D&M Dan

Well Known Member
Has anyone downloaded and installed the Skyview 15.0.4 update from the Dynon website dated 12/13/2016? If so did you use the version with or without custom engine sensor definitions?
I am new to updating the Dynon software and not sure if I should wait for Van's to make it available or go with the latest from Dynon.


My suggestion is to wait for the Van's version unless you know there is a feature or fix you need NOW.

The Van's version will have all the correct configurations selected for you and you will likely just only need to tweak the autopilot settings and fuel flow settings to what you have currently selected now.

Happy flying,
Excerpt from SV presets read me document available on Van's web site.

NOTE: Using the Dynon Quick Update / Software If you download a software level from Van’s Aircraft you may
install the equivalent software level from Dynon. This may be useful when installing the Quick Update Package
from Dynon that includes the latest Aviation, Obstacles TFR Database etc… Files that are redundant between the
Van’s and Dynon updates will be ignored during the second installation. Although these may be installed in any order it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you wait until the approved Van’s Aircraft has been released.
Van’s Aircraft files include changes to settings that may be required with new software. This will also allow time for
discovery and vetting of incompatibilities between new software and the RV-12…although this is no guarantee we
will find all problems, let us know if you find any and we will work on them as priority and time permits.

This is being worked on and the new software should be posted to the web site soon.
Vans Software Status for 15.0.4?

Perhaps I missed it, has Vans approved it yet? When we do upload this version is it suggested to write down the current AP and Fuel Flow settings?

Looks like it has been at the Van's site for almost a month now, and no discussion, questions, or issues. Either it is running flawlessly or no one has installed the upgrade yet. I won't be the first!
I'm ready with drive in hand to give it go. Will write the unique AP settings first as the VANS download site suggests.
I'm ready with drive in hand to give it go. Will write the unique AP settings first as the VANS download site suggests.

Correct me if I'm wrong about this folks ... but it is my understanding that the current SkyView settings can be saved to a flash drive prior to installing an update. Should a setting(s) get changed by the software update, the settings file saved prior to the update can then be loaded back from the flash drive if desired.
Correct me if I'm wrong about this folks ... but it is my understanding that the current SkyView settings can be saved to a flash drive prior to installing an update. Should a setting(s) get changed by the software update, the settings file saved prior to the update can then be loaded back from the flash drive if desired.

In my desire to have the extended runway center lines and glide circle I jumped on Van's v15. Should have wrote down my unique AP settings. Hope I can recover my butter smooth AP performance with previous saved system settings, otherwise it's back to the Dynon AP setting adjustment process. Not sure if Fuel flow meter was affected.

Anyone reinstall AP settings off of a previous thumb drive?
I don't think my SkyView settings have changed when I updated the system. Are you sure yours have changed?
Track/ALT seemed OK. HSI/ALT roll and bank jerky and steeper. Will adjust bank and increase roll torque next opportunity.
Your settings are saved to the thumb drive when you load a new software version. There's no reason they should have changed, but you can go review them if you want.
My "custom" EMS screen configurations certainly changed after upgrading to SV v15, as they also did when I upgaded to SV v14.

For example, I rearranged the standard 20% EMS guages, removing the standard Manifold Pressure graphic, replaced by an enlarged RPM guage and added various engine/air timers and fuel range/efficiency info, etc. All of my custom settings were replaced by the default EMS configuration.

It is a real pain to spend more than an hour rebuilding my tediously arranged setup.

So Dynon Support: Please explain what I am doing wrong that is causing this recurring issue.
My "custom" EMS screen configurations certainly changed after upgrading to SV v15, as they also did when I upgaded to SV v14.

For example, I rearranged the standard 20% EMS guages, removing the standard Manifold Pressure graphic, replaced by an enlarged RPM guage and added various engine/air timers and fuel range/efficiency info, etc. All of my custom settings were replaced by the default EMS configuration.

It is a real pain to spend more than an hour rebuilding my tediously arranged setup.

So Dynon Support: Please explain what I am doing wrong that is causing this recurring issue.

Same, I configured my EMS settings much like you did and they ended up as you described in a Default arrangement.
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The RV-12 can be a different case from our normal process.

If you are upgrading using the Vans release, then that does overwrite screen configs as it is meant to keep the system with the most up to date configuration Vans has for the RV-12.

If you use the files off of Dynon's site, then these do not touch your configuration. However, you also miss out on any changes and optimizations Vans may have made.

If you are technical, it is possible to edit the settings file so that you have just an EMS settings section of it which you can load on top of any Vans setting and get your screen layout back after an update.

As for restoring old AP settings:

1) Copy the settings file to the root directory using a PC.
2) Write down / take a picture of your current AP settings
3) Save your current settings to the USB drive
4) Load the old settings
5) Compare the "old" AP settings with the "new" you wrote down
6) Load "new" settings you saved in #3
7) Change AP settings to "old" ones as needed
Following diatribe is me commiserating over why I didn't write down the last AP settings before uploading v15 as suggested on the Van's download site, and determining my next course of action to reach AP performance nirvana again , so stop here if you aren't into SV v15 overwritten settings backtracking.

Not sure what settings were customized by previous owner, but the system worked great before and I think I'm in store for AP tweaking based on a short flight and notable bank increase and jerky stick in HSI mode when in a roll and roll ratel. It seemed to track and hold altitude with 20'to 40 degree direction changes ok. Oh well, need to confirm what I said, it wasn't the purpose of the flight to check the AP anyway, I just flipped it on and somehow there's a dif, not sure if me or totally Van's Dec v15 software.

John-G, tomk, or anybody else know the dif between the Van's website 12/20/16 v15 and the one now listed on the Van's web site as 2/9/17 v15? Which one did you fellas install? I did the Vans Dec version and it overwrote for sure EMS settings like those stated in 14 above and if it did that is it safe to bet that it overwrote customized AP settings as well? And other functions like fuel flow mentioned??

And, does the Van's change process save the old settings as the previous dynon post 16 indicates it does?

There's a listing of someone's AP settings on the web also one can print presets out from the Van's download page and most translate to Understandable data so you can compare with what's showing in the SV data setup fields. Although I haven't been to the plane yet to see if these lists of settings correlate to my SV's setup data fields. Hope it's simple as comparing what I down loaded in Dec from Vans and these two lists of setup data. Then I can (Course of action A): gauge and guess if I should just down load the 2/9/17 files and go from there without calling vans and asking what's the dif? Again anybody know the dif between Dec and Feb downloads from Van's site?

Or (Course of Action B): for the sake of having great previous SV version custom AP settings down load it again as it was exported by previous owner to a thumb drive and live without the nice version 15 extended runway center lines and glide circle I was gunning for in the first place. I'm ssuming the great older version AP tweaks are on that thumb drive.

Any suggestions or theory is appreciated?
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... John-G, tomk, or anybody else know the dif between the Van's website 12/20/16 v15 and the one now listed on the Van's web site as 2/9/17 v15? Which one did you fellas install?

I actually install updates from the Dynon site. I started doing that because I've customized my EMS display and didn't want to take a chance of messing that up.
They've always survived the updates. As far as I know, none of my customized settings have been changed by the updates.

I don't use the AP all that much but here are my settings:
Roll: Torque 100%, Sensitivity 5, Gain 2.9
Pitch: Torque 100%, Sensitivity 10, Gain 3.0

Also, do you have a "settings_archive" folder on the flash drive you used for the update? If so, the old settings should be in the most recent version of "xxx".-SW_UPGRADE-USER_CONFIG.dfg:
K_phi_ff_gain (I think this is roll gain)
kff_gain (I think this is pitch gain)
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Oh, thanks Tom, I'll check. Looking forward to this weekend to learn a little more, thanks for your suggestions.
Oh, thanks Tom, I'll check. Looking forward to this weekend to learn a little more, thanks for your suggestions.

SENSITIVITY 1 24 10 17
PITCH GAIN 0.1 3.0 2.0 3.0
ALTITUDE GAIN 0.1 2.5 0.6 2.0
PULL RATE 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5
VSI GAIN 0.10 2.50 0.6 2.5

For the beginner, Where can I read discriptions of what and how these 5 auto pilot aspects/settings do to the system. Pull rate? Guessing that is speed the stick moves aft to adjust the pitch angle? Etc...where other than numbered values are they described?