
Well Known Member
The meeting I was supposed to attend today cancelled which means I had a free day (starting to seriously consider a QB kit ;)). I was doing the fit up of the skin on the horizontal stab but I am having the devil's own time getting the skin to fit over the HS-707 & HS-706. I made very sure the flanges were perpendicular to the webbing on all the ribs before I even tried to fit anything up. After fighting it a bit I took everything apart and just tried to cleco the HS-707 in place with nothing else attached. I can cleco either the top or bottom of the rib easily, but not both together. Just for comparison I pulled the other HS-801PP skin out and tried fitting only the other 707 and 706 ribs. Same problem. I see in searching the forums this is not a new problem but there does not seem to be a clear solution. For those of you that had this problem, what did you finally do to get it to work? And yes, I will be sanding the snot out of the inside skins to remove all the gouges from the ribs.