
Well Known Member
1. Have all of the anonymous mode issues been sorted out? Can I be sure that starting in anonymous mode won't broadcast my tail number a few times before going into anonymous mode?

2. If I have a skybeacon and skysensor, will the beacon communicate with the sensor and tell it what IACO code it's using so that it can filter it and avoid TIS-b shadow?

Yes, I know that echoUAT is the better solution here due to serial connectivity to the transponder and the fact that in/out are the same box, however, this is going into a certified for now, and will eventually find it's way into my experimental when it's flying (nor not, depending on the price it fetches).

Anonymous mode is super important to me, so if I'm not convinced that skybeacon has this, I'll get the GDL-82, and deal with TIS-b shadow.

I've updated my os to 1.4 on the Beacon but have not tested it yet with scanner/decoder software.

As I understand it, the Echo must see the serial wire-linked 1200 code to be anonymous at all times.

The Beacons must be interrogated by ATC at least every minute to be anonymous.

IF this has changed, it is unannounced.

IF you want to be Anonymous, the GDL has updated software to remove the previous 4 second delay of anonymous startup.

I believe the fix was released:

GDL 82, Ver. 2372.01, as of Sep 18, 2019,
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Oh, okay, so if I'm out of radar coverage, then anonymous goes away.

Is that the same for the GDL-82? Seems like it would be.
No, the GDL-82 WILL stay anonymous outside radar interrogation if its pin 5 is grounded. It seems to do its own transponder interrogation to see your baro alt and 1200 code outside ATC radar. If it sees 1200 and a grounded pin 5, it remains anonymous.

DanH is the GDL guru.
I just used my scanner and avare adsb recorder on Skybeacon TSO with 1.4.0 current software and the Anonymous mode performance is unchanged.

Startup is not anonymous.

Once in ATC radar contact with 1200 code, reply lights and anonymous mode selected, the id changes from N# to VFR.

Turn off transponder (lose 1200 replies) and 1 minute later real ICAO # and N# rebroadcast.
Well, that answers that. It will be a GDL-82 for me....

Thanks for the feedback Moose.