Hello Group...

I have been working on the Horizontal Stabilizer and I am at the point where it is time to skin it. I have the pre-punched kit and it seem like a jig is not necessary but I wanted to reach out to you guys to see if you can offer advice for the best way to do this. If I need to build a jig I will but I can't find anything in the plans for this and in looking on the internet I can't find anything there. I have the GeoBeck videos but the techniques he discusses seem outdated to the modern kits.

Can anyone offer advice or best practices? I have read the manual and I know I can proceed but I am sure those of you who have, "been there and done that" can offer tricks.

Does anyone have any pictures from their builds they can share?

Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Steve (reserving N902SE) Freeman
No jig is necessary, all the holes should line right up. Just make sure you plane your riveting order, you dont want to rivet in such a way that you cannot reach some of the rivets.
With the -2 matched hole kit, a jig is not necessary, but make sure you've got clecos in at least every other hole. While you don't need a jig per se, plan out how you're going to hold the stab still and vertical while you work. A little attention paid to setting up the riveting session will pay big dividends in wear and tear on both you and the HS.
HS riveting

I think the 7 & 8 HS are the same if not very similar. Follow the manual sequence.
I did build a jig for the elevators and ailerons but it was not required. If you have enough Clekos, plug every hole.
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Just figure out some way to hold it still while riveting. It?s nearly impossible to do a good job of riveting if you?re chasing your work across the bench. Here is the first of four entries in my build log on how I riveted the HS for my -7.