Jeff Vaughan

Well Known Member
While making my approach to landing in my 12 the Skyview will pop up a Low Airspeed warning that covers the Ball. I have not been able to find how to get rid of this warning or move it. Anyone experience this?
I'm not seeing the ASPD LOW warning covering the ball on my D1000T, perhaps you have the HDX and it is different?


The warning is related to the AUTOPILOT. Make sure the AP is off and not armed, or AP rocker switch is off and it may not appear. Just a guess on my part and maybe something to try.
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The warning is a function of the Flight Director function of the autopilot and will show up if the autopilot is deactivated but the FD is still active, and the older software versions did indeed have it in that described location. It has since been moved in the last software update - go get that and install it, and you should be good to go.
Hmm. I have an HDX and I thought I have the most up to date software version
Off to the hangar tomorrow to check it out

I just noticed this post. I ran into this exact issue on my last flight 2 weeks ago and have been looking for a solution. It seems terribly counter-intuitive to have this alert completely cover the ball at a time where uncoordinated flight could be disastrous.

I also am flying an HDX with the latest software (June 2019). In my case this happened while I was doing some slow flight maneuvering at a safe altitude. Autopilot was disengaged. The Pilot User Guide suggests that this alert is an output of the autopilot. I don't mind the alert at all, but not at the expense of the safety that the ball provides.

Maybe Dynon can weigh in?
Same Issue

I have this same issue using the HDX in split screen mode (PFD primary). Disabling the flight director will make it go away, but it would be really nice if the low airspeed alert could be moved or disabled.
Check the stall speed setting

Check the stall speed in the settings menu. The ASPD LOW message is a function of how close you are to that number as well. The stall speed in your plane should be quite low so if set accurately, you will probably have less trouble with the message.
Check the stall speed in the settings menu. The ASPD LOW message is a function of how close you are to that number as well. The stall speed in your plane should be quite low so if set accurately, you will probably have less trouble with the message.

Actually not - that message is in reference to the minimum airspeed for the autopilot to maintain, not the stall speed.
Here is what the SkyView HDX Pilots User Guide has to say about it.

When the Autopilot is engaged, SkyView uses the indicator shown in the following figure to
denote that the aircraft has reached its maximum or minimum airspeed limits as configured
when the Autopilot was set up.

When either of these indications is displayed, the autopilot will not pull or push on the pitch
axis in a way that would exceed these limits. Instead, the Autopilot will actively pitch the
aircraft up or down to prevent exceeding the maximum airspeed or dropping below the
minimum airspeed. This may prevent the Autopilot from reaching its programmed targets, and
can even cause the Autopilot to maneuver contrary to its programmed targets in order to
remain within the allowed airspeed limits.

It says nothing about this indication still appearing after the Autopilot has been disengaged. Nor does it mention that in some screen configurations it will obscure the ball. Now since disengaging the A/P leaves the FD on, it makes sense that this is not tied to the A/P but rather to the FD.

Most of my flights include some time on autopilot and I get this indication often, typically as I come in over the runway. The ball isn't particularly necessary then so it doesn't bother me. My recent encounter with this with slow flight maneuvering is concerning though.

I'll send something to Dynon as well. In the meanwhile, I'll be sure to turn off the FD during slow flight.
As mentioned already, the latest software update has moved the slip/skid ball location so this is not a problem. You don't need to bring it to Dynon's attention, you just need to upgrade to the latest software version. It's a problem that has already been solved.
As mentioned already, the latest software update has moved the slip/skid ball location so this is not a problem. You don't need to bring it to Dynon's attention, you just need to upgrade to the latest software version. It's a problem that has already been solved.

No, that is not actually the case with the HDX. I am running the latest software version (15.4.7) and this is where I am getting the problem. Might be true for the older Skyviews but not the HDX.
The problem exists with the current software. That is the software I have loaded

Sorry - got ahead of myself there - I am running a Beta test version of software 16 on my HDX, and the slip/skid ball is moved on that software. 15.4.7 probably still has it in place.
Sorry - got ahead of myself there - I am running a Beta test version of software 16 on my HDX, and the slip/skid ball is moved on that software. 15.4.7 probably still has it in place.

That's encouraging news. While I doubt you can say, do you have any idea when Dynon intends to release the update?
That's encouraging news. While I doubt you can say, do you have any idea when Dynon intends to release the update?

I can't say - because I don't know, sorry. There are a few beta testers for various reasons that get to try out new hardware/software and report back on how it works - but none of us get to know when the final release is. If field testing should uncover some particularly nasty bug it might take quite a while to correct it - though in this case the software version I'm running has been in beta for quite some time without upgrades, so I'm hoping that means we are close to full release.