Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Anybody out there using the SkyBeacon setup from uAvionix?

It's on my short list for my Legend Cub because of the simplicity, but I'm thinking that the UAvionics EchoUAT with GRT Safe-Fly GPS is probably more "Bang 4 the Buck".
I'm thinking that the UAvionics EchoUAT with GRT Safe-Fly GPS is probably more "Bang 4 the Buck".

Agreed, but this is going into a C172----so the Echo/GRT is a no-go.

The SkyBeacon is supposed to be certified soon............
Have been on the fence with the certified 82 vs. the sky beacon for my flying 172. Hope they get it done soon.

There have been (and continue to be) issues in getting the EchoUAT working again after the latest software update. (I know because mine still isn?t working right). I get a sense there are still some ?notable? teething problems.
I've been using a pre-production skyBeacon for about 4 months and the unit itself has performed flawlessly. Installation is "as advertised" and only takes a few minutes in most cases. However, in my particular installation, I don't have a symmetrical wingtip and the mounting position was high relative to the center line of the wingtip and my all-metal wing seemed to partially block the skyBeacon from receiving the transponder's squawk, resulting in PAPR "baro-alt" errors. I resolved this completely by fabricating a mount to move the skyBeacon forward to clear the wingtip. This had a second benefit in that I could continue to use my nav/strobe in it's original position. (The skyBeacon I have has no strobe.) I now have 100% error-free PAPR reports!

I believe in a more conventional wingtip shape as in a C-172 or Cherokee where the nav/strobe is either on the center line of the wingtip or slightly below, the skyBeacon would do fine in it's intended mount replacing the nav/strobe. Certification is pending and they are also developing a unit with an integral strobe. For those who already have an ADS-B in solution, this would be a quick and easy installation and it doesn't require any additional antennas or cabling. Once certified, it would definitely save a lot of shop time and installation expense for those with certified production aircraft!
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John, thanks for the report------just what I was hoping for.

Anybody else out there?
I am currently beta testing the Tailbeacon. Nearly the same product. The Tail Beacon is easy to install, works flawlessly and does exactly what you want it to do. When I first installed it by IPhone X wouldn?t work to connect it. I had to use another device. But... that?s what beta testing is for.

I am a UAvionix fan.

Anyone have a PAPR emaled to them for a flight where they were in and out of radar coverage or better yet fly with an ADSB-in wingman or friend flying nearby?

I'd like to know what both look like when the Skybeacon sniffer for altitude output loses mode C interrogation by ATC.

What does it look like? Coast at last altitude the transponder replied or does it quicly zwitch to GPS altitude? Does this matter?