
Well Known Member
Has anyone downloaded the Skyview 12.0 directly from Dynon, and installed it in their RV-12?? If so, have you experienced any problems? I'm just not sure why their software has to be massaged by Van's before we load it. I loaded the last update directly from Dynon, and had no issues with it, at least that I could tell. Anyone else??

I download the SV 12.0 (and its predecessors) directly from Dynon's site. It automatically coordinates with the RV-12 software version preloaded in the SVs that are supplied with the RV-12 kit. It works fine for me.

I recently decided to try downloading Van's in-house customized SV files. That also works fine, perhaps better in that it provides some up-to-date tweaked parameters that are customized for the RV-12. You will also get a new widget on the screen for CANOPY, but you can delete that or keep it as you see fit. I am happy with the Van's site version. You still need to download the SV updates as they are issued by Dynon from time to time.
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I recently decided to try downloading Van's in-house customized SV files. That also works fine, perhaps better in that it provides some up-to-date tweaked parameters that are customized for the RV-12. You will also get a new widget on the screen for CANOPY, but you can delete that or keep it as you see fit. I am happy with the Van's site version. You still need to download the SV updates as they are issued by Dynon from time to time.

And it also assures that the screen set-up and depictions match the POH and other documentation.
I had no issue, but the Van's approved settings for the 12.0 version are up on Van's site:

The Van's sky view file is zipped and there are plenty of files in the zip file when you unzip....including knob dimmer, no knob it takes a bit to sort thru them.

They also did a nice new read me pdf of instructions for those type A's with ADHD....
All in all a good discussion, but it is still a little gray to me. Once my build was complete, my screen layout was set, as messaged by Van's, and was representative of the accessories that I have installed, I don't see that changing. An example is that I did not install the canopy switch, no panel dimmer switch, and I have an old SL40. None of that should change when moving to Dynon's 12.0 software. I think Dynon even states that loading 12.0 will not effect your screen setup, in their instructions. Could I get just a couple of pertinent items that would be incorrectly altered that would effect me by using the Dynon prepared download. I understand a new installation, and perhaps for someone who has added other bells and whistles from Van. It's just so easy to install then new software by using the Dynon link, and doesn't require 6 pages of instructions! Thanks

I've downloaded straight from Dynon since 2012. (ELSA) No issues. Long ago I customized my 20% engine screen layout and do not want that overwritten by the Vans layout. Should I add the canopy lock, it is very easy to follow the DYNON instructions to add a widget that shows that switch status. The Dynon-direct downloads do not affect your various engine alarm settings, like temperature ranges, nor airspeed range settings like Vfe or Vne.

The custom 20% EMS is here. I preferred my analog indicators to all be aligned vertically, not some vertical and some horizontal. Makes for easier at-a-glance abnormal condition detection. The space-taking-up MP gauge makes no sense on a fixed pitch prop; I turned that into just a small number (not sure why, I never look at it) and thus made room for a few other useful numbers.
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Has anyone downloaded the Skyview 12.0 directly from Dynon, and installed it in their RV-12?? If so, have you experienced any problems? I'm just not sure why their software has to be massaged by Van's before we load it. I loaded the last update directly from Dynon, and had no issues with it, at least that I could tell. Anyone else??


I waited to load version 12.0 onto The Skyview Touch in my SLSA as per directions from Vans when I bought it.
I had issues with the auto trim feature it supposedly added and after numerous discussions with both Vans and Dynon I'm probably why they revised the downloads and the ReadMe file on the Vans site. They've since added the steps needed to calibrate the trim servo which enables the auto trim feature. I have the A/P panel. Now it works okay.
As far as ADS-B the update changed the way it looked on the screen. I used to have it displayed on the lower left and it changed to green shortly after becoming airborne. Now I've Been getting ADS-B NO RADAR then TIS OK in green. Now I get it on the lower right side of the screen. However I also get a traffic return on myself which won't go away. I still get other traffic too and it goes away when I get TIS OK. I didn't get this prior to the update and so I have checked with both Vans and Dynon Support. Neither has an answer yet. This has been by far the most frustrating and disappointing result of the upgrade for me.
I have uploaded my last hour of flight toDynon and will also upload the list of .dfg files and contents when I'm back in the USA next week.
Previously all updates from the Vans site this way have been fine. SV 12.0 changed my EMS-display to allow for the wait for the 120F temp which I didn't have before.
I have to say it has been frustrating and time consuming but I follow Vans directions as I have an SLSA.
I really have to say I'm very disappointed with the update so far but this has been my experience with it.
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The RPM gauge - oil temp behavior is correct when the engine type is set to ROTAX in the Skyview setup menus. A prior Vans-supplied update had, it was reported, mistakenly changed that to "OTHER." People went in and changed that simple setting and all was well. The updates straight from Dynon did not do that.

Always do a settings backup before loading a system software update!!!
Bill, I really like your standard EMS screen. Like you say, everything vertical makes for an easier read. It would be nice to have a spot for my AOA indicator though. On second thought, I think that shows up on the PFD. I think that I will follow your lead and load the Dynon update

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How are the updates accomplished?

My manual is with my plane in the hangar, but I thought I saw a memory stick you can download the upgrade from your computer, then plug it into the Dynon, and upgrade that way. Is this correct?

Also, where do you plug that memory stick into the Dynon? I looked and couldn't find any USB ports.

Sorry for the newbie question, I JUST got my plane, it's an SLSA, and I haven't even had a chance to look the plane over carefully, busy with work and trying to get hangar, meetings, etc.
I recently sent my sky view to Dynon for an event 5 message I received. I sent it in with v14 and got it back last week with V13 installed. I called and asked why and they said they were still working through a few issues with v14.
Chrysopelia -
The USB port is above your right leg, pointing down, on the underside of the panel.
This is a USB port wired from the big pin connector into the Skyview D1000 EFIS box.

You should leave a USB stick connected all the time, One has to be connected to take
instantaneous shots of the screen. After a flight, you can also download your flight
logs onto it as well.

I did not like a USB stick pointing straight down under the panel. (Get a very short one if you intend to use that port!) The back side of the Skyview also has a couple of unused (in the RV12) USB ports. So I got a short USB extender cable (male to female), plugged it into one of those, and ran it into a hole I drilled into the glove box. I plug my USB memory stick into that.

Every month you download aero databases from the Dynon website. Put them on the stick, take it to the plane, plug it in, fire up the Skyview, go into the system menu and LOAD those. Takes about a minute.

Full Software Release updates take longer. Procedure:
Remove Fuel Pump fuse.
Master on. Skyview boots up.
Go into system menu and LOAD the update.
Power down, Replace fuse.
Full software release updates also load software into the transponder and autopilot servos. That is why you have to have the Avionics and AP servos "on."

Read and follow the steps that Dynon gives you for release updates when they are issued. On this last one, there was an extra manual "transponder load" step, for example.

You will love the Skyview!
Thanks very much for the info!

I've been so busy, I hope to have some time soon to put towards the plane, especially after the weather clears up!