
Well Known Member
I just inventoried my tail kit. Since I will be moving slow on this project at first, I need to store things in the garage. My question is the skins, what is the best way to store them for say a few months? Can I put them back in the box they were shipped in or should they be stored some other fashion? The other items I have shelf space for, and the rivet, nuts, bolts etc are arranged in tackle type boxes. I should also point out that my garage is somewhat climate controlled. It is a basement garage, and the ducting for the house runs throughout the garage ceiling. Consequently the temperature stays with in about 10 degrees of what the house is, that is if I don't forget and leave the door open. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Sounds to me like "the box they came in" would be excellent if you have the room to do that. My work bench was just the right size so that the empennage box fit underneath it, and was a good place to store those kind of things for a year or more.

I left my skins in the box they came in and put them on a shelf - look in this picture above and to the left of the VS - that's the skins in the box:

Thanks on Skin Question

Thanks for the input. I was not sure about storage in the box, since Van's instructions say to unpack everything from the packing paper due to its ability to absorb moisture. I was not sure the cardboard box would be good for the skins. I too have a bench that the box should fit under.

It is all I can do not to work on this thing with every free moment, but I have a bathroom remodel to do first.
Skin storage/basement

If your basement is similar to most...you may want to consider running a de-humidifier for air quality. Most basements are on the damp side, and these inexpensive units really help dry up the air...