
Well Known Member
Looking through a variety of build logs, I see some builders round the corners of their sheet metal skins, particularly ones that overlap other skins, with a significant radius. Others simply debur but leave the corners square. I failed to find any guidance from Vans in the construction manual about which way is correct. Maybe I didn't look closely enough. Is the choice to round skin corners merely cosmetic, or is there a good structural reason to do it? Or is this a religious war that I dare not start?
I very rarely leave completely square corners on any part, especially sheet metal panels, if for no other reason that they snag things - clothing, rags, hands..... If you can’t run your hand over it without fearing impalement or a cut, You should round it off or debur it some more.

How much? It’s an art!
And there is a correct method to rounding corners with a file ;)

I may be persuaded to upload.


Please consider this a plea for an upload. Always interested in basic blocking and tackling. Seems pretty basic to me, but if there's a correct method, it means that there's also an incorrect method.

Always looking to learn.
