
Well Known Member
Even though the RV-12 avionics package allows XM weather to be displayed on the Garmin GPS (if you subscribe to XM) I am interested in a system called Sky Radar that uses a receiver to get FAA's DSB data (FREE) that includes NEXRAD, METARS, etc.

The Sky Radar company seems to suggest that the Ipad works quite well with their unit (wi-fi and bluetooth enabled) but I wondered why that should not work with my HP4700 (also wi-fi and Bluetooth capable) on which I have Anywhere Map displayed. I was always happy with XM on the 4700 with Anywhere Map, but dropped the subscription when I sold my RV-6A. Now that the RV-12 is flying I would like to get in flight weather again and the free FAA data system seem appealing.

I asked Sky Radar if their receiver would work with the HP 4700 but got an answer that didn't speak to my specific inquiry.

Your take on the compatibity?
From what I've read about it, when it does become available it will only be complatible with Apple products (IPad, IPhone, & IPod). It's probably a format issue just like Hilton and others, each device requires it's own format.