YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Forgive my ignorance about types of corrosion, but now that my 9A has some hours under her belt, I am starting to notice some areas on the skin that I assume are corrosion of some sort. Any advice as to best way to tackle these spots?


I plan to fly unpainted for a while, and while I'm not looking for a show quality shine, I'd like a non-splotchy appearance. I played around with some Diamond Shine today that was recommended by a hangar neighbor, and also ordered some Purple Polish. The Diamond Shine works very well on most of the skin but did little to remove the blotches shown above. I assume I need a rougher compound like one of the Nuvite products, but not sure what grade may be best.

I really didn't want to get sucked into polishing, and the few minutes I spent doing it today weren't that fun, and yet, I wanted to keep doing it for some reason...


Purple Polish Rocks

Didn't get an answer, but to follow up on this, the two-step Purple Polish system worked wonders on this spot, after a lot of work with Diamond Shine and a buffer did absolutely nothing. Wiped on the deoxider, and then light hand polish with the purple stuff and it looks good as new. I'm sold on this stuff.

Those marks looks like sweaty hand prints. I have exactly the same on my finished tanks from handling them when sweaty. Acetone won't wipe them off so I guess I need to scotchbrite or polish them off and since I am eventually painting that will be the end of it.
Those marks looks like sweaty hand prints. I have exactly the same on my finished tanks from handling them when sweaty. Acetone won't wipe them off so I guess I need to scotchbrite or polish them off and since I am eventually painting that will be the end of it.

I thought the same thing. This stuff:, along with their deoxidizer, worked wonders. No need to scotchbrite or even work very hard polishing. Removing each spot took just a few minutes.

That's exactly what it is...Sweat!! I did it to mine while building but I was going to paint mine from the start so I hit it with a little scotchbright and a light coat of rattle can self etching primer. Then when it was time to paint I used some MEK and cleaned the spray can primer off and applied the good stuff.
Slippery Slope

You must be very careful about using these polishing products. You may find that you are drawn into the world of polished airplanes. The next thing you know, your whole plane has a mirror-like finish.....

I would have suggested the two step Nuvite approach may of us Polished Vanians have adopted: F-7 for several passes with a compounding pad, F-7 for five or six passes with a cyclo polisher followed by several passes with S and the cyclo. That mirror finish is highly addictive.
BAck in my polishing days :) I used to get those sweat marks every now and then .... And they always appeared as a surprise, usually of course after I had been working on some other system or task. In hot summer, just brushing against the fuse with a sweaty T shirt was sometimes enough to leave those marks. Grrrrr. Purple Polish would reduce their obvious nature, but not make them disappear .... Only Nuvite had the ability to do that.
You must be very careful about using these polishing products. You may find that you are drawn into the world of polished airplanes. The next thing you know, your whole plane has a mirror-like finish.....

I would have suggested the two step Nuvite approach may of us Polished Vanians have adopted: F-7 for several passes with a compounding pad, F-7 for five or six passes with a cyclo polisher followed by several passes with S and the cyclo. That mirror finish is highly addictive.

Yes I can feel it happening. I guess it's partially because I can't justify the $ for paint right now, but also because I secretly kinda enjoyed the process and the results. I meant to just test the purple polish on that one area, and found myself walking all around the plane getting more and more spots. I have a number of deeper scratches/abrasions on the skin that I am going to tackle with the Nuvite next...

Yes I can feel it happening. I guess it's partially because I can't justify the $ for paint right now, but also because I secretly kinda enjoyed the process and the results. I meant to just test the purple polish on that one area, and found myself walking all around the plane getting more and more spots. I have a number of deeper scratches/abrasions on the skin that I am going to tackle with the Nuvite next...

Yep ... I remember it well.... I was there once too. :D:D: