is offering a Half-Price Deal on an annual subscription, only until May 15, 2011. Be sure to mention promotion code DY50N011.
Any chance you can post a ballpark price for that there subscription?
SkyView 3.0 is Released. The Dynon website has the details, but here are a few highlights:


The image that you posted does not appear to show any spatial quadrilaterals superimposed on the terrain surface which was a previous Dynon feature. Have you deleted them with this release and if so, why.
There's a press release from Jepp about the parnetship they've entered into with Dynon, but there's nothing else on the Jeppesen website that I can find to allow the purchase of Nav or Terrain data for the Dynon systems, as there is for AFS, Garmin, and others.

Is there some secret-squirrel code we need to say to their website or can someone point me in the right direction?
There's a press release from Jepp about the parnetship they've entered into with Dynon, but there's nothing else on the Jeppesen website that I can find to allow the purchase of Nav or Terrain data for the Dynon systems, as there is for AFS, Garmin, and others.

Is there some secret-squirrel code we need to say to their website or can someone point me in the right direction?

Link from the Dynon frront page: http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/news_Dynon_Jeppesen_announcement.html
Jeppesen pricing for almost every reigon is :

$175 annual: Airspace + airports
$315 annual: Airspace + airports + obstacles

And you get half off that if you purchase soon.

Single updates are $60 for Airspace + airports and $105 for Airspace + Airports + Obstacles. There is no discount on these.

Jeppesen is a big company, and getting on their website will take a few days. You can call them and order data today, and even once on the site you will need to call them, they don't currently offer online subscriptions for us, or any of the smaller companies.

The image above does not have the superimposed grid removed. The grid is a fixed size, and that image is taken from high up, so they are less obvious at altitude. Also, the terrain there is bumpy which hides them. Look carefully above the G-meter/Synvis buttons and you can still see them.

Also, don't forget the awesome info you get if you are in the USA and using our free data, such as the info about fuel at parking at airports, as well as the whole AFD remarks text:



(The fuel at Oak Harbor is cheap, which is why they can't afford to fix the runway!)
The image above does not have the superimposed grid removed. The grid is a fixed size, and that image is taken from high up, so they are less obvious at altitude. Also, the terrain there is bumpy which hides them. Look carefully above the G-meter/Synvis buttons and you can still see them.

I'm pleased to learn this. I think the terrain grid is important for proper perspective of a three dimensional world on a two dimensional screen. It allows the viewer to more readily differentiate at a glance between small hills up close and larger hills (mountains) further in the distance.

I note that neither GRT or AFS offers this feature at present. It's such a useful feature that I'm surprised that they do not offer it. That makes me wonder whether their current systems are starting to struggle with processor overheads.
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Just to clarify, US customers don't need to buy a Jepp subscription, right?

One of the main selling points for me with the SkyView was that it wouldn't require a costly subscription service to keep updated like certain other products.
Correct, in the USA all data is still free. We added Jeppesen support to support the rest of the world, not to stop providing free data in the USA.

This update adds a lot to the USA data too, such as frequencies for everything, airspace altitudes, remarks for airports, more detailed runway data, lookup by name or city, and probably more that I am forgetting.
Correct, in the USA all data is still free. We added Jeppesen support to support the rest of the world, not to stop providing free data in the USA.

This update adds a lot to the USA data too, such as frequencies for everything, airspace altitudes, remarks for airports, more detailed runway data, lookup by name or city, and probably more that I am forgetting.

Great :) I have my flash drive ready to go. I can't wait to go install the new firmware!
Correct, in the USA all data is still free. We added Jeppesen support to support the rest of the world, not to stop providing free data in the USA.

This update adds a lot to the USA data too, such as frequencies for everything, airspace altitudes, remarks for airports, more detailed runway data, lookup by name or city, and probably more that I am forgetting.

Just to clarify... does the SV send frequency lists to comms radios (SL-40 etc.). Can I expect the same functionality as I get by connecting a x96 GPS to the comm?

Thanks, V
SkyView does not currently output the frequency list to an external comm radio.
Jepp Database

Mr.Dynon Support

''Jeppesen pricing for almost every reigon is :

$175 annual: Airspace + airports
$315 annual: Airspace + airports + obstacles

Can you tell me the frequency of the updates,is it every 28 days like the IFR stuff or every 56 days??


I'm pleased to learn this. I think the terrain grid is important for proper perspective of a three dimensional world on a two dimensional screen. It allows the viewer to more readily differentiate at a glance between small hills up close and larger hills (mountains) further in the distance.

I note that neither GRT or AFS offers this feature at present. It's such a useful feature that I'm surprised that they do not offer it. That makes me wonder whether their current systems are starting to struggle with processor overheads.

I'm quoting myself here because I've just been to the AFS website where I discovered that they have recently updated the photos of the new (not yet released) 5600 model with the faster processor. And guess what....it now features a terrain grid.