
Well Known Member
I am getting this message on the main screen and ATC is not picking up my squawk or ident. Any help on where to get started diagnosing this issue?

ALT is on and green on the top bar.
First of all make sure your antenna is good (not broken off, more common than you may think). Next verify you have a good antenna cable. Beyond that you may need to get the unit repaired/replaced.
I had the same issue , but I have to admit it was stupid. I had done some work (sloppy by the sound) and not tightened the screws on the Sub connector and it had fallen off. Felt stupid when I looked for the problem.
Probably not your issue but worth taking a look.
I?m getting adsb weather but not traffic, if that helps. I will verify the antenna and the connections this afternoon.
A bad transponder would affect ads-b in traffic, as you won?t be telling the ground stations to send you traffic. Air-to-air traffic you would see always, assuming you have the ADSB472 dual band receiver.
Go in to the configuration pages and find the transponder - I believe it will give you some information on data transfers. You might also go to a serial link page to see if there are in and out bits flowing. (Sorry I can’t be more specific - our Dynon-equipped airplane is at home, and I’m not.....).

More than likely, a configuration has been messed up - that’s where I’d go before thinking hardware. Of course, the obvious thing is to check that you have power at the transponder...then I’d look at configuration/software. It’s just rare when the boxes have internal failures these days. Sure, it happens....but its rare.

If the screen was not talking to the transponder there would be a red X where the transponder shows on the screen. Go into settings then transponder and see if it gives more details on the error.
I had the same error on a 1.5 hour flight to Port Angeles two weeks ago. Continued to have ADSB OK on the screen, the normal amount of targets and all the weather. HDX screens and the new 472 receiver and latest firmware update.

On the ground I looked in the last installation manual, pg 11-42, and found the error described and how to determine the reason. There are several possibilities and the system identifies which error you have.

The error was not present when I checked and the error code did not show. On the flight home the transponder was normal and no warning. I cycled the system off and on several times since then and the problem did not happen. I get full ADSB service in my hanger with the door closed.

Another mystery in the world beyond six pack instruments.
Alright Gentlemen -

I have located the culprit. The coax cable had pulled out of the connector! Simple fix. I got it rigged for now, but I have new ends on order from Spruce.

Thanks, for the help!
Alright Gentlemen -

I have located the culprit. The coax cable had pulled out of the connector! Simple fix. I got it rigged for now, but I have new ends on order from Spruce.

Thanks, for the help!

Bingo! Glad you found the problem.
Alright Gentlemen -

I have located the culprit. The coax cable had pulled out of the connector! Simple fix. I got it rigged for now, but I have new ends on order from Spruce.

Thanks, for the help!

Glad you found the problem. I also seem to recall that transponder firmware updates had a separate/manual process.