
Well Known Member
We’ve published the SkyView 16.2.4 software with the RV-12 settings files to the Van’s Aircraft web site downloads page, as well as the README file describing the steps to install/update.

We revamped the way we package the software and settings. Previously all in one ZIP file, we are now publishing separate files for aircraft and engine combinations:

  • RV-12iS with Rotax 912 iS Sport engine
  • RV-12iS with Rotax 912 ULS engine
  • Original RV-12 with Rotax 912 ULS engine
just downloaded the original 12 file and there are 3 12is files in it
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We’ve published the SkyView 16.2.4 software with the RV-12 settings files to the Van’s Aircraft web site downloads page, as well as the README file describing the steps to install/update.

We revamped the way we package the software and settings. Previously all in one ZIP file, we are now publishing separate files for aircraft and engine combinations:

  • RV-12iS with Rotax 912 iS Sport engine
  • RV-12iS with Rotax 912 ULS engine
  • Original RV-12 with Rotax 912 ULS engine
Greg - doing this update isn't going to mess up my fuel calibration is it? Or the trim settings?
Greg - doing this update isn't going to mess up my fuel calibration is it? Or the trim settings?

The only items modified in this particular update are the Dynon software and sensor files. The RV-12/12iS specific config files were not updated.

If you load a standard config file from the ZIP file over your custom settings established on your EFIS, your system will be updated to the default values. As described in the README file, each config file covers a certain category of settings in a fairly granular scope.

As also described in the README file, you only need to load the Van's .DFG config files if they have changed since the version you are currently running on your SkyView system. The README includes this instruction to provide a method to evaluate whether or not a specific config file has changed or not: "Enter into the aircraft logbook the filenames (which include dates) of the .dfg files loaded. In the future this may be used to determine if any .dfg files need to be updated by comparing the version of the files listed in the logbook to the file versions available on the Van’s Aircraft Web Site."

So, to be clear: If you were to load an RV-12/12iS specific .DFG config files, your settings will be reset to the configuration defaults for each configuration category loaded. Refer to the flowchart on p.3 of the README file, where you will see the notation, "Install Van's Aircraft .dfg Files (if changed)."

If all you load is the Dynon files per steps 1-9 in the readme, none of your airframe-specific configuration values should be changed.