
Well Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has installed a Skybeacon ADSB OUT on their RV wingtip light? Not sure if these readily install on a RV (I have a RV4).
I just did an install literally 15 minutes ago. Easy peasy to install and configure.

Not impressed with the strobe brightness.
Just wondering if anyone has installed a Skybeacon ADSB OUT on their RV wingtip light? Not sure if these readily install on a RV (I have a RV4).

Yes, on the left wing with a cutout in the wingtip light lens for the ADS-B antenna. Works perfectly, no FAA ADS-B performance report issues.
Why go with that model when the uAvionix ECHO also gives you IN and it's half the price of the SkyBeacon. Installation time?
Why? Good question- I assume the main market meets all 3 of these-

1-Mode C, especially non-serial wiring like a KT-76A, and no desire to do panel work.

2-Existing Grimes Nav or Nav strobe in the right place to drop this in. A few screws, a few wires to splice.

3- Existing ADSB-In solution already working for you.

If any of the 3 do not apply, the advantage may lessen.

Yes it costs more and yes some folks will panel dive to save the difference. I could add other reasons- if you have no WAAS position source, the Beacon does that.

There are only 2 downsides, the baro Alt sniffer does not work on 100% of first time installs. Mine did. With software tweaks it is probably 90+% working for buyers.

It is not Anonymous mode supporting, for now, when out of radar interrogation for more than a minute.
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Why? Good question- I assume the main market meets all 3 of these-

1-Mode C, especially non-serial wiring like a KT-76A, and no desire to do panel work.

2-Existing Grimes Nav or Nav strobe in the right place to drop this in. A few screws, a few wires to splice.

3- Existing ADSB-In solution already working for you.

If any of the 3 do not apply, the advantage may lessen. but

So the ECHO doesn?t work with a KT-76a? I understand using the SkyBeacon on a Cessna 172 it takes 15 minutes but I look at my RV-8 and installing an ECHO and it doesn?t seem like worth paying double the price and then also having to buy an IN solution on top of it.

I?m still waiting to see if I go 1090 anyway and still researching all of this.
If you don't have a compatible onboard GPS then you have to buy the FX antenna to get the GPS location and with that is about the same price as the skybeacon. I was briefly reading the instructions and I am fairly certain it works with the KT transponder, I think there was a special section for it actually.

One thing you don't get with this is any AHARs data on foreflight or whatever app you use though. All other data is there though. I am not certain of a great solution to that one yet.
If you don't have a compatible onboard GPS then you have to buy the FX antenna to get the GPS location and with that is about the same price as the Skybeacon.

Echo is $999 and if you need the GPS it?s $1399.
The Skybeacon is $1849 so the Echo is still cheaper and you don?t have to buy an IN solution.

I was briefly reading the instructions and I am fairly certain it works with the KT transponder, I think there was a special section for it actually.

That?s what I thought. Thanks.
Remember that FAA rebates are over so the Echo with a dedicated GPS source is much cheaper. We just put a Skybeacon in a Cessna 172 for a guy. It's about like an Echo to set up.
I put an Echo in my RV-3B and it was easy and works great. I already had GDL 50 in onboard so now I have two "ins" covering any navigation software from any company known to man. I thought the Echo was easy to install but it does require a transponder antenna on the belly.

Remember that FAA rebates are over so the Echo with a dedicated GPS source is much cheaper. We just put a Skybeacon in a Cessna 172 for a guy. It's about like an Echo to set up.
I put an Echo in my RV-3B and it was easy and works great. I already had GDL 50 in onboard so now I have two "ins" covering any navigation software from any company known to man. I thought the Echo was easy to install but it does require a transponder antenna on the belly.


And that?s just a $20 transponder antenna. Perfect !