
Well Known Member
...on a new Superior O-360 engine. I am finishing up all the electrical wiring circuit checks on my RV-6A, and want to engage the starter solenoid and spin the starter to make sure the circuits are as I intended...

I plan on removing the engine ring gear so the engine does not spin over, and this implies that there will not be any mechanical load on the starter when the Bendix moves forward and the starter starts to spin.

Will the starter "over speed" in this condition and will it get damaged. My concern is that if it can "over speed", the internal construction of the starter can allow the wire windings to expand outwards and contact other internal non-moving parts.

Does anyone have experience in this area??
I have spun several starters on the bench after working on them without a problem. None of them were Sky Tech.
All that I can contribute is: I have done it but no guarantee.

Randy Hooper
The skytec does not have a bendix drive?

I bench ran my LS/PM starter with no problems. I disasembled it as well and by my judgement (and I am no wizz in this area) the unit will have no problems with very short bench runs.

But no jump start cables please. The 200A quickly welds them to your battery/starter... So use only proper cables and connectors.
Rich from Sky-Tec here. I've got to make this quick before Doug Reeves sees I've cracked his forums...

Yes, you can bench check a Sky-Tec. Keep it short, please. That armature is running at some 8,000 RPM. A little load is preferred but an occasional short dry run shouldn't hurt it much.

No Bendix. Never. That's how we roll. Bendix drives were great in 1914 when they were great. Now a days, they aren't so great. Long story.

Sky-Tec started in 1988 with a no-Bendix drive starter. It's all we do and the sole reason we've reached the success we have thanks to all you guys out there. If Bendix drives worked reliably, we'd probably only be selling starters to guys who are sensitive about their weight...aircraft weight that is.
Thanks Rich...

...and to the previous post that corrected me on the Bendix drive statement. I went to the Sky Tech website and "discovered" the correct nomenclature is "drive gear and solenoid". Thanks for bringing me up-to-date.

My plan is to only engage the aircraft starter circuit for about 3 seconds to check that the drive gear moves forward and rotates (no ring gear installed). After this check, the ring gear goes back on.

Rich, thanks for the post...

...just looked at your post again...

Rich from Sky-Tec here....

That armature is running at some 8,000 RPM. A little load is preferred but an occasional short dry run shouldn't hurt it much.


...and I am wondering what you mean by "shouldn't hurt it much". How much is much??